
Im currently had my Nokia 1320 getting fixed in Nokia care. i submitted my phone to Nokia SM North Edsa. on the 1st week, i went to Nokia Shop to ask for updates. they told me that its currently being fixed, parts was ordered and being fixed, that it should be good around this week. sounds good!

the week has past and still no update from Nokia. so i called them

what i heard was ****. now the status is ordering of parts. i know what it sounds like and that means another long wait! wtf. and also that means the representative from Nokia lied to me.

I dont like Nokia anymore. i heard the repairs for other phones (ex: samsung) only takes days or a week. ill try them out to avoid this hell experience. fix that takes a month is stupid and unacceptable.
Hey, everyone, (I've posted this in a similar thread, but perhaps this might be useful here as well),

Sadly, I can relate to your situation. My L1020 broke down within the warranty period over a month ago, and I still haven't received my repaired/replaced phone. My last personal encounter with them was in the first week of February 2015, when Nokia Care Philippines was "undergoing a change in management". All the delays in receiving and processing requests may have been caused by such "change".

The good news is that you may contact either Microsoft Philippines (email) or @LumiaHelp (Twitter). Both of them responded to my concern, but I slightly prefer @LumiaHelp - they said that they will update me (directly) once my phone is repaired. This is great, especially because the Twitter handle seems to be international.

Just today, Nokia Care called me through my mobile (temporary) phone to give me updates regarding the status of my L1020. It's not good news (needs replacement, parts have been ordered, expected delivery of parts is on... etc.), but at least they're making their presence felt to their "valued" customers. Give it a shot, and it might make things slightly better. :cool:
If I remember correctly Nokia Care here isn't owned by Nokia itself or even Microsoft. It is a licensed franchised, the MemoExpress group if I'm not mistaken.

Return and Exchange policy here in the Philippines is really messed up. It's not just Nokia but pretty much every business here. DTI needs to do something about the situation.
Even for obvious defects we would have to go through hoops just to get an exchange.
If I remember correctly Nokia Care here isn't owned by Nokia itself or even Microsoft. It is a licensed franchised, the MemoExpress group if I'm not mistaken.

Return and Exchange policy here in the Philippines is really messed up. It's not just Nokia but pretty much every business here. DTI needs to do something about the situation.
Even for obvious defects we would have to go through hoops just to get an exchange.

I agree, but surprisingly the Department of Trade and Industry does take action against businesses that do not uphold the customer's rights to fair practices, such as the refusal to replace a product that is beyond repair given that the product is still under warranty... but the key there is being able to report the information to DTI.

But here's an update for my situation: my L1020 has been revived and is now under a "has been dispatched" status from the new service center. I'm expecting to claim my phone within a few hours (after pressing the "Post Quick Reply" button). There's hope, all we need to do is do add more of it.:angel:

Update: False Alarm. The service center claimed that there was someone else with my exact name, hence the phone that they were referring to that was repaired was a L1320 (not L1020) and that it was dispatched to Iriga City (a place that is around 400km away from where I live!). They admitted their mistake, and said that my "real" phone was still due for parts replacement by the end of March/start of April.
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Hi! I accidentally dropped my lumia 640xl and got to aikonte*h service center in cubao. But I did not avail of their service due that they dont know how much screen repair would cost, and worse rough estimate is 7k. Any place you know where repair is cheap and parts are available?

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