Interesting conversation with at&t rep


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Sep 6, 2011
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Stopped in at local at&t store yesterday, and noticed that rep was using the new Lumia. Asked him what he thought, and he said "I can't wait to get my iPhone back". Turns out that at&t has required at least some of their reps to swap corporate handsets for the launch; the iPhones are locked up, and reps must use the Lumia for a couple of weeks instead. He then went on to describe his experience in detail: not an all-out hater, but a very thorough and thoughtful critique: a mix of things he liked and things he thought could be improved (he would be at home in the early-adopter user forums here). He was giving it a fair shot, with open mind.

He said he had sent a long list of bugs, etc to Nokia; including many that he felt were software bugs, fixable with update. Of course, he had not heard anything back from them. It's too bad - Nokia could really court the sales reps by partnering with them rather than ignoring the time they take to give feedback. When a rep can tell a customer about how responsive the manufacturer is, that goes a long way. To be unable to say that goes a long way as well, just not in the right direction. It's also unfortunate to see yet another release of what will likely be a buggy phone - a bit undercooked and not quite ready for the spotlight.


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Apr 3, 2012
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Me too, so far it does just sound like bias. If there is no reason behind his claims there is no argument here. The bugs are probably that it isn't iOS. It works differently and people don't want to accept it, sometimes they aren't bugs when people say they are.


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Feb 29, 2012
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I have the phone for a day now, and I really haven't noticed any breaking bugs, or any bugs at all for that matter. Skype is a little annoying to use but it's in beta.. I have great call quality and I went out into the boonies with my phone yesterday and still had 4g. I couldn't even get 3g with my sprint phone!!!

So far I am really loving this phone and it's so fast! I have not noticed any scrolling problems or lag at all!!

The only problem I am having right now is signing into the ATT mywireless app. It errors out every time, and I am going to have to complain to ATT about that, but that's ATT's fault..


Dave Blake

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Jan 11, 2008
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I think your rep is showing his iPhone bias here. What he is calling bugs is most likely limitations of the OS. Things built in to enhance the user experience rather. If you could produce a list of what he is calling bugs they could be addressed. I find much fault with IOS things I am not willing to accept about the platform but I wouldn't call them bugs they are just differences than I am not willing to live with.

As to why his "bug" list isn't getting attention is as reported above. Why would Nokia address his complaints when they are part of a feature set that he is not willing to accept.


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Mar 10, 2012
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Stopped in at local at&t store yesterday, and noticed that rep was using the new Lumia. Asked him what he thought, and he said "I can't wait to get my iPhone back". Turns out that at&t has required at least some of their reps to swap corporate handsets for the launch; the iPhones are locked up, and reps must use the Lumia for a couple of weeks instead. He then went on to describe his experience in detail: not an all-out hater, but a very thorough and thoughtful critique: a mix of things he liked and things he thought could be improved (he would be at home in the early-adopter user forums here). He was giving it a fair shot, with open mind.

He said he had sent a long list of bugs, etc to Nokia; including many that he felt were software bugs, fixable with update. Of course, he had not heard anything back from them. It's too bad - Nokia could really court the sales reps by partnering with them rather than ignoring the time they take to give feedback. When a rep can tell a customer about how responsive the manufacturer is, that goes a long way. To be unable to say that goes a long way as well, just not in the right direction. It's also unfortunate to see yet another release of what will likely be a buggy phone - a bit undercooked and not quite ready for the spotlight.

Depending on how feedback was submitted would determine if it was read. They may have received it, but unless specifically solicited, it's not necessarily going to be responded to. I'm sure they get lots of feedback, like many manufacturers, but no matter how thoughtful or well written, doesn't mean it will be responded to. That's just not how it works.


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Mar 21, 2012
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I have the phone for a day now, and I really haven't noticed any breaking bugs, or any bugs at all for that matter. Skype is a little annoying to use but it's in beta.. I have great call quality and I went out into the boonies with my phone yesterday and still had 4g. I couldn't even get 3g with my sprint phone!!!

