Favorite Battle Royale?

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Rich Edmonds

PC Editor
Dec 13, 2010
Come on, share your thoughts on the PUBG and Fortnite war; which is your favorite? Maybe it's neither and you're following an upcoming title yet-to-be-released?

I prefer PUBG. I also am not a fan of the building in Fortnite. Plus, I prefer the more realistic gameplay in PUBG.
Fortnite BR is so fun, free to play and constantly updated, building is a big added value, PUBG is good but fortnite is fun and addictive (^^) + you can go solo in save the world that "should" one day go to free to play too
Played a lot of PUBG, switched to Blackout for awhile, have dabbled in Apex a bit but haven't gone all in yet. It is FAST.
I think Apex worth the time investment. It's on the sweet spot between a hardcore battle royal like PUBG and a casual one like Fortnite imo. Plus they have the advantage to add new Legends from time to time to keep the game interesting in the long run.
I think Apex worth the time investment. It's on the sweet spot between a hardcore battle royal like PUBG and a casual one like Fortnite imo. Plus they have the advantage to add new Legends from time to time to keep the game interesting in the long run.

I heard that the battle pass just released is kind of BS (not much content). What are your thoughts?
The first Kinji Fukasaku film.

...in all serious, not a fan of these games really. I don't mind watching others play them but I have the co-ordination of an amoeba so I would be terrible playing them, on either console or PC, and I am a console gamer.
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