14393 maps app turn-by-turn not working, stuck oin "Proceed towards highlighted route"


New member
Jul 21, 2016
I have a recurring bug with the Windows 10 mobile maps app that appears and disappears between some builds, and it is currently happening to me with 14393. Namely, turn-by-turn starts, initial voice navigation is heard, but as I move through the route, the app is stuck displaying "Proceed towards highlighted route" and the directions never change. I know my GPS is working, because maps can find me along the route, but the directions never proceed. I'm having no luck finding a solution after a general search on google and on answers.microsoft.com. I'm headed to the mountains this weekend, and would love to be able to use this critical app. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I have the same problem. Very frustrating to have something working then have it stop working after an update.
Only option at this point was to download on my WP a Google mapping directions app. That seems to be working fine so far but have not tried it in the car.
Will do that later today.
Just wish I had my WP 10 MAPS app back working again.

I just started having the same problem on this build. No voice nav while driving.
By accident I tapped the direction at the top of the map and the voice nav would work for that specific direction. If I keep tapping the top direction as I drive it changes to call out the correct voice info.
Definitely a bug that keeps the map app from calling out directions.

Update: ok stupid me. after some more poking around the app I realized that I had the mute button on. I think that the settings for the map app are a bit confusing in that there are 3 different locations for settings.
The on screen hamberg menu for traffic and view, the bottom right three dot menu and the bottom right sub three dot menu after selecting go for directions. This is where the mute/unmute option is.
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I had the same problem. After setting the route the graphic would show the start and not update as I moved along, but the voice guidance would correctly give turn-by-turn information. However, touching the screen would set the graphic in motion but not keep the location central, allowing the position icon to go off screen.

Fiddling around to fix this problem I then lost the voice guidance! Fortunately I read somewhere that voice guidance will not sound at the mobile if the Bluetooth function was enabled. Disabling the Bluetooth actually restored voice guidance for me, although I had Bluetooth enabled a long time ago and voice guidance worked all the while.

I forget where I read this, but a shutdown and a restart of my Lumia 950 got the graphic working again and the screen updates correctly now with the location icon centered in the screen.

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