3rd party video player for wp8


New member
Oct 29, 2012
hello. i have a friend that makes apps for android. i've been trying to talk him into making a video player app for wp8. i was wondering, do you know of any limitations that microsoft might not let a developer make a 3rd party video player app? the video player would play mp4, avi, mov, wmv, mkv as containers with h264, xvid, divx, ac3, aac, mp3, wav being the codecs. have you seen anything from microsoft or in the developer kit that would suggest microsoft would not allow a video player like this in the app store? thank you for your time.
thats a nice app. but i am talking about an app that already has the codecs for certain formats. the app only uses the phone hardware to play the videos and doesnt rely on the operating systems supported codecs to play videos. so the app would already have codecs for h264, xvid, divx, ac3, wav, aac, etc. to play the videos you put on your phone through internet explorer or the windows phone desktop app. that leads me back to my question, would microsoft allow a video player like this in its store like ios and android do? there's currently no video player like this in the app store.

as a side note, most of those codecs are open source.
I can't see why they wouldn't. So long as your only using open source codecs and using system codecs were possible. :) I've just transferred from an iPhone 4 to a Nokia 920 and I had an app called AVPlayer wonderful app basically does what you're wanting to do. If Apple allowed that sort of app through then... I can't see Microsoft blocking it. That being said I haven't started development of my own apps yet. so.... I'm not the best judge. That being said I can't wait for you're app to come out. :)
FYI: yxplayer is either fundamentally flawed, or very not intuitive, no way to associate files to it via drag and drop. I got it with my free Verizon money for the windows store or I'd be super mad.
I couldn't find away to browse my shares or otherwise get .mkvs to my device to play with that player. I just used handbrake to convert anime to mp4. still working on some subtitle issues during conversion to be compatible with the phone, but I just hope vlc gets their player out soon.

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