920 to 950


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Apr 2, 2014
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I'm wondering if a long time 920 user who has gotten a 950 could comment on the pluses and if there are any negatives with the switch.


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Oct 2, 2012
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- Wow, the vibrant screen (I wasn't aware how dull my 3 year old 920 had become).
- Bigger screen
- Replying to some toast notifications
- The Edge browser renders pages much better than IE11 mobile. For example, Facebook Mobile works exactly as it should.
- Start screen wallpaper and transparent tiles. The 'dynamic wallpaper' app changes it daily with the Bing Image (which is nice)
- 'Hey Cortana' is actually pretty cool
- Brilliant camera
- The one handed mode (long press of the Windows Key) means hamburger menus in the top right hand corner aren't a problem. In fact, I'm thinking of changing to a 950XL.
- The new settings search is fantastic
- Searching in Edge opens Bing in the browser
- Searching with Cortana has a better Bing interface with an Images and News tabs
- Action centre has more option buttons (collapsible) - including a torch/flash light (one less thing to pin to your start screen)
- Swappable notifications in the action centre.
- Phone & OS feel modern.

- Battery life is poor (at least for my first 950. TBA on my second one!)
- The new People App isn't as feature rich. E.g. no 'what's new' for grouped contacts. And the live tiles for pinned contacted don't flip around as much (Especially if I group them). I really miss the W8.1 People App.
- Back button = suspended apps. This is actually good, but for the Edge Browser it means lots of open tabs (which may/probably effects the battery)
- The messaging + Skype app is a great idea... but it isn't finished. Doesn't support images... and seems to be a battery hog. In fact I suspect it may have played a part in killing my 14 day old 950 (but don't quote me on that!).
- Photos live tile zooms in on photos... & crops images, which isn't good for photos of people. It also only cycles through an limited number of photos (like five), even if you have it set to favourites. I found another app called 'scroll photos' (or something like that) just to get a better live tile experience.
- the build quality of the 920 is better. Though I've no complaints about the 950... reckon it looks pretty nice.
- In Windows 8.1 you can pretty much pin anything to the start screen. Seems to be less so for W10M. I find myself touching and holding things just to see.
- The system battery tile isn't live.


Oh, and the official FB app still sucks i.e. no 'reply to comments' and 'Top comments' (the Beta app has 'reply to comments'. But no 'Top Comments' - which means I can't laugh at memes and jokes on popular posts). This is why I use FB in the browser.
Last edited:
Dec 26, 2015
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I also miss FM Radio and msn weather in glance and lock screen.
And the camera isn't as good as I hoped (pics have a lot of noise), but I still waiting for the firmware update, so maybe this will change soon.
Overall I'm happy from the switch from 920 to 950.


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Apr 9, 2012
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Right now, because of the state of Windows 10 mobile on those devices., both the 950 and 950 XL are compromises... Since both phones lose features from the 920. FM radio is gone on the 950 with 0 explanation from MS, the 950 XL/950 unlocked loses visual voice mail. Tap to wake is apparently missing too. You also have a chance at major Wireless issues on the 950/950 XL... where a 920 also on the exact same windows 10 build have all those features and the Wifi works perfectly. Hardware wise the 950 make you buy new Qi stands if you made the mistake of buying Nokia ones. The 950 and XL don't line up properly on nokia's wireless car mount or desktop stand. My primary phone was the 920, I preordered the XL... and returned it at day 30 due to the surprise lack of visual voice mail, and continuous wifi problems. I'm currently (beta) testing the AT&T locked 950.. And was surprised to find the FM radio app missing, and of course now I have the version of the 950 that won't get timely firmware updates. I have 2 weeks left to decide what to do... But I'm leaning toward returning it too, and go back to the 920 that works 100% perfectly for all the above (except for slow firmware updates).

Jonah Travisano

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Aug 19, 2013
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Thanks for giving me an honest opinion about the 950...i guess I'll wait a bit longer and keep using my 920 which seems funny as its going on 3 plus years.

Dec 26, 2015
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..continued from my message above...
After installing the firmware update the camera is much better than it was.
So I'm now even happier.

i guess I'll wait a bit longer and keep using my 920 which seems funny as its going on 3 plus years.

After 2 to 3 months I believe most of the problems will be solved.
By then I expect the price of the phone to drop so It would be perfect.

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