950 XL no LTE on AT&T?

If your phone is showing LTE, but you didn't have ATT configure your OLD IMEI into your new phone, I bet that is why it is slow. If it worked from the get go on your phone, I would bet the phone is not truly provisioned for LTE. It takes a lot of chat sessions to find someone competent. I had 1 LTE bar and was getting 10 mbps.
MyATT website still showing "unknown device" if I look under "wireless" but from the account overview if I click show details under a device (picture is still a 1020!) and then click "Learn to use my device" the help pages are for the 950. So that's new since a couple days ago.
I hope that AT&T will eventually provision LTE for the XL. I was told by a rep that while using a different model's IMEI might be successful for a while, their network does periodic regional sweeps and whenever the sweeps see a model/IMEI mismatch that their network will "fix" the mismatch and that will cause problems down the road.
The number of people actively using the tower that you are currently connected to and how much those people are uploading/downloading through that tower will have an impact on the bandwidth of that tower. If the tower is so heavily in use to be overloaded, you will have very slow speeds as there is only so much the tower can handle. I live out in the middle of nowhere, and there are very few people on the tower out here. I get amazing LTE speeds at home which are usually higher than 25Mbps. (AT&T) When I travel into town where there are more users, I'm lucky to get 4 to 7Mbps, and often only get 1 or 2.

Signal obstruction between you and the tower can also have a serious impact, which is why it slows down when you go inside a building, especially buildings with metal frames.

All of that is understood but the bottom line is that all those factors results in slower LTE speeds. Verizon must have more towers or faster (higher bandwidth to the towers) or better locations or all of the above but the end result is faster LTE...at least where I'm at and most places I go around here. I don't count my home or office because I'm connected to Wi-Fi there. Since I've had the 950XL on ATT, and noticed that it seemed slow, I've been carrying around 2 phones (Verizon Icon and 950XL on ATT) to do speed tests at various locations on my normal routine... sometimes they are roughly the same. But most of the time there is a big difference like maybe .75 on ATT vs 3.5 on Verizon or 4 on ATT vs 9 on Verizon. I've had a T-Mobile sim that I haven't activated yet that I will be testing starting later today. I'm hoping it works better because I know it will probably be a while before ATT will upgrade their infrastructure here.

One more thing... the coverage seems better on Verizon too. The couple times that I was in outlying areas, Verizon had a great signal where ATT had no signal or was very weak. So now I understand all the people that say Verizon is the only carrier that works where they are.

I will find a way to make things work with either ATT or T-Mobile since I love the 950XL but I really hope MS fixes this problem they have with Verizon.
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A better test would be to use two AT&T-connected phones, one an unlocked Lumia 950 or 950XL phone which was brought into AT&T, and the other an AT&T-branded phone. Then compare LTE speeds.
I am chatting with AT&T, seems like will take longer, as the agent wants to double check the LTE coverage in my area and she believes 4G connection is good enough......
How do you guys speak to AT&T to let them check imei number information?
All of that is understood but the bottom line is that all those factors results in slower LTE speeds. Verizon must have more towers or faster (higher bandwidth to the towers) or better locations or all of the above but the end result is faster LTE...at least where I'm at and most places I go around here. I don't count my home or office because I'm connected to Wi-Fi there. Since I've had the 950XL on ATT, and noticed that it seemed slow, I've been carrying around 2 phones (Verizon Icon and 950XL on ATT) to do speed tests at various locations on my normal routine... sometimes they are roughly the same. But most of the time there is a big difference like maybe .75 on ATT vs 3.5 on Verizon or 4 on ATT vs 9 on Verizon. I've had a T-Mobile sim that I haven't activated yet that I will be testing starting later today. I'm hoping it works better because I know it will probably be a while before ATT will upgrade their infrastructure here.

You've got a difference between AT&T and Verizon, not a 950 vs 930.

The reason you're getting better speeds on Verizon is all due to location. In many parts of the country, AT&T has the faster LTE speeds.

Generally, in most of the US, Verizon has more complete coverage and AT&T has faster speeds. Doesn't mean Verizon covers everything AT&T does, nor does it mean AT&T is always faster. There are exceptions to both.
I bought the unlocked 950 XL from the Microsoft store and initially had AT&T use the 950 XL's IMEI number to get the phone working. As I have been reading the forums, have I tried various options to get LTE working. Today, I was at a local ATT store buying 5 new Lumia 950's for my company and on a chance, I had the ATT rep use the IMEI from a regular 950 and I am happy to report that my Lumia 950 XL has LTE now. I am not sure if there are any long term issues with using another phones IMEI number but for now LTE appears to be working.
Thought I would share I've seen AT&T LTE Speeds in the OKC area on my 950XL. I've seen it as high as 48Mbps down/15Mbps up, so the phone can push decent speeds. You can see tests around town show speed was all over the place after I got the LTE/ IMEI fixed.

Also, I came from an unlocked 930 that was registered with AT&T, because it's IMEI was previously assigned to the account by the AT&T store (when I got the Nano Sim for the 930) I was stuck on 4G no matter who I talked to until I stuck the SIM into a spare L635 Go Phone, called AT&T and assigned that IMEI to the account, once I moved the SIM back to the 950 XL, LTE has worked fine since. The device still shows "Unknown Device" on my AT&T Account.

Still no answer to whether AT&T is going to assign an IMEI number for the 950XL? I guess I will continue in my holding pattern......
So I was originally told by the rep that I was working that the 10th would be the day. He called yesterday and told me that he apologized but the group that was going to provision my 950XL IMEI had not completed the action. He stated that I would happen but they would need a couple of more days.

What was more interesting was that he stated that this action would only effect my phone. I guess that the takeaway is that ATT can provision one phone at a time? Seems odd to me. Anyway, he said that he would call back this week (which he has been very reliable about) for an update.

Well, I do not know where this is heading but it will surely be interesting. Stay tuned and I will update when I have more.
I have an ATT 830. Ready to go to the MS store and get the 950XL, but after reading this thread I am having second thoughts. I gathers I can drop my830 SIM card in there and should get LTE, but ATT won't recognize the device and I will be subject to the risk that eventually ATT will catch up with me and I will be stuck at 4g. So now don't know what to do. I want the XL. I don't understand how MS can put out this flagship phone in the US that doesn't work on any network?
So I was originally told by the rep that I was working that the 10th would be the day. He called yesterday and told me that he apologized but the group that was going to provision my 950XL IMEI had not completed the action. He stated that I would happen but they would need a couple of more days.

What was more interesting was that he stated that this action would only effect my phone. I guess that the takeaway is that ATT can provision one phone at a time? Seems odd to me. Anyway, he said that he would call back this week (which he has been very reliable about) for an update.

Well, I do not know where this is heading but it will surely be interesting. Stay tuned and I will update when I have more.

They must have the ability to provision them right in the stores. When I first got my 950XL, I took it into the store to switch from a Verizon corporate and to get my ATT sim, they set it up for me using the 950XL's imei (with his handheld device) even though it was unlocked and purchased elsewhere. I had ATT LTE since day one. Now as far as speed goes... it's slow compared to Verizon... at least where I am.
Does anybody know if this is also affecting the single sim version of the xl or just the dual? And is it just att or is cricket affected to since cricket goes though att?
I have a 950 xl and waited till I got the sim in at the ATT store to turn it on initially (I was on Verizon with a Lumia 928 prior to this phone) and I have 4g data. My question is should the phone say 4G or should it say LTE at the top. Does anyone with a 950 XL have LTE at the top or does it just say 4G. I know 4G is LTE. Also how do you tell what specific network you are on band etc?

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