Trying to Convert a friend from Android to 950xl


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Mar 28, 2012
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Hi all, was wondering if you knew if any app that could help him search is Android apps for possible Windows mobile apps. Would make his life easier. Thanks everyone. Jeff


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Jun 9, 2013
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Microsoft makes such an app for Android users, it's in the play store.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android


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Dec 2, 2015
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To be honest, its a waste of time. I was once an Iphone user (Jailbreaking we could say I was deep into that thing) but I got rid of it and I don't mind at all..... I don't miss it.

As for the Android, coming from the 5.1.1 I have to say I do miss some applications like :

- Canon EOS remote (which is quite handy and I would use it but no app)
- Flickr app (there is one which does not work anymore cause it hangs at logging in )
- Messenger (its a total bs, it reloads everything during opening, not real time, sometimes starts to load and notify me messages which I received hours ago)
- Facebook app... well It could be good, but its not, because It does not show all the post...not even after refresh, or in most recent mode.
- Spotify (slow as hell, loads way too much)
- Timelapse app (there is no normal app for that --- or free - I bought the timelapse pro which uploads my pictures to a server and converts the video there
- No normal 9gag app, lagging games, ( that is not necessary)
- Photos App has issues (not always deleting the pictures)
- no normal maps...(I mean comparable to google maps)
- No normal youtube apps

So to be honest, I had high hopes for the 950XL and Windows 10 M.... .I am still waiting for the 5.1 Surround recording... cause this is the only reason why I am still with the 950XL, if the HTC 10 is close enough ... I am gonna switch back....

That is only my opinion :(


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Jun 13, 2012
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Don't do it. I done with an iphone user and after 2 weeks he moved back because of the app gap. Most of people doesn't like 3rd part apps


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Dec 7, 2015
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Like Br1t said, there is an app by Microsoft in the play store - at least there was. But if your friend is using so many apps, he should maybe stay. Or get a cheap one (550 / 650) and dip a toe into the water? I love Windows on mobile and will not leave unless I must, but I do not persuade people to switch. ATM the future looks rather bleak, unfortunately.


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Office, Onedrive, Camera, Continuum. If these are not more important than apps, he/she would probably be happier with what they are accustom to. IMO


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Sep 16, 2014
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Hi all, was wondering if you knew if any app that could help him search is Android apps for possible Windows mobile apps. Would make his life easier. Thanks everyone. Jeff

My first thought before actually reading your question, good luck. After reading, like others have stated Microsoft makes an app that will find equivalents. The biggest problem here is that they have to be ready and willing to use 3rd party apps and not be able to have the latest and greatest app. They also have to understand that Google is pretty much non-existent on WM10 and they need to be ready to convert solely to Microsoft services. To me the hardest part out of all of that is the last one, getting people to even accept that Microsoft has comparable and sometimes better services than Google is nearly impossible.

So that brings me back to my original thought, good luck! For me I love my 950 XL, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. But there's a mindset that you have to be willing to work with it and if you don't have that mindset then you might as well stay on Android or iOS (for what it's worth you will never find me using Android or iOS. I would go Ubuntu if I had to but that's even worse as far as app gap goes).


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Feb 21, 2013
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Office, Onedrive, Camera, Continuum. If these are not more important than apps, he/she would probably be happier with what they are accustom to. IMO

Office, Onedrive, and Camera are all available on WM, Android, and iOS.

Continuum has limited availability even in W10M.

As long as he prefers to use superior 3rd-party apps he will be fine.

"Superior" is subjective. I prefer the 1st party apps on android and ios to the first and 3rd party apps on WP. Little things always just seem to be better. Like dictionary included in Kindle or automatically taking a picture of the check for deposits without clicking or just killer apps like Waze or Youtube.


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Office, Onedrive, and Camera are all available on WM, Android, and iOS.

Continuum has limited availability even in W10M.

Like you say "you like first party apps"....Office, Onedrive, Cortana and Continuum are Microsoft Windows' first apps. BAM!":^)

If I were an Apple guy/gal I would definitely not which, just like I am Windows guy and do not plan to switch because I need the above programs (only better). I do get pissed, really pissed ALL the time, because Business' don't provide the app time/resources to create an app for Windows OS. So I choose to not use their services unless I have to, and admittedly would jump theirs ship at the drop of a hat. But that's topic for another day.


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Jan 26, 2013
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What limitations on Continuum?

Works for me pretty damn good.
And no, I don't have the dock yet.
It is a bit slow over wireless, but that is to be expected, still works.


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Dec 2, 2015
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As I stated before, I was using it....but for a while now I cannot log just stucks at the login screen..... (I cannot even add the password)


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Oh and I am also happy with my 950XL ...from a Hardware perspective.... but I would rather have Android 6.0.1 on it....

Maybe Nokia phones will be better in the future... we will see, till that time I will stick to my 950Xl and a htc 10 is also on its way :)

I will make a comparison :)


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Nov 21, 2012
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To be honest, its a waste of time. I was once an Iphone user (Jailbreaking we could say I was deep into that thing) but I got rid of it and I don't mind at all..... I don't miss it.

