Someone needs to call out certain Japanese devs/pubs on their obvious bias against the West

May 7, 2023
I'd really like to see someone run a story on the obvious bias of the Earth Defense Force devs/publishers against Xbox and the west in general. As someone who's completed every Earth Defense Force game for every region on both PS and Xbox(360), I think it's way past time we started questioning some things. We all know Xbox Series, PS5, and PC are the same core architecture now. It's never been easier to port between platforms and offer digital only releases. They can't possibly lose money on it in the west regardless of how Japan feels about Xbox.

Yet, the recent EDF games keep going to PS, PC and sometimes Switch while leaving out Xbox. I'm wondering if Namco had something to do with this, because I think they acquired D3Publisher around the same time the games stopped coming to Xbox. Furthermore, Yukes has been releasing everything they did the past 20 years multi-plat (including the AEW game last year)....but NOT their EDF spin off games (World Brothers, Iron Rain). WHY??? WHO is telling Yukes to keep them off Xbox??? Sandlot? D3Publisher? Namco? We deserve answers.

Sandlot clearly displays xenophobia/racism/bias against the west by segregating the Japanese version of the game from the rest of the world on PS4/5/Vita. Everyone plays together on the "worldwide" release EXCEPT Japan. They have separate servers, separate lobby list for only their version of the game. They never patch the new languages into the Japanese store version of the games. They never allow those of us who buy the game twice to import our saves from the Japan version when we get the game in English. They're even porting the Japanese versions of older games to Switch in spite of the fact those games have been released in English multiple times before (EDF2, EDF3 aka 2017, EDF 4.1).

They also Arbitrarily hold back DLC on the western releases. We wait a year and a half for the English translation. It's built into the English release on PS4/5 and PC. The PC hackers unlocked it day one last time (EDF5), and SaveWizard proved it was there on PS4. They wait until the DLC is out in Japan to even begin translation. Earth Defense Force 6 coming this spring will be the same. I've already completed the Japanese release. I don't want to go back to being limited to main game weapons and missions for months just because some clown at the dev/publisher doesn't like revealing too much content day one in the west. It only takes me like 2 weeks to 100% the game (see PSNProfiles leaderboard). I'm bored before DLC on anything releases. Capcom used to get roasted hard for on-disc DLC, but nobody says a word about these mainline EDF games doing it. Half of us couldn't give a **** less about the story. It's all about the missions/gameplay. The DLC has better weapons and better farming missions. I pay for it day one on both copies (Deluxe Edition).
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There's plenty of games that don't hit Xbox promptly or ever. Yes it stinks, but this is far from the only ones.
Money talks... if people in the West stop giving the companies their money, they will move fast to change.
i really doubt the issue here is xenophobia... it's simple economics. it might be a cool game for microsoft to step in and throw a game pass bag at to help support the devs bring better support across the pond. EDF is a great franchise and ones ive enjoyed in the past but you have to admit it's not exactly huge in the west to start with -- that could be on the devs for not supporting their games better over here, but xenophobia is a reach imo.
i really doubt the issue here is xenophobia... it's simple economics. it might be a cool game for microsoft to step in and throw a game pass bag at to help support the devs bring better support across the pond. EDF is a great franchise and ones ive enjoyed in the past but you have to admit it's not exactly huge in the west to start with -- that could be on the devs for not supporting their games better over here, but xenophobia is a reach imo.
Explain Yukes then. Literally everything they've done for nearly 20 years have been full multi-plat EXCEPT their EDF spin offs. Clearly, D3Publisher (or Namco) is telling them NOT to port it even though they could've easily done it with the other platforms. We haven't had an EDF on Xbox in over 10 years. It's literally the only reason I buy PS consoles. I hate their 1st party ****.

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