Pressing the 'device unlocked' icon on the today screen does not require a password to unlock the device, you only have to press the unlock button. Try it, there is no added security with this button. So I still dont get what its used for.
Any other opinions????
It is used for added "security" so you dont accidentally dial while the device is in your pocket.
- If the device is unlocked. Hit power button. Power off. Hit power button. Power on. If phone is in your bag or pocket and the power button is pressed accidentally then the green phone button is hit or contacts is pressed you could potentially make a call you didnt want to. Also, when the device is unlocked and the power is on your touch screen is active as well.
- If the device is locked. Hit power button. Power off. Hit power button. Power on. Now the only way to use the phone/pda/ touchscreen is to unlock it via the unlock button (which is essentially two taps). Now when the phone is in your bag/ pocket and the power button is accidentally pressed it is much more unlikely you will excute an action you didnt want to.
Essentially you're right about security of data. It doesn't secure anything. But when it comes to avoiding actions you dont intend it is very useful. Or like Dieter said if you dont want to wait for your timeout period, set up a password and locking your device will automatically prompt you for the password next time you power up.
That's about all I got. Good luck!