100% Disk Usage


New member
Jan 3, 2016
I upgraded to Windows 10 a few months ago. Immediately I began experiencing very long start times (~5 minutes). I resolved the start time issues by doing a clean install and erasing all programs/files on my PC. After that, the 100% disk usage issues continued. I have disabled Windows tips, disabled SuperFetch & PreFetch, and attempted to monitor exactly what is causing this without success. Looking through solutions, it seems that I have gone through all suggested actions yet the issue persists. My PC can be booted for an hour with only Edge running and yet disk usage continues at 100%. Running on 8.1, I never experienced any slow start times or any slow usage. If someone could please assist, it would be much appreciated.

Processor: AMD A8-3520M APU Radeon HD Graphics 1.6 GHz
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
On the task manager you should be able to see what process is using CPU cycles. Sort the order to show which is using the maximum by clicking the column twice.

This should give you an idea of what is causing the issue.
I upgraded to Windows 10 a few months ago. Immediately I began experiencing very long start times (~5 minutes). I resolved the start time issues by doing a clean install and erasing all programs/files on my PC. After that, the 100% disk usage issues continued.
To add to the precious response, if you open task manager, go to the performance tab, at the bottom you can click 'open resource monitor'. In the resource monitor you can select the disk tab for detailed info on which process is using the disk, and which files are being read from or written to.

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5400rpm laptop hdd or ssd? for the former that would be the norm on w10 nothing you can do other than stripping it out of any new functionality leaving you with winxp+black theme, for the latter it could be a hardware problem if it simply says 100% activity with no in/out data
Check your graphics drivers, if you can use leshcat drivers. I have long boot up times (where the screen just goes black similar to TMM on vista) with official graphics drivers. Especially have issues with Intel's graphics drivers and for awhile the same would occur with AMD's drivers as well (long boot up times).

With leshcat's drivers I have not had a single issue.
Funny thing is I noticed big uptick in CPU and memory usage opening a tab for this website. We definitely need extensions so we can use ad blockers. This site is amongst the worst as far as junk ads go. I'd rather pay a subscription fee.
Funny thing is I noticed big uptick in CPU and memory usage opening a tab for this website. We definitely need extensions so we can use ad blockers. This site is amongst the worst as far as junk ads go. I'd rather pay a subscription fee.

You can use a modified hosts file if your preference is Edge, or simply use another browser like firefox. Personally I wouldn't go round messing with the hosts file if you don't know what your doing :winktongue:. I use Firefox, Edge for me has been lately so-so... kicks my laptop's fan to max RPM and it got so bad I thought the bearings were going to give out lol.

Also It looks like your disk usage is now normal, any particular changes you made recently?
Might be a Malware which is hogging up your resources. May be a bitcoin.miner malware ?

Just for the safe-side download Malware-bytes Anti-Malware and scan all disks for malware.
Already running Malware Bytes so that isn't it. Edge is heavy on resources but this site is amongst the most taxing and it should be obvious how many ads are loading.
I had a similar issue happen on my old laptop, surprisingly Windows Defender was responsible for it. Check the "Details" tab of the Task Manager. From there go to View >> Select Columns, and choose "I/O Reads" & click OK, this should tell you what's hitting the hard drive.
well for me w10 is a malware in some ways lol, check app history, Cortana and specially the photos app are big eaters, they love to sneak around when pc is idling and instantly disappear the moment you touch the mouse, but specially that photos app if it is indexing your disks then that's your answer, even when you remove all directories from it, it just adds a few again

try battery saver mode, if it stops doing that then definitely must be some modern app and its buggyness

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