10 was a big mistake for me.

I hadn't heard of WDRT until this thread started. Honestly, I'm coming around on 10. I saw I had about 40 apps with background permission, shut down all but the essential, ditched the FB app, tweaked a few other settings, and battery life is almost back to what it was before, which was outstanding. In no small part to the expertise on this forum.

Facebook is a battery hog on many platforms.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Facebook is a battery hog on many platforms.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

I had it installed for the contact info sync - I never used it, and had all push notifications turned off. It didn't really seem to affect my battery on 8.1
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I remember hearing complaints on Crackberry about it and I believe Android too. But again, I don't use it so I can't give a personal response.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Oh yeah Facebook has always been one of the worst apps for each platform. With Android sometimes it seems to get stuck syncing or something because it will eat away 20% plus of your battery in no time.
So I installed FB just for grins, mainly to see if I could get it to sync. I immediately went into background apps and disabled it, hoping to not get any push notifications. I got three inside of a minute, went back to settings, and it's still turned off. It seems like even if you cut off its head, it still keeps coming at you.
I had it installed for the contact info sync - I never used it, and had all push notifications turned off. It didn't really seem to affect my battery on 8.1

For Facebook, I'd recommend you use this app.

Slim Social for Facebook

It's basically a web wrapper but it does what you need it to do.
That is it's light, very rarely crashes and it's pretty smooth.
Dallas, I hear you. I put WM10 on my Lumia 640 about a year ago and spent a few days hating it so I used that tool and restored 8.1. Been happy boy ever since. FB messenger being abandoned brought me here to ask questions about WM10 again but I see a lot of people complaining and lamenting their move to WM10.

Someone above commented on WP7. My friend that got me into WP loved 7 the best with the people hub that did everything but has now been stripped almost to a contact list.
W10M has gotten pretty good on my 640 with the past few updates. Most of the bugs I encounter any more are app related (looking at you, Facebook). I'm on the Insider Fast ring, currently 15063.2.
So after a week of tweaking and learning the new OS, I've pretty much done a 180. Battery is now as good or better than it was with 8.1 (it seems to stay in the 80% range for hours). There seem to be many improvements, along with a few quirks that I will get used to over time. I'm in love with my phone again. I just hope I get to keep using Windows for a while. That doesn't seem like such a sure thing these days.
I've pretty much done a 180. Battery is now as good or better than it was with 8.1 (it seems to stay in the 80% range for hours).

Yeah, it is a quirk of the OS that it takes days to settle in battery wise. Even on BNIB made for W10M hardware. I've seen it on 2 upgrades from 8.1 (Lumia 640 and Lumia 1520) as well as 3 made for W10M (Moly W5, Lumia 650 and Alcatel Idol 4S Windows).

If someone could explain it they would likely win a Pulitzer or maybe even a Nobel.
Yeah, it is a quirk of the OS that it takes days to settle in battery wise. Even on BNIB made for W10M hardware. I've seen it on 2 upgrades from 8.1 (Lumia 640 and Lumia 1520) as well as 3 made for W10M (Moly W5, Lumia 650 and Alcatel Idol 4S Windows).

If someone could explain it they would likely win a Pulitzer or maybe even a Nobel.

Because for the first few days the OS is doing a ton of background tasks to set up the phone. Updating apps, etc.
Because for the first few days the OS is doing a ton of background tasks to set up the phone. Updating apps, etc.

I've heard this before, and I'm no expert, but I'm not sure I believe it. What takes days to set up in the background?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I've heard this before, and I'm no expert, but I'm not sure I believe it. What takes days to set up in the background?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

It's not just setting up, it's things settling in. It takes a few days for a newly reset phone to get in the motion. It's not something I know enough to go into detail about, but it takes a while for everything to settle in.
Part of that first few days of settling in and doing background tasks is bringing back all of your text message history which in some cases is huge. It has been my experience that that alone can take a couple of days to complete and then it settles in.
Part of that first few days of settling in and doing background tasks is bringing back all of your text message history which in some cases is huge. It has been my experience that that alone can take a couple of days to complete and then it settles in.

That could be, I'm not experienced enough to know those things.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
That could be, I'm not experienced enough to know those things.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

There's a ton of factors. I think Windows 10 Mobile could be more efficient and sneaky with these things but it is running on the same core as the much fatter and heavier Windows 10 for PC which doesn't need to worry about those things. It's the same thing with the long shut down times people have been talking about lately. Windows 10 Mobile is doing all these things in the background that are undoubtedly important and are the reason Windows 10 Mobile tends to run better after a restart, but it doesn't really help us as consumers that just want our phone to run great at all times, whether we just set it up or just turned it on. Developing something as large and complex as an entire operating system that's basically a modular system capable of adapting to and running countless different applications to achieve different functions and be able to access the entirety of the mobile web and be able to do it quickly, efficiently, and without ever having forward facing issues that might irk a user who isn't tech savvy...it's a really difficult task to complete. No operating system is every going to be perfect because of that.

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