So far I am really loving this phone and it's so fast! I have not noticed any scrolling problems or lag at all!!

The only problem I am having right now is signing into the ATT mywireless app. It errors out every time, and I am going to have to complain to ATT about that, but that's ATT's fault..

I have the same prob with my AT&T wireless log in from my 900, but the rep attributed it to a new setup since I switched numbers. She said to give it a day or so, so I will, plus she noted it so she can call me back on Monday and ensure that it's working ok.


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Mar 25, 2012
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I have the phone for a day now, and I really haven't noticed any breaking bugs, or any bugs at all for that matter. Skype is a little annoying to use but it's in beta.. I have great call quality and I went out into the boonies with my phone yesterday and still had 4g. I couldn't even get 3g with my sprint phone!!!

So far I am really loving this phone and it's so fast! I have not noticed any scrolling problems or lag at all!!

The only problem I am having right now is signing into the ATT mywireless app. It errors out every time, and I am going to have to complain to ATT about that, but that's ATT's fault..

for the ATT my wireless app, you need to download the update from the app store


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Apr 3, 2012
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I'm an Att rep and the thing is most cellular reps are a little geeky when it comes to phone. That said a WP7 is a little entry level for most reps. I really enjoy the phone due to the fact I can put it into any customers hands and feel confident they will understand the phone in no time. Don't get me wrong I still love my Iphone and Android but fully respect WP7 devices for the simplicity. There are some things that android/iphone does better and some things that WP7 does better than the other.

Reality is most geeky reps won't like WP7 interface.


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Mar 10, 2012
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Stopped in at local at&t store yesterday, and noticed that rep was using the new Lumia. Asked him what he thought, and he said "I can't wait to get my iPhone back". Turns out that at&t has required at least some of their reps to swap corporate handsets for the launch; the iPhones are locked up, and reps must use the Lumia for a couple of weeks instead. He then went on to describe his experience in detail: not an all-out hater, but a very thorough and thoughtful critique: a mix of things he liked and things he thought could be improved (he would be at home in the early-adopter user forums here). He was giving it a fair shot, with open mind.

He said he had sent a long list of bugs, etc to Nokia; including many that he felt were software bugs, fixable with update. Of course, he had not heard anything back from them. It's too bad - Nokia could really court the sales reps by partnering with them rather than ignoring the time they take to give feedback. When a rep can tell a customer about how responsive the manufacturer is, that goes a long way. To be unable to say that goes a long way as well, just not in the right direction. It's also unfortunate to see yet another release of what will likely be a buggy phone - a bit undercooked and not quite ready for the spotlight.

I'm an Att rep and the thing is most cellular reps are a little geeky when it comes to phone. That said a WP7 is a little entry level for most reps. I really enjoy the phone due to the fact I can put it into any customers hands and feel confident they will understand the phone in no time. Don't get me wrong I still love my Iphone and Android but fully respect WP7 devices for the simplicity. There are some things that android/iphone does better and some things that WP7 does better than the other.

Reality is most geeky reps won't like WP7 interface.

Here's the problem with your statement about geeky reps - you mention loving your iphone. Anyone that knows anything about wireless knows that part of the success of the iphone comes from the simplicity. You might have had more credibility in your post had you left it at Android which is truly a tinkerer's paradise. Oh......and I've worked in Telecom for 10+ years for Sprint and Verizon if we're doing the credentials thing.

Not trying to flame you, but had to call shenanigans on your point trying to be made.


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Apr 15, 2011
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i don't understand why people say iOS is simple. It takes like 5 clicks to get anything done and you end up going into a sea of menus....I don't get it

the simplicity they refer to is how quickly a new user can get going on the phone.

a grid of icons that label what app they launch, and the idea that everything that you need to do has to be done with an app is something that is easy to grasp, and thus makes the OS very easy to learn.

it's not effecient by any means imo which is where the 5 clicks and 900 apps you have to jump through to get a few tasks done comes in.

while i love windows phone as it works great with my workflow and life, i understand and appreciate that there will never be a "one size fits all" OS and competition is good, all i ask is for people to approach new things with an open mind and give them a fair shot with as little bias as possible.

personally, i really can't use iOS for my daily phone, as it's far too inefficient and stale in the design department, plus the iphone has way too small of a screen for me (i did own an iphone4 for a few months before selling it to jump to wp7), in the hardware sense it has the same problem webOS had for me, which is to say their design decisions regarding hardware didn't work for me, and there were no options for handsets that i actually could stand using.

however, i enjoy using my ipad2 far more than i did any of the 4 android tablets i owned.