As for the Android, coming from the 5.1.1 I have to say I do miss some applications like :

- Canon EOS remote (which is quite handy and I would use it but no app)
- Flickr app (there is one which does not work anymore cause it hangs at logging in )
- Messenger (its a total bs, it reloads everything during opening, not real time, sometimes starts to load and notify me messages which I received hours ago)
- Facebook app... well It could be good, but its not, because It does not show all the post...not even after refresh, or in most recent mode.
- Spotify (slow as hell, loads way too much)
- Timelapse app (there is no normal app for that --- or free - I bought the timelapse pro which uploads my pictures to a server and converts the video there
- No normal 9gag app, lagging games, ( that is not necessary)
- Photos App has issues (not always deleting the pictures)
- no normal maps...(I mean comparable to google maps)
- No normal youtube apps

So to be honest, I had high hopes for the 950XL and Windows 10 M.... .I am still waiting for the 5.1 Surround recording... cause this is the only reason why I am still with the 950XL, if the HTC 10 is close enough ... I am gonna switch back....

That is only my opinion :(

Maps in W10M with first class offline capability is more normal to me. :)

And what do you mean "no normal youtube apps?" What's wrong with myTube, Tubecast, MetroTube, etc.? Many folks commented they like these over Google's YouTube app on Android.


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There is an app but it's not kept up to date and the third party solutions aren't all listed. Some of the best ones don't even show up as alternatives.

The easiest thing he can do is just buy the thing and then return it before the return policy runs out if he doesn't like it. That's the best part about the return policies, people can actually try stuff.


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Sep 2, 2014
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To be honest, its a waste of time. I was once an Iphone user (Jailbreaking we could say I was deep into that thing) but I got rid of it and I don't mind at all..... I don't miss it.

As for the Android, coming from the 5.1.1 I have to say I do miss some applications like :

- Canon EOS remote (which is quite handy and I would use it but no app)
- Flickr app (there is one which does not work anymore cause it hangs at logging in )
- Messenger (its a total bs, it reloads everything during opening, not real time, sometimes starts to load and notify me messages which I received hours ago)
- Facebook app... well It could be good, but its not, because It does not show all the post...not even after refresh, or in most recent mode.
- Spotify (slow as hell, loads way too much)
- Timelapse app (there is no normal app for that --- or free - I bought the timelapse pro which uploads my pictures to a server and converts the video there
- No normal 9gag app, lagging games, ( that is not necessary)
- Photos App has issues (not always deleting the pictures)
- no normal maps...(I mean comparable to google maps)
- No normal youtube apps

So to be honest, I had high hopes for the 950XL and Windows 10 M.... .I am still waiting for the 5.1 Surround recording... cause this is the only reason why I am still with the 950XL, if the HTC 10 is close enough ... I am gonna switch back....

That is only my opinion :(

It's hit or miss I find. Apps not being there is one thing. But you reporting lagging and things like that doesn't seem to affect everyone. And that's the problem with windows 10 right now. You don't know if you will be one of the lucky or not.

Like lagging in games? Seriously? This puppy can run games both in continuum and on my phone at the same time with no lag. I'm talking asphalt 8 on my phone while I play world of tanks or anything else on continuum.

Messenger reload which one? The beta? I don't seem to be affected.
Facebook, definitely has issues with posts but it's not the official app. Probably better to just use the webpage.

Also depends what version of the software you are running. I'm on redstone and while I don't suffer some of the issues you mention I do get random app crashes.

As for spotify I can't say because I use Deezer and that has a great windows 10 app. There is no windows 10 app for spotify, it's just the old 8.0 app running in backwards compatibility.

And maps app is great now, very comparable to google maps if not better. I have had google give me completely wrong directions while MS maps was fine.

I have android/ios and windows 10. Windows 10 is the best OS in my opinion even though it needs a lot of work for everyone to be able to use it without issues. Apps are not the greatest no doubt but it has what I need. I'm one of the lucky ones that has their bank app and a bunch of other stuff. But honestly I use the desktop bank up way more.

It still has a long way to go and that's probably why MS is waiting for redstone 2 to release their new phone. In the meantime you're going to be enjoying the fun developer cycle as they try to squash all bugs and optimize. Redstone is starting to show a bit more maturity. I hope we will be getting more builds and more often with as many optimizations and bug fixes. I hope that they can get it to a point where there isn't that inconsistency between users. You know 1 user has everything running great, another has nothing but problems. It just doesn't make sense, especially if the same hardware is involved.


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Nov 30, 2015
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I jumped on Windows Phone, starting with the L920 (because I needed a good pocket camera, and Onenote) - stayed their until the 950XL (with some strong temptations along the way: 1020 & 1520).

I do ALL my currency transactions on my Desktop (don't trust any phone - won't even sign-in to amazon on my phone).
as far as apps: I don't do games on my phone (use Xbox and BIG screen with Surround Sound); don't buy anything over the phone; have my own collection of music on my phone (download from the PC); ALL the apps I really use are: Utilitarian; Business; Knowledge; and Directional (and I can assure you, it is quite easy for me to find an app that is more Productive, Actuate, Knowledgeable, that doesn't get lost as fast, then me.

So, being productive on the go: email, phone, notepad, NETFLIX:), Office (mostly excel and onenote), CAMERA/VIDEO, Pics library, Calendar, Contacts (well, you get the message), for I prefer to do serious computing while I sit at the Desktop I built, with 3 LARGE very High-res screens. Don't get me wrong, I have 5 screen pages of apps on my phone, but most I can't remember what they do?

The MAIN thing with APPS for me is that Business' don't produce apps across the board: IOS, Android AND "WINDOWS"! and I always say a little prayer that they go out of business when they don't:) - to me that is parallel too not selling something to a guy/gal because of color (provide for one, provide for all, period!).

Sorry for my rambles, but two more things:

1.) I think all-in-all, Windows 10 is doing a friggin remarkable job with all they have undertaken.

Again, sorry for the length (and any, and all errors) of this ramble.

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