Why *haven't* you bought a Lumia 950?


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Dec 31, 2012
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I haven't bought a 950 because I want a 950XL.
Why haven't I bought a 950XL? Because the version sold in the US is dual SIM and doesn't work 100% with US carriers. I.e. no VVM.
While I could get the international single SIM version, that has no warranty in the US, so I'm waiting for the US stores to sell an XL that works with US carriers.


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Feb 25, 2012
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I'm not considering 950 because of three reasons. The first: I bought 930 last spring (less than a year ago), and 950 is not so much an improvement over 2 years old 930.
The second: I will never use continuum for work, because i can't imagine working without a pen, also don't have any tv or large monitor - surface 3 is my only "pc".
And the last one: 950 doesn't feel like a high-end phone after 930. Took 950 and 640 in hands at the store and couldn't tell the difference nor visually, nor how it feels in hand.


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Jul 9, 2015
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Simple answer: It's not available on my carrier (Verizon). If it was I'd have two already, one for me and one for my son. I've wanted one since they were first announced but after finding out that Verizon was not going to carry them or allow them to connect to their service it's left quite a bad taste in my mouth. Why anyone would announce a flagship phone but not have carrier backing in place I have no idea.


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Jun 29, 2011
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Need Wifi Calling on T-Mobile. That, and only that, will prevent me from getting one.

I need wifi calling through Tmobile.

You can get the equivalent of WiFi calling on TMO by getting one of their WiFi/microcell routers. You'd have to put something like a $25 deposit, but if you go into the store, it's possible to score one without putting any money upfront. Give it a go.
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Aug 30, 2015
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I am from Canada. There are no carriers selling this phone. The Microsoft store has been sold out since Day One. I could pick one up through Expansys for $50 more, making a phone priced $150 dollars more than it should be $200 dollars more than it should be. I will buy one when the Microsoft store gets them back in stock.


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Sep 28, 2011
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I had a Lumia 1020 on AT&T before my contract expired. I moved to Verizon because a) the service is way better in my area, b) I could no longer sustain the cost of the AT&T plan when I became a single parent, and c) a friend of mine allowed me to join their plan to help me save a lot of money without sacrificing the necessity of my phone. When I made the switch I got a Lumia 928, which I actually loved a lot. I was sitting on a upgrade for about six months in hopes that the 950's would be released on Verizon. Around the time that we were finding out that it wasn't going to show up there, my phone vibrated right off of the kitchen counter and the screen spider-webbed, despite my Trident Case.

I had to replace it. I fought with Verizon for two days. They no longer had more 928's to replace it with and wouldn't let me choose the three other Windows phones because they "weren't comparable models". I asked them if I could do an upgrade instead and after going back and forth with them longer still, they said that I could but none of those would be considered upgrades either. They were basically pidgin-holing me into by either a new iPhone or an Android.

Basically, I can't get a 950 because I can't afford to leave Verizon. If I could, I would have had one at launch. I ended up settling for a Galaxy S6. I use it, but I don't love it. I've had Windows Phones since I had an unlocked HTC HD7 on T-Mobile.


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Aug 16, 2012
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(a) Waiting until W10M is properly released and is more stable
(b) Expecting the price to drop soon (or simply consider it to be too expensive?)
(c) Hoping for a 1020 style version
(d) Expecting the Surface Phone to be out quite soon

Or anything else?

(a+b) $550-650 is way too much for a phone running a still too-unfinished OS.

Gregory Newman

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Jun 27, 2014
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I would buy one but I am a Verizon Windows smart phone customer. Maybe Microsoft and Verizon will make a deal and have a Verizon net capable Windows Flagship smart phone for us loyal Verizon Windows smart phones fans
like myself. God help us we are being shafted


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Aug 15, 2007
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My M8 running WP10 is working perfectly fine so why buy anything else. I will leave Verizon once I need a new phone.


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Sep 19, 2015
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My Honest Opinion : I would consider myself biggest fan of microsoft and see only they are marching in the right direction with one OS core/Continuum etc. As much as I would love to buy the lumia 950xl, I decided never to buy windows phone again [ owned few before ] until :

They give option to have a desktop like home screen. Tile home page is fine but just 2 vertical sliding screens [ tile + all apps ] to me is so limiting and not smart. Even least customizable apple you can sliding through your home page if more apps. I for one spend more time just browsoing hoem screen, widgets and so like androids way of implementation/. Android way is nothing more than windows desktop OS with multiple desktops.

So until and unless they provide a option or choice for users to default home screen to not be tiles only but with icons [ squares are not icons ] in place you like and add widgets or interactive live tiles.. Not BUYING.

I wish you can measure user's pulse with a poll how many like tiles only screen and all apps screen.

PS Apps problem is huge too, but i can manage with IE or worst case even ready to carry a second android phone that i can connect with my windows phone's hotspot.

Not sure have this sentiment but yup no to WP until option to kick or hide tile screen away

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