Help with digital textbooks


New member
Dec 10, 2008
So I'm finally going back to school to change careers this June and I decided I should give digital textbooks a try. So it seems my school uses cafescribe formats and I was wondering if there was a compatible app in the Store for the RT (I couldn't find any)? I was also wondering what are the benefits (besides the obvious "I don't have to carry around a heavy book") of going digital? If I rent, can I read these offline or do I need an internet connection just to access?
I never heard of cafescribe before. From their site FAQ, it says: Q: Can I download my books to my mobile device? A: No. CafeScribe digital textbooks are streamed to your mobile device over the internet; therefore, an internet connection is needed to utilize the CafeScribe Mobile web app.

Q: Can I use the CafeScribe Mobile web app on my Windows or MAC laptop/desktop computer? A: We recommend that you use the online CafeScribe Reader ( if you are looking to access your books on a laptop/desktop computer for the best possible experience on these devices. The CafeScribe Mobile web app was designed for use on Apple iOS and Android mobile devices.
I guess I'm sticking with the traditional then. Thanks for looking that up for me. :)
you should try going digital it helps a lot, you don't have to carry bulky books, its easy to study then, you must invest for your education, besides its for your own good also, just helping ,, thanks!

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