10061 - No working Start, Modern apps or Cortana

I deleted of the child's account (she was visiting for a bit). It still shows her on my account on live.com. Not sure if there is any way to remove her from the account altogether. It was only a local account.

I tried creating a new local admin account but that didn't work either.

I might be about ready to give up. :) I'm sure some painfully long power shell command would fix this.
I'm heading out for the weekend tomorrow so won't have any time to do anything. Keeping my fingers crossed that Gabe Aul will address this soon (not holding my breath).
I just tried adding in a group policy for allow all in the App Packages.

I'd like to try a repair but that can only be kicked off from the modern UI.
I have exactly the same problem with the error on Parental Control in the event log. I can't no more launch any Modern App and I have no Start Menu :cry:
I experienced the same after installing Build 10061 and eventually I had to perform a clean install to correct the issue.

I tried the following fixes:
-PowerShell script to force the re-install of all apps
-Registry fix to EnableXAMLStartMenu
-"Refresh" of Windows 10
-Creating a new local account

None of these worked for me, but you could try, if not I'd recommend backing up your data & performing a clean install from the 'Recovery' options.
After a refresh recently I got the same thing on 10061. No start menu, no modern apps, and no Cortana. Only solution I found was a fresh install of windows. If you trace through the windows files there is actually a "app" for the start menu UI and I think it corrupts. I would highly recommend not using system refresh or restore as this is how my cortana/start menu always breaks with these builds.
I ended up doing a clean install. My Surface Pro 3 has been working well. The start button and Cortana became inactive once or twice but came back after I rebooted. It's a shame to have to go through this, but I hesitate to complain because I signed up for this risk.
I had the same issue on my Surface Pro. Added my backup Microsoft Account and everything worked perfectly.

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