1GB Ram is it ENOUGH for future builds?

Hmm. Well, considering the Facebook app needs 2gig as a bare minimum, and that's just a web wrapper really, I'm not sure what 1gig phones will be able to run beyond base Windows. I mean, what's wrong with devs these days? Time was a full arcade conversion of the latest games would run on my old 48k Speccy, even the full Elite universe fitted in there. Now devs need 2gig as a minimum to run a web wrapper? We'd better get AI going soon, because in a generation or two we'll all be struggling to work put how to operate the power socket let alone write an efficient bit of code.
W10M runs on 512 MB, as long as you only use the core apps, haha. Latest build of TH2 is bearable today on Lumia 52x/62x/720. RS1 made W10M even fast, leaner and more reliable.

My mom is running W10M RS1 on a 512 MB L635 without issues. She can even use most apps! Facebook doesn't work (too bad I can't sideload the Microsoft W10M FB app) and Messenger occasionally works, but that just goes to show it's possible.

RS2 will further optimize W10M. Sure, "512 MB can run the OS" shouldn't be acceptable. The point is I don't think 1 GB devices support is going anywhere soon. Lumia 820/92x/1020 run W10M RS1 great IMO. Sure, Lumia 920, Lumia 830, 650 are basically low end devices in WP world, Lumia 930 and 1520 are midrange and 950/950 XL/HP X3/Alcatel 4S are the high end ones. Anyway, W10M on this "midrange" hardware simply flies today and it be faster still with RS2.
RS2 is faster than RS1 is/was. I think 1GB RAM will be enough for many future updates of W10 Mobile. As many WC editors pointed out it's probable that Windows 10 Mobile will be a low cost option for phones in the future and as a low cost option you can't have requirements alá >2GB RAM. Windows 10 on ARM for phones will be another story

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