Terrible review from TechRadar

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Oct 2, 2012
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I think many of the points are valid, though. He does however clearly say that he really likes the phone and it's the best Windows Phone out there so far. I agree that it's a bit meh to review a phone and mostly just talk about how you don't like the operating system, but many of the complaints about the OS were valid too.

But like he said, "if you like Windows Phones, getting this is really a nobrainer". That's all I needed to hear :p


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Nov 16, 2012
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It really is sad how pervasive Android and iPhone fanboys are in the industry. They're at every level. My boss and a few of our programmers went for sales force training and they told me one of the presenters went out of his way to trash WP. Like an out of left field trashing, and his gripe was that "their updates break it". I wish I was joking but that was his actual reasoning behind trashing the platform. That's the part that really annoys me. The majority of them have never even used a Windows Phone and if they have they picked one up, looked at it and put it down. It's always evident in their comments. They range from shortsighted, to stupid, to outright untrue.


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Jun 29, 2013
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I agree with everything they said. WP was fresh for the longest time but it has failed to progress and remain fresh. The app comments are true and so are the camera ones. The ****ter speed on nokia devices are extremely slow. I still would buy one though.

Ebuka Allison

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Feb 19, 2013
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It really is sad how pervasive Android and iPhone fanboys are in the industry. They're at every level. My boss and a few of our programmers went for sales force training and they told me one of the presenters went out of his way to trash WP. Like an out of left field trashing, and his gripe was that "their updates break it". I wish I was joking but that was his actual reasoning behind trashing the platform. That's the part that really annoys me. The majority of them have never even used a Windows Phone and if they have they picked one up, looked at it and put it down. It's always evident in their comments. They range from shortsighted, to stupid, to outright untrue.
But their updates do break stuff. A lot


May 15, 2013
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It is not that terrible, I have seen worse reviews then this.. where they just talk about their opinions and nothing about the phone. They did raise a few fair points, especially the timing given it is running on tech wise "old specs". I have an inkling if the 930 came bundled with Cortana, it would have gotten a better response from the reviewers.

Ryan ODonnell

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Nov 16, 2012
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But their updates do break stuff. A lot
You can say that about any software on the market (including your prized IOS and Android), that's an extremely vague and ambiguous comment. In the case I mentioned it was even worse than yours because he said "it breaks" matter of factly as if the phone is rendered unusable everytime it gets updated. Outright nonsense

Harry Wild

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Oct 9, 2012
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Yes! It knocks the 930 in a very indirect way by praising it then using the "but" to knock it! Kind of a comedy to me! Some points have merit but most are just off the wall! Snapdragon 800 is a over a year old processor!


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May 25, 2011
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The app issue is real, I recently had to switch to an iPhone only because of the app situation for work. I thought this review was spot on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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May 9, 2014
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I find myself fanboying far too much. Yes 8.1 is a fantastic update, but lets take a few steps back and analyze this a little more broader. This update contains features that other os's had a very long time ago. Nothing really eye opening or jaw dropping. I love Windows Phone, I really do, but when you step back and look at it, 8.1 is becoming a little bit bloated for what it is actually going to bring. If I was the CEO of a major corporation trying to make a mobile os compete with other top contenders, I would make sure something like 8.1 was finished and released as soon as physically possible. Take ios for example, I don't like it, but just look at it. Ios 7 brought a load of bigger and better features to make it appeal to a larger crowd. Still, I think even though they are slightly knocking on my phone, it is the bare truth. The app gap, the slightly outdated hardware, and the lack of the Lumias ability to stand out is hurting the appeal to the larger crowd. To me, this was an unbiased truthful review and even though I don't like it, I have to accept it. And so does everyone. I still think windows phone is the best os IN MY OPINION, but on the fact sheet it is still lagging behind and that is very disappointing.


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Jul 9, 2014
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Ever since I started to browse TechRadar they have ALWAYS had a bias against NOKIA - I have never found their reviews of NOKIA phones to be fair and any praise is ALWAY grudgingly given.


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Jan 24, 2013
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Out of Curiosity which app(s) are you missing?

You cannot ask this kind of question, really. Whatever they want from Android/iOS, WP surely misses it or it isn't official, that's the main argument Android/iOS can trash talk to WP recently. It's not about common app but about specific app for specific task.

It likes asking Android/iOS if they have Fantasia Painter and you won't switch to them until they have it :) Well, and of course they don't, poor Android/iOS for missing such wonderful image editing app, eh?


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Apr 24, 2012
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Really who gives a rip about spec whores. Android started that crap, because their OS is garbage and needs as much power as it can get and even then it still lags...crashes and locks up. WP is more optimized than IOS. Yes that's MOP.

jonathan sink

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Jan 20, 2012
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Out of Curiosity which app(s) are you missing?

my dad just took back the icon after 1 day. The reason being the apps. Unlike my brother who two years later can't name the app he wanted and they don't have, my dad had answers lol. He was looking for QuickBooks, PNC, and his local bank. Being a small business owner these are very important and a must so he went back to his iPhone. Which really sucks because had nothing but praise for the phone and OS.

Great deal

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Nov 13, 2012
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HAvnt seen the review and frankly don't need to as there are different types of feelings based on perspective regardless of the Tech and OS.

Some one who purchased the 930 - Will obviously not want to admit they purchased a dog of a phone and will obviously defend it whatever happens

Fanboys - (iOS/Android or WP) - Have a blinkered view on anything non platform related - some havnt even tried the others recently to be able to really compare as each persons needs are different and blindly condemning the other platforms is just plain Ego talking.

Bloggers/Reviewers - IF they do not fall into the above 2 categories and are completely unbiased then wed be fools for not listening, alas that is hardly ever the case so reaed individual reviews at your peril, good or bad.

Realist - Looks at the direction the companies are taking , can guess whats happening and reads reviews from multiple sources before passing judgement, even then that judgment is based in their own specific needs.

Solution - Make a list of your needs, find the tech that meets those needs and then.... GET ON with DOING the things that matter and are important, mobile phone technology (counter to what tech companies want us to believe) is NOT important.

My own personal feeling towards the 930? Its OLD technology and for it to be a priced and pushed as the best WP device then quite frankly it deserves crap reviews as there is simply no denying the FACT that its 12 month old technology inside, the world has already moved on. that's 100% Nokias fault though as it was in their pipeline and as has been repeated many times its going to take a few months yet for the real MS tech to come through. Buy a 930 if you want, im keeping the 920 and 1020 until MS release something that I don't feel is rushed to keep us happy and also something in which its clear they have invested a whole heap of effort to gain market share....doesn't happen? Adios WP.

EDIT: OK seen the review and I cant fault it in any way really, they are pretty much spot on.
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