8.1 Massive Battery Problem

I am new to the WP platform so sorry for the dopey question but what does NFC stand for?
I am new to the WP platform so sorry for the dopey question but what does NFC stand for?

NFC = Near Field Communication. It's the basis for the tap-to-share and tap-to-pay functions that Nokia advertised when they brought out the first WP 8 phones. If you don't use it (I don't), you can turn it off and save some battery in Settings, NFC.
Hello again, I've tried hard resetting it and still no change. Furthermore, now I experience huge battery drains (the other night I went to bed with %70 charge, everything closed, 6 hours later I woke up to a dead phone), occasional freezes and black screens that keep me from using the phone during 20-30 minutes and then suddenly it turns on again.

8.1 has been a horrible experience for me. I'll try to go back to 8.0. To hell with Nokia and Windows, never mind improving it, they can't even develop a decent update. I will never get one again.
Hi everyone, I thought I should open this thread here since it's seems to be like a common 8.1 problem.

I have a 720 and with WP8 my battery easily lasted 2 days with normal usage and 3 days with light usage. I've just got the 8.1, and on it's first day, with almost light usage, it drained the battery from %100 to %4 in 24 hours. Today is the 2nd day, just 9 hours and %50 already gone. Location, NFC, Internet Sharing, Data Connection, everything is off and nothing running on the background except Whatsapp and yeah, I know it drains the battery pretty quickly but with WP8 I had Whatsapp & Battery running in the background as well. This is so ridiculous. I've defended and recommended WP since I've got my phone and now, in exchange for few good features (that it should have had in the beginning) and a nice make-up, we sacrifice more than half of our battery life.

Any suggestions?

dude i still get 2 days with wifi,NFC,bluetooth ,3G and location etc all turned on with 8.1 cyan,are you using 8.1 update 1?
Hello again, I've tried hard resetting it and still no change. Furthermore, now I experience huge battery drains (the other night I went to bed with %70 charge, everything closed, 6 hours later I woke up to a dead phone), occasional freezes and black screens that keep me from using the phone during 20-30 minutes and then suddenly it turns on again.

8.1 has been a horrible experience for me. I'll try to go back to 8.0. To hell with Nokia and Windows, never mind improving it, they can't even develop a decent update. I will never get one again.

i have a feeling you have a defective handset or something
i do get the freezing issue sometimes which needs a soft reset but the sudden battery drain etc is a bit over the edge,i feel your battery may be going bad or something
i suggest you get it checked or try a hard reset and see how it goes
good luck,hope you find a solution
I always recharge the phone every night (I have the 1520 and I know it has a large battery) I have a car charger in the car and 2 wall chargers at home and two at the office. . Occasionally with 8.1.1 and with 8.1 (all DP) there would be an occasional day when the battery would go rogue wacko and there would be an issue which was normally corrected by a soft reset. I know your device's battery is smaller. I don't know what your problem is with having 8.1 but if I would hazard a guess I would say that problem is with the battery or the phone. How long have you had it? Have you taken to MS store or dealt with Nokia on the issue very much.

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