$200.00 Win8 Tablet

Mmm. That does sound a bit too cheap. Most people wouldn't touch a netbook at that price, and for good reason. And all the ultra-cheap Android tablets that dont have Amazon's bulk buy cost savings behind them are pretty craptacular.

I think you get what you pay for, and for a decent tablet experience you might want to pay a bit more!
Great article
yeah that NOKIA tablet looks slick!!! specially for 200$!! id be at the store waiting for them to open lol.

Im still gona wait on official specs doh , cause as much as my budget not being very high ,

i gona want something with decent specs even if i have to pay 300-400$+++

people seemt o be comfused to,,,,,

is it a Slate or a Tablet? lol
one article says slate , one say Tablet ,

I don't like this article, is basing a lot of stuff on their own deductions. There's not 200 tablet announced.

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