What is the refresh rate of WP 8.1's live tiles?


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Jan 31, 2015
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what is the refresh rate of wp8.1's live tiles?

I know in wp8.0 the live tiles refreshed every 30mins.now with wp8.1 I read somewhere that it is 1min.does the 1min refresh rate work for all the tiles on live tiles?if no is it likely that this will be fixed with windows 10?.I don't think the live tiles are not truly live yet.cos notifications of social networks are still delayed.and for Gmail the minimum refresh rate is 15mins once.why is it the 1min refresh rate of live tiles doesn't work with gmail then?.is anyone still having problem with social network/mail notifications(delayed especially under lock screen) with wp8.1 upgrade?I still use wp8,i face lot of problems with notifications especially when the phone is locked.so i wounder if it is fixed with wp8.1 or not.if not do you think this will be fixed in windows 10?and how close are we to the real "live tile"?
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Dec 23, 2012
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Re: what is the refresh rate of wp8.1's live tiles?

Hmm. My tiles refresh every fifteen minutes, and I use a Lumia 630 - which pretty much assures that I use WP8.1.

That one minute figure is for the Battery Saver tile, though.


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Aug 25, 2013
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Re: what is the refresh rate of wp8.1's live tiles?

Most apps don't utilize it. And in the recent pfd update upon 8.1.1.(14219 build) the battery sense tile finally became actual live tile and started showing realtime battery % so I am guessing more apps will start using it in coming days as MS starts opening up the API for 3rd party.


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Jan 31, 2015
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Re: what is the refresh rate of wp8.1's live tiles?

Most apps don't utilize it. And in the recent pfd update upon 8.1.1.(14219 build) the battery sense tile finally became actual live tile and started showing realtime battery % so I am guessing more apps will start using it in coming days as MS starts opening up the API for 3rd party.

so as of now only battery tile is real time?so is it up to the developers to add an update for their apps to make use of this feature? what about social network notifications in wp8.1?do you get the notifications in real time as in android and ios?


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Aug 25, 2013
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Re: what is the refresh rate of wp8.1's live tiles?

so as of now only battery tile is real time?so is it up to the developers to add an update for their apps to make use of this feature? what about social network notifications in wp8.1?do you get the notifications in real time as in android and ios?

I dunno, maybe a developer could tell u that. But I believe the api for realtime live tile is not open to 3rd party developers at the moment but we might see MS doing it for W10.
And usually in my case the social networking notifications are seen from the notification panel so I haven't paid much attention to whether the apps tiles update to it real time.


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Jan 31, 2015
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Re: what is the refresh rate of wp8.1's live tiles?

I dunno, maybe a developer could tell u that. But I believe the api for realtime live tile is not open to 3rd party developers at the moment but we might see MS doing it for W10.
And usually in my case the social networking notifications are seen from the notification panel so I haven't paid much attention to whether the apps tiles update to it real time.

Thanks.all i want to know is with wp8.1 will i get my notifications from all the social network immediately?i don't mind if my live tile doesn't show updates as long as i get notification alert in my action center.you said you get your notifications from notification panel,is it seamless?or is there any noticeable delay?because for me there is a hell lot of delay .and my friend with wp8.1 also faces the same issues but again we both are on the same network,so wanted to know if this problem is prevalent or just only we face the problem.
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Aug 25, 2013
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Re: what is the refresh rate of wp8.1's live tiles?

Its pretty seamless with apps like disqus and fb messenger. I mean there's like a 30 sec delay but I think that's more down to my 2g network.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Re: what is the refresh rate of wp8.1's live tiles?

It should not matter what the Live Tile refresh rate is. A push notification comes immediately regardless of a Live Tile. In fact, the push notification forces a Live Tile refresh.

Check the settings in any Apps you are getting a delay for and make sure Push notification is enabled.

Go to Settings > notifications + actions and examine the setup for each App you are concerned with.

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