white or yellow?


New member
Oct 23, 2013
which one do you think looks better? A yellow 1520 or a white 1520. I always wanted the yellow casing. but the white looks a lot more professional and more pleasing. what do you think guys?
which one do you think looks better? A yellow 1520 or a white 1520. I always wanted the yellow casing. but the white looks a lot more professional and more pleasing. what do you think guys?

Sorry, red is the best ... even I am an owner of black one (red was not available a month ago) ...
well i ditched red because it was glossy. i prefer matte. unless there is a better reason i might reconsider. the matte vs glossy is a never ending debate.
I have to say, I bought a yellow one around a week ago and I have no regrets. The colour and finish are both fantastic
which one do you think looks better? A yellow 1520 or a white 1520. I always wanted the yellow casing. but the white looks a lot more professional and more pleasing. what do you think guys?
For the 1020 that I owned briefly, I had yellow and really liked it. When I bought a 1520 I decided that holding that large a block of yellow plastic to my head would be terribly conspicuous. Sitting on a desk or a table during a meeting, it would be fine, held up, it would be screaming "look at me." I bought a white 1520.
The white does feel a little more professional in my day to day needs. Yellow is just asking for attention. Though I don't mind vibrant color, but I want the best of two the worlds.
Does the matte coatings degrade with time? What is your experience with older Nokia devices?
I got the white one but didn't really think too much about it seeing as its now covered in a protective case.
I don't like the yellow one to be honest.
I got the red one and looks amazing.
Yellow or red both definitely stick out above all other phones.
All reactions i got where positive and everyone so far like it's red.

It's easy to find, and looks classy as hell.
I have white 1520 and simply beautiful. Though I want Yellow since 920, but I am settled with this. With its matte finish, you can live with it without casing.
I'll go with white although I really have tried so many times to go a different route for colors but I keep going back to black. Bit between the two choices you gave, I'll go for white

Sent from my Lumia 1520 using Tapatalk
For me personally Matt is more important than color. And since both Yellow and White comes in matt, you can't go wrong with either one :P
Since I can't go back to just black or white after having a red 920, and wanting a change from that, I went with yellow. Being matte as opposed to glossy helps.

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