950 XL Device Support effectively stopped in the UK

Yes, sadly this is the correct timeframe. Finally got them to respond to the last disaster, sent the phone away last Monday and today got a notification from DHL that a parcel will be delivered next Wednesday. Not getting my hopes up, last time it was just my broken phone making an unwelcome return. It wouldn'tsurprise me to receive the burnt remains of my phone, some excrement and a smiley face sticker in it to be honest.............
It's a modern miracle, phone came back fixed and working perfectly! Now just need to wait on the Nokia 6 going on sale in the UK and I can flog the 950 XL on eBay and have a phone whose OS has a future with things like actual support, updated apps etc. Gutted tbh, love this phone and Windows mobile but the writing is on the wall. Shame on you Microsoft.
The GPS on mine has just stopped working. Hoping it's properly broken rather than due to firmware so I can get a full refund. Owned for 11 months, bought from Amazon, so they have a very generous refund system in the UK.
Must admit, enjoying using my ancient Lumia 520 while on holiday. Not sure where to go next.
It's a modern miracle, phone came back fixed and working perfectly! Now just need to wait on the Nokia 6 going on sale in the UK and I can flog the 950 XL on eBay and have a phone whose OS has a future with things like actual support, updated apps etc. Gutted tbh, love this phone and Windows mobile but the writing is on the wall. Shame on you Microsoft.

I switch phones every 2 or 3 months and usually sell whatever I have to part fund my next phone but the 950xl is not worth selling (financially). I don't mind losing some money when I sell on but you're basically giving the Lumia away at 2nd hand value and it's way too good a phone for that. Mine is now my work phone or a back up in between switching.
After 6 months of enjoying my shiny new screen, the Front Camera decided it's had enough now. Tried the various suggestions for resets, using different apps to try and kick-start it into life but consensus seems to be its a main board issue. Its currently on eBay, search "Microsoft Lumia 950 XL Dual Sim Black Unlocked". At £112 already with 4 days to go, I guess even with no Front Camera, the Dual Sim feature has its fans

I am now the proud owner of an iPhone 7 Plus,


Didn't want to do it, never had an IPhone before, smartphones list went
N70, N79, N8, 920, 1020 and 950XL. Had enough. Seriously looked at the Nokia 8, but 2 weeks in, no regrets, Quite the novelty having stuff just work, and be able to use the Sky Go app etc. Outlook, Office, Groove, and OneDrive all working well.
I'm sticking with my 950XL for a while. It too soon for me to get a new object of desire as I just got it earlier this year.
Whatever phone is out there better outshine the 950XL camera in the the way I need it most .... on the move, discreet (no flash) with difficult lighting conditions.... and has continuum!! :grincry:

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