5 Things Edge Needs For Me To Switch

Jun 28, 2013
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Edge is severely behind in times. It doesn't run well compared to other big name browsers, has a lack of extensions and half baked implementation of them with the lack of a solid store category in the windows store, and far more. But today I'm going to focus on 5 reasons why I can't use EDGE as my daily browser on Windows 10.

  1. Customizable New Tabs Page
  2. Edge Crashes On Form Fills
  3. Ability To Mute Tabs
  4. Edge Becomes Unresponsive When Tabs Become Unresponsive
  5. Right Click & Search

1: Customizable New Tabs Page
Currently on the new tab page, the only websites that will appear are ones that Edge believes you visit frequently. That means you can't choose what websites are show on this page. In order for you to get websites shown on this page you first must visit that page many times and then make sure you never accidently click the little "x" on that website when loading it otherwise it will disappear forever unless you completely reset Edge. What a crock of bull. We should be able to choose what sites we want there, choose the order in which they appear, and if we accidently click the "x" button on their link, then it shouldn't require completely starting over with EDGE to get them back. I shouldn't have to switch to Firefox, Chrome, or Opera just to be able to customize the websites on my new tab page.

2: Edge Crashes On Form Fills
With Edge in it's current form, it is prone to crashes. That is common knowledge. Sadly. But one of the biggest issues I have is there is almost not a single time that I can go to fill in a form without edge crashing. This has been a known issue on edge since its inception yet still has not been fixed. Why? I shouldn't have to switch to Firefox, Chrome, or Opera just to fill out a form.

3: Ability To Mute Tabs
Ever have a pesky tab that was causing you headache because it was making noise and you couldn't figure out which one it was? Well Edge now finally shows which tab that is making sounds with a little speaker icon on the tab in the navigation bar. What it doesn't do, is less you right click and mute the tab. Multiple times I've had an ad or some other noise come from a page that I couldn't find on the page or stop from playing but still needed the tab open. So my only solution was going into Firefox or another browser, opening the tab in their and then muting, or turning off my whole system sound which doesn't work if I'm listening to something important on edge already. I shouldn't have to switch to Firefox, Chrome, or Opera just to mute a tab.

4: Edge Becomes Unresponsive When Tabs Become Unresponsive
If for whatever reason a tab becomes unresponsive (and that seems to happen a lot in Edge) that tab is not closeable. Instead it just hangs there without the ability to close it, sometimes you can switch to other tabs sometimes not, but most of the time clicking the "x" button on that tab will not let you close it out. Many times though, if a tab becomes unresponsive then the whole app will as well. Instead of just being able to close out of that one tab and continue, the app freezes up and then even clicking "x" on the app won't close it. The only thing that will shut down Edge completely many times is using the task manager in windows 10. I shouldn't have to switch to Firefox, Chrome, or Opera just to have responsive tabs and a browser that doesn't freeze after one tab being unresponsive.

5: Right Click & Search
For at least the past 7 years, right click and search has been on every major browser. The fact that today any browser wouldn't allow you to right click on a highlighted words, website address, or statement and then search or "go" with it is just plain ridiculous. In no world does it make any sense for something so small to take so long to implement. Instead Microsoft decided to go the route of forcing people to use right click and inspect with Cortana which only works on some things, and even then doesn't actually search as needed or go to a website as needed. I shouldn't have to switch to Firefox, Chrome, or Opera just to be able to right click & search.

All of the above reasons for not being able to use Edge as a my daily work horse browser are common concerns, and complaints on Microsoft's feedback venues.

Are there other legit complaints or reasons that you are unable to use Edge as your primary browser?
Jun 28, 2013
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These are the top complaints about Edge right now on to Microsoft. So they already know ;). I just wanted to put it in more of a structured form here so others can see why for me and many people this still isn't a browser that I can use without having to revert to others. I'd also love to hear what your top complaints are.

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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I used to use for a few months and it was quite speedy for me. I wasn't visiting sites that had a heavy infestation of ads so I can't comment there.

extension support is coming in the anniversary update so you could install adblocker which would probably solve your issues no 3 and 4

You're right about right click search not there


Retired Ambassador
Dec 4, 2012
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These are the top complaints about Edge right now on to Microsoft. So they already know ;). I just wanted to put it in more of a structured form here so others can see why for me and many people this still isn't a browser that I can use without having to revert to others. I'd also love to hear what your top complaints are.

-Cannot see what speed my download is downloading at... Really?
-Pop-up blocker sucks. You can't configure it like you could have in IE - Low/medium/high /exclude sites etc. Even with the pop-up blocker ON, I still get pop ups from websites. This does not happen in IE. IE blocks everything.


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Dec 8, 2015
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Being able to open to a blank page and being able to open a blank tab. The tab hardcoding to msn.com is pretty annoying and definitely stops me using Edge for all but a couple of things.

Tunde Fajimi

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Aug 28, 2015
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I have had to revert to using IE on Windows 10. Far more stable. But I left Edge as my default so links open in it first; if they give issues I copy the URL to IE. But when I boot up, I launch IE first. And extensions have not been installing for me. The promise of Edge remains to be fulfilled.

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