Display comparison between iPhone 5 and Lumia 920 (updated)


New member
Jun 14, 2012
The amount of superlatives in Tim Cook's and Phil Schiller's communication and recent reviews of iPhone 5 annoyed me enough to do this:



Displaymate has made some measurements from iPhone 5 and the results in contrast rating in high ambient light and reflectiveness have improved significantly from iPhone 4, showing numbers better than even Lumia 900 with CBD. This makes iPhone 5 display actually the best display out there in this category.

Until similar measurements from Lumia 920 becomes available, it should be considered that the display in iPhone5 is at least as good as the one in Lumia 920 (also significantly better than 900) in these metrics.

source: iPhone 5 Galaxy S III Display Technology Shoot-Out
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That was so well done and enjoyable that I had to create an account just to like it.

Is Apple starting to remind anyone else of Sony circa 2005-2006? Are they too going to promise super computer like processing performance, graphics on par or better than CG movies and of course 4D?
You should post that on The Verge in Apple Core, it would be interesting/funny to see the reaction.
As I have said in past posts, Apple only compares the iphone 5 to the 4S. They do not compare it to other phones and I can see why.

Great post!!!!!
Ya know, for the most part wireless manufacturers and wireless OS fans are like dems and reps. No matter what anecdotal evidence you put out about one being better than the other it will have almost no effect.
Ya know, for the most part wireless manufacturers and wireless OS fans are like dems and reps. No matter what anecdotal evidence you put out about one being better than the other it will have almost no effect.

That's true to a point. Fans and heavy users are not swayed by comparisons like these.

That said i do think example that Nokia Maps comparison against iPhone 5 and Google maps is kind of a strong point. Problem is of course that this information usually moves among the OS fans, but i guess it's a win if even 10 people who are part of the clueless mass that maybe are looking to try something different for reason or another sees it.

It's really a shame WP8 could not have been made ready this month. This would have been perfect time to strike.
It's really a shame WP8 could not have been made ready this month. This would have been perfect time to strike.

Not sure about that, see, with WP8 coming out next month, it gives Microsoft one more month to finalize everything they need to, that extra mile to make sure it will, indeed, kick some major fill-in-the-blank, instead of rushing a product out and leaving some bugs inside (Apple Maps and their flat Eiffle Tower anyone?). Because Apple rushed like they did, they're getting backlashed, which is actually ruining their rep.

Let all the bad rep build up, then strike saying "Ha, now this is how you make an OS, and put it on 3 screens (phone, computer, and entertainment center)."
Not sure about that, see, with WP8 coming out next month, it gives Microsoft one more month to finalize everything they need to, that extra mile to make sure it will, indeed, kick some major fill-in-the-blank, instead of rushing a product out and leaving some bugs inside (Apple Maps and their flat Eiffle Tower anyone?). Because Apple rushed like they did, they're getting backlashed, which is actually ruining their rep.

Let all the bad rep build up, then strike saying "Ha, now this is how you make an OS, and put it on 3 screens (phone, computer, and entertainment center)."

I agree. Best to launch the phone so it coincides with the biggest change in PC computing since windows first launched. That's a lot of muscle to work with. Nokia is best to operate as a windows brand and not Nokia brand at this point
On The Fence

Before I say this I am and want to be a WP8 user and I like Microsoft, but, It doesn't matter if the Lumia 920's screen is a little than the iPhone5, and please don't use the maps bug against apple, Microsoft has released entire OS's "buggy," anyone on the fence between the iPhone5 and Lumai will already have the iPhone before dumb a** Microsoft is ready to release WP8. I don't know if anyone else agrees, but they jumped the gun on the announcements by 2 months! The point is the Lumia display is better but stupidity and an already bad rep makes it useless!
Before I say this I am and want to be a WP8 user and I like Microsoft, but, It doesn't matter if the Lumia 920's screen is a little than the iPhone5, and please don't use the maps bug against apple, Microsoft has released entire OS's "buggy," anyone on the fence between the iPhone5 and Lumai will already have the iPhone before dumb a** Microsoft is ready to release WP8. I don't know if anyone else agrees, but they jumped the gun on the announcements by 2 months! The point is the Lumia display is better but stupidity and an already bad rep makes it useless!
So, basically you're saying you'd prefer a WP8 phone, but the fact that you can't get it for another month, you'll buy an inferior phone because you can get it now? I've seen many people post these kind of coments and it blows my mind. It makes no sense. One month? You can't hold out for one more month?
an inferior phone
I don't think I would go as far as to call the iPhone an inferior phone. It's still a remarkable piece of technology. For as much as I can't wait for the 920, I really give Apple props for creating that phone. The size of it with the specs it holds it absolutely amazing.

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