Nokia and Microsoft really f-ing blew it.


Mar 31, 2012
Here we are two days before black Friday and Amazon is out of stock, ATT online is out of could they miscalculate demand so badly? There will be no second chances...everyone will be walking out of stores with craptacular can already see it on the Amazon bestsellers soon as the 920 went to backorder it started falling off the list and the SGIII replaced it.

Sickening and have people WANTING to give you money and you have no product to offer.
I think there were several mistakes made. Underestimating demand and lack of coordination being the major ones. I also think they should have shipped phones on the same day Windows Phone 8 was announced. And try getting any wireless charging device for the Nokia (only one of the several they announced has shipped at all and none are available in stores). And they seem to be just getting around to shipping the yellow phones (not that I would want one, but some people do). They do seem to be shooting themselves in the foot right now. They can probably recover, but it is going to cost a lot of advertising dollars and a lot of time just to get back to where they should be by the end of this week.

For every sale they miss now, they have to wait until the next phone upgrade date (at least one year) to have another opportunity to sell a windows phone.
It's possible Nokia does not have capacity to manufacture the quantity needed that quickly. Parts might not be available either.
they seem to have no problem pumping out gajillion Asha phones. Whatever the reason, it points to the fact that Nokia is not able to handle big product launches on the scale of Apple or Samsung and they will always be small fry.
Msft screwed up by taking way too much time to RTM WP8. The last official announcement was stupid and not necessary because we didn't see anything new. Nokia screwed up by once again underestimating demand. I don't even want to talk how AT&T screwed up. I guess part of the reason why Nokia screwed up is because AT&T didn't order enough phones. But I mainly blame Microsoft for another ****ed up launch of WP. Walk into any Microsoft Store and you will understand why. All WP devices are hidden somewhere in the corner and the entire store is filled with Surface.
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I feel your pain, but owning the phone (lucky banana style) I can say it's worth the wait. iPhone 5s still have a two week wait after ordering. I for one am just happy they've created a product that people are clamoring for. This is a positive sign, but very frustrating I concur.
WP8 was RTM in mid-Sept. That left Nokia with over a month to build phones. They flat out underestimated demand. You're stretching pretty hard to blame Microsoft.

I think there is equal blame to go around. RTM might have been mid september, and Nokia could have even had units available for a soft launch, but Microsoft clearly coordinated the WP8 launch to occur after W8 which pushed buying decisions up against a frantic holiday season. Had they got phones out sooner to early adopters when they were available supply and demand could have been more spread out. now you have early adopters competing with casual buyers who don't have a hat in the ring. They will just go buy something else now that is AVAILABLE.
Bottom line is the consumer doesn't care who is to blame just that the product isn't available. If its not available they move on. That simple.
It almost seems like MS wants to fail. The focus was all W8 and oh ya, we have this mobile thing too but we can't get our sh** together and give you any correct info. They just threw it out and hoped something stuck. I don't blame Nokia for any of it. They are itching to get phones out and MS and mobile retailers can't pull their collective heads out of their a** long enough to find a compete thought. This should be added to the "epic fail" of MS. Somebody needs to explain "strike while the iron is hot" to MS. They will never get the market share to compete at this rate. It wouldn't surprise me to see BB10 get the #3 slot back in February.
It almost seems like MS wants to fail. The focus was all W8 and oh ya, we have this mobile thing too but we can't get our sh** together and give you any correct info. They just threw it out and hoped something stuck. I don't blame Nokia for any of it. They are itching to get phones out and MS and mobile retailers can't pull their collective heads out of their a** long enough to find a compete thought. This should be added to the "epic fail" of MS. Somebody needs to explain "strike while the iron is hot" to MS. They will never get the market share to compete at this rate. It wouldn't surprise me to see BB10 get the #3 slot back in February.
It sounds like Microsoft did get it.

Steven Sinofsky was let go for that reason. Steve Ballmer sacked Sinofsky to clear the way for swifter progress in mobile |
I can see blaming the mate start on MS, but what about current supply issues? Surely you aren't implying MS has anything to do with it?
It sounds like Microsoft did get it.