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Mar 10, 2012
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Funny how everyone seems to be pro Windows Phone on Weird. :)

I'd post my same comments at any Droid Forums, Sprint/VZW forums and all over Facebook. I'm a diehard Android fan that picked up a windows phone for a week (the Titan) and fell in love with the OS. Didn't love the network so much. Now with true LTE, gonna give it another shot. So in essence, yeah, I'm on this forum cause I'm pro windows. I'm not on any Apple forums because yeah, I'm not but I have owned them. 3 of them to be exact.


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Apr 3, 2012
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Here's the problem with your statement about geeky reps - you mention loving your iphone. Anyone that knows anything about wireless knows that part of the success of the iphone comes from the simplicity. You might have had more credibility in your post had you left it at Android which is truly a tinkerer's paradise. Oh......and I've worked in Telecom for 10+ years for Sprint and Verizon if we're doing the credentials thing.

Not trying to flame you, but had to call shenanigans on your point trying to be made.

You really missed the point of my post. I never said that the iphone wasn't easy to use. It's by far one of more intuitive phones except for WP7. I just grouped the iphone and the android together because it's preferred by most cellular reps. And yes Android is for the more "geeky" type of customer or rep.

All I was pointing out is most cellular reps enjoy the level of complexity of Android and Iphone, with Iphone being the least complex of the two. And that's why WP7 isn't the most preferred by some reps to use. But any good sales rep will at least notice and respect the WP7 OS for it's simplicity and sell-ability like I do. I truly enjoy my Nokia Lumia and use it daily.

And if it makes you feel any better you're doing the credentials thing not me. Telecom 7 years with Nokia and At&t. :p


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Mar 10, 2012
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You really missed the point of my post. I never said that the iphone wasn't easy to use. It's by far one of more intuitive phones except for WP7. I just grouped the iphone and the android together because it's preferred by most cellular reps. And yes Android is for the more "geeky" type of customer or rep.

All I was pointing out is most cellular reps enjoy the level of complexity of Android and Iphone, with Iphone being the least complex of the two. And that's why WP7 isn't the most preferred by some reps to use. But any good sales rep will at least notice and respect the WP7 OS for it's simplicity and sell-ability like I do. I truly enjoy my Nokia Lumia and use it daily.

And if it makes you feel any better you're doing the credentials thing not me. Telecom 7 years with Nokia and At&t. :p

In your first line of your post, you qualified yourself by saying " I'm an Att rep and the thing is most cellular reps are a little geeky when it comes to phone." If you're a GOOD salesperson, you should know that this just isn't true. Techie doesn't sell. Knowing the customer via probing does. Also, iPhones are NOT complex. If they were, so many if the sheeple wouldn't use it. Customers are fickle and want easy. That's why the iPhone sells. People pick it up and can use it. That's called intuitive. If it were complex, it wouldn't be intuitive as well. Per the poster talking about 5 steps to perform a task, that's dead on. You're now talking process driven and cumbersome and sheep can follow steps. They just shouldn't have to. This is where I champion Android Widgets and Windows Phone Live Tiles. It shouldn't be so cumbersome to get certain pieces of information.

Jeff Kibuule

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Mar 26, 2012
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Any detail on the bugs? I would love to hear what bugs are causing him problems

My phone has a serious bug, TellMe and Bing randomly pop up and lock out interaction with the capacitive keys. It's a real showstopper in my opinion that's worse than the data connection bug.


Mar 31, 2012
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you have a problem with your hardware, no bug of the OS. I've owned Windows Phones since launch and none of them have EVER done that.

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