What PC Games Do You Look Forward To?

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Mar 25, 2015
What game(s) do you look forward to?

You could share anything that has announced or anything that you wish would be developed.

Have you preordered anything recently?

Maybe something already released, but you haven't tried it yet?
Surviving Mars.

I thoroughly enjoy Cities: Skylines, so seeing how they'll take that to the red planet will be of utmost interest to me.
I've been participating in the Quake Champions closed beta and can't wait for it's release!

That and Star Citizen/Squadron 42 of course. I've been a backer for a couple years now, and the playable alpha content just keeps getting better and better!
Being a classic RPG junky my list is simple.

South park fractured but whole (first one was funny, engaging and fun - and pretty hard sometimes)
Divinity Original sin 2 (first one had the best turn based tactic combat I have seen - so challenging, nice free roam weirdness too)
Pillars of eternity 2 (They are putting some love into that beast, it's gonna be doooope)
Might actually be thinking about Destiny 2 now that I know it will run at 4k, 60fps. I'll just have to buy a 4k monitor.
Sort of hoping that there is going to be an eastern front DLC for Call of Duty WWII. In that case I'd get the game itself and the DLC, otherwise no way. Same goes for Battlefield 1 - not getting it until In the name of Tsar is released. Hope they make an extension for Balkan front too since some of the decisive battles were fought there (plus the first victory for the Entente was in the Battle of Cer on the Balkan front). Hope they will really care to pay attention to historical details and not just read Wikipedia articles like Paradox did for the last DLC for HOI4, not to mention they didn't care to use a proper dictionary for local default names of units (sorry for getting off topic but as a history enthusiast I simply can't get over it).
Bruh, the next Elder Scrolls (not online) or the next Fallout. I have to say, Bethesda knows how to not only create great games but great worlds.
I am interested in Anthem. Just found out that the release for PC isn't until fall 2018.....:unhappy:
What game(s) do you look forward to?

You could share anything that has announced or anything that you wish would be developed.

Have you preordered anything recently?

Maybe something already released, but you haven't tried it yet?

Divinity Original Sin 2 has just been released. The first was the best co-op RPG for PC and I really felt I got my money's worth.

I hope I can find the time for the sequel.
I never even knew this game existed, came across it on windows store. It looks pretty awesome but time will tell after it comes out.


Super Lucky's Tale

Anthem is probably my number one.
The upcoming Wolfenstein and definitely ORI 2...
I wish Dead Space was still a thing ;(.
I'd love to see a new version of Crimson Skies, with capture the flag, Macchu Picchu, multiplayer and on XBOX. I preordered Age of Empires. crimsonskies_pcboxboxart_160w.jpg I haven't bought an XBOX since the original one, and I'd buy a new XBOX for a new Crimson Skies. I hear you can still play Crimson Skies on xlink kai, but I havent tried it yet.
I only play first person shooters and space/flying sim games. I was a heavy Titanfall player, but it didn't take long after buying TF2 that I lost interest---TF2 is just not fun compared to the original. I played a lot of Call of Duty, but those got tired after a while. I've been solidly playing Elite Dangerous Horizons, and I am really looking forward to the 2.4 update coming out on 26 Sep. Outside of that, I've not seen any games that sparked any interest coming up.
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