First Visit to a Microsoft Store (Grand Opening). Share some pics we took.

Oct 23, 2013
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Figured I would share some photos of the Metarie (New Orleans) Lakeside Mall Microsoft Store grand opening. Been waiting a few years to be close to a Microsoft Store and was pretty excited and didn't really know what to expect and I was really wowed.

Every employee from manager to associate of the store, I was really impressed as they made sure to introduce themselves and spend time talking to everyone they could speak with in the lines. Was a much better atmosphere than what I have seen at the Apple Store (went one time with sister when iPhone 6 came out and admittedly, I stood outside store and refused to go in).

Crowd started with only a hundred people or so but wound up in the thousands by opening time. Couldn't get pics of everything and everyone but here are some.

There were several local and state official types but blah, they're politicians so no mention but 2 to mention below. In the Chair is Steve Gleason, former NFL Saints player (GO SAINTS!!!! WHO DAT NATION!!!!) who has ALS and founder of Team Gleason and woman in red is Terri Jordan, Microsoft Retail Vice President.


My daughter drawing in Fresh Paint on a large touchscreen


My wife and daughter with Shaq (Shaquille O'neal for those not familiar with basketball here in the US)


He tickled and goofed with my daughter and admitted to her that he collects everything with ducks on it when he saw her little stuffed duck she was carrying which pleased her very much as she actually collects rubber ducks and has over 150 of them. Very down to earth guy and HUGGGGE!

I won a $10.00 gift card and a Toshiba Encore 8" tablet. My little girl won a $100.00 gift card. Wife won a $500.00 gift card, only one they gave out and this is what we wound up without spending a dime. It was $%^$%&#* AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

You can see the 2 3month Xbox live cards. Wanted 12 month but wife had to have that $15.00 card for apps for her phone, grrrrrr, so I had to settle for those which came with an extra month on each so I have 8 months at least to extend it.
Oct 23, 2013
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Shaq was there???

Cool pics and thread!

The first 200 in line got to meet him the next day for a private party so wife and daughter got to go. Was supposed to play Xbox with him but media showed up with everyone in their family and took too much time so they only got to talk to him for a minute and take a pic.

Was a pretty awesome experience all in all but one thing I will say, they need to educate some of their associates better. Asked for a Wacom Bamboo tablet to hook to my laptop and guy tried to sale me a Surface cause he didn't know what a Wacom was. Poor guy.


Ambassador Team Leader
Nov 4, 2013
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I used to live there. :)

When I was taking electronics training in Biloxi (circa 1975) my landlord lived in Metarie.
He would drive all the way over once a month to collect rent.
Bad thing was he'd show up with a bottle of Old Crow and we'd have a few highballs and cruise highway 90.
I truly miss that old of the best people I've ever known.
(off topic...oops)


Nov 4, 2014
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Wow. Well done indeed. I loved your article for a number of reasons. Personally I live in London, uk and am always fascinated by how the American people are so seeing pics like this really brings a smile to my face. And great to see you and your family picked up a few freebies too. One thing I wanted to ask (slightly off topic) is the guy in the wheel chair. You said he has ALS. is that anklyosing spondilitis? Only asking as I have that (and sclerosis) and was just curious. Anyway..... Well done once again. Its nice to read this kind of stories once in a while. Makes a nice change from all the moaning we get in here lol

Scienceguy Labs

Active member
Jun 13, 2012
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When I was taking electronics training in Biloxi (circa 1975) my landlord lived in Metarie.
He would drive all the way over once a month to collect rent.
Bad thing was he'd show up with a bottle of Old Crow and we'd have a few highballs and cruise highway 90.
I truly miss that old of the best people I've ever known.
(off topic...oops)

That's pretty cool. Was it really a bad thing that he'd show up with booze??? lol ;)

My roommate from college (NLU in Monroe, Louisiana) and I moved to New Orleans in the mid 90's thinking that our band was going to hit the big time down there. Had fun playing music there, but mostly found ourselves doing what lots of mid 20 year olds do best there....turning into old coots with alcohol tolerance levels of elephants. ha ha :)
Oct 23, 2013
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Wow. Well done indeed. I loved your article for a number of reasons. Personally I live in London, uk and am always fascinated by how the American people are so seeing pics like this really brings a smile to my face. And great to see you and your family picked up a few freebies too. One thing I wanted to ask (slightly off topic) is the guy in the wheel chair. You said he has ALS. is that anklyosing spondilitis? Only asking as I have that (and sclerosis) and was just curious. Anyway..... Well done once again. Its nice to read this kind of stories once in a while. Makes a nice change from all the moaning we get in here lol

It's Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known here as Lou Gehrig's Disease. If you want to see a bit more about him, the chair he is in, Microsoft developed the software for the Surface tablet mounted to it. It's pretty awesome. There are a few videos you can find on the interwebs like this one MICROSOFT "Steve Gleason" on Vimeo

Thanks and yea, I've almost had enough of the amount of whining, moaning, groaning and crying lately. Can't even read a daily post without some (child, and I use that for kids and grown alike) flooding everything with useless nonsense.

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