WP 7.8 on Lumia 800 - Bluetooth file transfer?


New member
Jan 3, 2012
Just a quick question: Wasn't bluetooth file transfer supposed to be added to WP 7.8 on Nokia WP phones? I could swear that was given to us by Nokia a few months ago somewhere.

Updated my wife's Lumia 800 yesterday, and looked for the option by trying to share a photo (with BT turned on), but not such option.

Have I missed something?

It is not added by default on 7.8 ROMs in some countries and so does other WP 7.8 Nokia feature, Ringtone Maker. However, you can always download both apps manually. Bluetooth share: Bluetooth Share | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Ringtone Maker: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/ringtone-maker/dae4700e-6eeb-43b1-b48d-aee18b46fddc

Remember to open links via phone browser or directly try to find them in Marketplace by searching but there are some issues with Marketplace search for these new apps.

It is not added by default on 7.8 ROMs in some countries and so does other WP 7.8 Nokia feature, Ringtone Maker. However, you can always download both apps manually. Bluetooth share: Bluetooth Share | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Ringtone Maker: Ringtone maker | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)

Remember to open links via phone browser or directly try to find them in Marketplace by searching but there are some issues with Marketplace search for these new apps.

Thank you very much, much obliged!

I'm sure I read about that somewhere else, but totally forgot. Been too concerned with getting Portico for my 920 I suppose....

Thank you very much, much obliged!

I'm sure I read about that somewhere else, but totally forgot. Been too concerned with getting Portico for my 920 I suppose....

dude, its funny:) I also own a lumia 920 and my wife got a 800. :) I was also SO concerned with going for Portico update. I eventually went for it few days ago but hmm..i wish I hadn't. The back light is acting kina wierd, had no problem before Portico . well..whats the point of all these updates when they fix something and break other things

After the last update of 7.8 I can't use and can't install on my phone the Bluetooth app (it's say that the app it's not compatible with the phone!!!!!!! oh realyy?!) :( and it's suck if I like to share some photos with my friends... They like the phone (a Lumia 800) but when they hear that I can't share photos via Bluetooth it was an big boooo from all. So it's another method to make the damn bluethoot work and share some photos?? :unhappysweat:

After the last update of 7.8 I can't use and can't install on my phone the Bluetooth app (it's say that the app it's not compatible with the phone!!!!!!! oh realyy?!) :( and it's suck if I like to share some photos with my friends... They like the phone (a Lumia 800) but when they hear that I can't share photos via Bluetooth it was an big boooo from all. So it's another method to make the damn bluethoot work and share some photos?? :unhappysweat:

Use Photobeamer to share photos with any phone or computer or tablet with the ability to open web pages. There is also Flick+ Share to share photos with your iPhone fan boys. You dont require bluetooth to use these apps. Try Photobeamer as it can be used with any device capable of opening a webpage and does not requires it to be installed on the target device. It is too cool and convenient and your friends will envy you for your phones ability to share photos so easily.

Thanks for your time and help! But with Photobeamer the other phone must be connected to the Internet to connect and get the photos via Photobeamer.com (I think), and it's suck because in my country the Internet connection on phone it's expensive and from 10 peoples (to say) only 2 have Internet on phone... so the app it's interesting but not good :( That's why I'm searching this app to share photos via Bluetooth, and I just don't get it why the heck Nokia & MS release such a nice phone (Lumia 800) without this app or the possibilities to share over Bluetooth?!? So... my only hope it's that Nokia will release a new version sometime in a near future!

Bluetooth app from Nokia is working perfectly fine for me on lumia 800 with 7.8. Did you get the Nokia update after the wp7.8 update ? If not, then you cannot install the app and cannot use it.

The phone came with 7.8 installed, and after 3 weeks I updated the last version of 7.8 via Zune, and when I'm going to the windows store in Nokia Bluetooth Share I get the message that "This app is not available for your phone." ?!#@$@$ bippp and the OS version it's 7.10.8862.144 and I search over the Internet and I see that many other peoples have the same problem and I truly think that the problem it's the Nokia Bluetooth Share app...
Bluetooth app from Nokia is working perfectly fine for me on lumia 800 with 7.8. Did you get the Nokia update after the wp7.8 update ? If not, then you cannot install the app and cannot use it.


I am Pradeep. I am using Lumia 800 Phone 7.8 with OS version 7.10.8860.142 updated on yesterday. Even though i was not able to install Bluetooth Share app in my mobile after trying all the above steps, it says"This app is not available for your phone." So could anyone from Microsoft or who had used the same device will help me to sort out from this issue. Thanks.

it all depends on which region you bought your phone. for example, phones purchased from US dont have the bluetooth OPP profile. Though phones purchased in india had this and hence bluetooth share app worked fine,. so you need to check where you bought,.

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