Steven Sinofsky was let go for that reason. Steve Ballmer sacked Sinofsky to clear the way for swifter progress in mobile |

Oh BS, if I had a dollar for every blame article I've seen on him I could retire and buy a house next to him. He was the ONLY guy there unifying everything in a cohesive fashion. g/l with that now, everyone is going to go happily skipping back to their tribes and doing things the way they were in 2010.
Oh BS, if I had a dollar for every blame article I've seen on him I could retire and buy a house next to him. He was the ONLY guy there unifying everything in a cohesive fashion. g/l with that now, everyone is going to go happily skipping back to their tribes and doing things the way they were in 2010.

Why Steven Sinofsky is out at Microsoft | Ars Technica
This leads to the most plausible reason for Sinofsky's departure: a difficulty working with others. Ballmer's e-mail announcing Sinofsky's departure praises Larson-Green's "proven ability to effectively collaborate and drive a cross company agenda" as if to emphasize the importance of collaboration and working with the entire company, not merely the Windows division.

It only took 20 years but Microsoft has recognized Steven Sinofsky was not a “team player” – Windows President exits Microsoft | Geek Slop
In a move strikingly similar to Apple’s recent departure of Scott Forstall, Steven Sinofsky, President of Windows and Windows Live Division, is leaving Microsoft reportedly for “his failure to be a team player”.

Sources inside Microsoft say a clash of personalities led to Sinofsky's departure | The Verge
As with Scott Forstall at Apple, Sinofsky built walls between teams and battled executives

New Microsoft mantra after Sinofsky: Teamwork - Yahoo! News
His hard-charging but methodical style, which took on the name "Sinofskyization," alienated other groups in the company, especially the Office unit, the other financial pillar of Microsoft's success.

"Steven is a brilliant guy who made tremendous contributions to Microsoft," said Silverberg. "But he was also a polarizing guy and the antibodies ultimately caught up with him."

The decision not to share the latest internal test versions of Windows 8 and keep the Surface tablet a secret until just before its announcement especially upset the Office group, which insiders say accounts for the lack of a fully featured Office suite on the Surface RT tablet.


Seriously, I don't know where you get this stuff from sometimes. Just about every article about the man suggests that he was not a team player and not doing a good job of unifying the divisions.
ah yes, cite more character assassination articles....leaders don't ask for direction, they provide it.
Oh BS, if I had a dollar for every blame article I've seen on him I could retire and buy a house next to him. He was the ONLY guy there unifying everything in a cohesive fashion. g/l with that now, everyone is going to go happily skipping back to their tribes and doing things the way they were in 2010.


Why Steven Sinofsky is out at Microsoft | Ars Technica
This leads to the most plausible reason for Sinofsky's departure: a difficulty working with others. Ballmer's e-mail announcing Sinofsky's departure praises Larson-Green's "proven ability to effectively collaborate and drive a cross company agenda" as if to emphasize the importance of collaboration and working with the entire company, not merely the Windows division.

It only took 20 years but Microsoft has recognized Steven Sinofsky was not a ?team player? ? Windows President exits Microsoft | Geek Slop
In a move strikingly similar to Apple?s recent departure of Scott Forstall, Steven Sinofsky, President of Windows and Windows Live Division, is leaving Microsoft reportedly for ?his failure to be a team player?.

Sources inside Microsoft say a clash of personalities led to Sinofsky's departure | The Verge
As with Scott Forstall at Apple, Sinofsky built walls between teams and battled executives

New Microsoft mantra after Sinofsky: Teamwork - Yahoo! News
His hard-charging but methodical style, which took on the name "Sinofskyization," alienated other groups in the company, especially the Office unit, the other financial pillar of Microsoft's success.

"Steven is a brilliant guy who made tremendous contributions to Microsoft," said Silverberg. "But he was also a polarizing guy and the antibodies ultimately caught up with him."

The decision not to share the latest internal test versions of Windows 8 and keep the Surface tablet a secret until just before its announcement especially upset the Office group, which insiders say accounts for the lack of a fully featured Office suite on the Surface RT tablet.


Seriously, I don't know where you get this stuff from sometimes. Just about every article about the man suggests that he was not a team player and not doing a good job of unifying the divisions.

Damn, there's 4 dollars right there. Good start!

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