A couple of Fuze questions of my own...

George Ponder

Dec 28, 2001
I've had the Fuze for just under a week and have gotten to know the neighborhood fairly well but there's a few issues that I'm still struggling with.

a) Is there any way to have the Fuze wake up by pressing anything other than the power button?

b) Is there any way to keep the screen on during a call?

c) Can you change the color scheme in TouchFlo? I don't mind the gray wallpaper but wouldn't mind seeing a little color to the title bars.

d) Directed more to HTC and AT&T (should they be listening), please provide us a patch to map the PTT button that doesn't require registry hacks. I get nervous when I look under the hood and the simpler the fix, the better the odds my Fuze doesn't become a paper weight.
some thoughts from my experience

I've had the Fuze for just under a week and have gotten to know the neighborhood fairly well but there's a few issues that I'm still struggling with.

a) Is there any way to have the Fuze wake up by pressing anything other than the power button? Not that I have found without a hack

b) Is there any way to keep the screen on during a call? Not that I have found without a hack

c) Can you change the color scheme in TouchFlo? I don't mind the gray wallpaper but wouldn't mind seeing a little color to the title bars. there are a variety of alternative themes you can download on a variety of sites

d) Directed more to HTC and AT&T (should they be listening), please provide us a patch to map the PTT button that doesn't require registry hacks. I get nervous when I look under the hood and the simpler the fix, the better the odds my Fuze doesn't become a paper weight. This already exists at xda-developers site
d) Directed more to HTC and AT&T (should they be listening), please provide us a patch to map the PTT button that doesn't require registry hacks.
For what it's worth, Coppertop, those patches are typically nothing more than an automated registry hack. ;)

I prefer doing the registry edits myself, simply because I'll know exactly what is getting changed. Patches can contain more than you asked for and that's not always such a good thing. If you're not comfortable doing registry edits, you can improve the comfort level somewhat with a Sprite Backup or something similar. I know my way around a registry pretty well and I'm pretty comfortable with experimenting, but I still do a backup anyway.

There is a setting (at least on the sprint one) that allows you to choose the lock by power or by something else. I had the same question until I found the setting. I can now wake it up by pressing any of the buttons. If I remember correctly, it was the middle setting on that menu.
You need to give this a little thought, though: You don't want the phone waking up in your pocket or a holser/case every time you bump or press it. This has been a complaint in a couple of threads in this forum and I was elated to find that only the power button would wake my new Touch Pro up.

To each his own, though.

Thanks for the help. I've gotten used to waking the phone up with the power button so that is no longer an issue.

Still wouldn't mind remapping the PTT button. I tried AE Buttons but that did more harm that good. It remapped the PTT but after the first press, it reverted back to PTT.

I can live with the screen going out while on calls but it's a shame HTC didn't configure things the way Apple did to rely on the accelerometer to wake the screen up while on a call. They at least thought of opening Notes by removing the stylus while on a call.

James, I have the Advanced Configuration Tool on my Fuze and it's helped a lot with the performance of the Fuze. Still haven't taken the plunge on installing a custom ROM. I break things way to easy.
James, I have the Advanced Configuration Tool on my Fuze and it's helped a lot with the performance of the Fuze. Still haven't taken the plunge on installing a custom ROM. I break things way to easy.

do you know where you can get the advanced configuration tool?
Waking Up the Phone

I've been reading the users manual PDF included on the CD which came with my phone and discovered a setting called Key Lock on the System tab of All Settings which gives you some control over what buttons will wake up the phone.

This is on a Sprint Touch Pro so there's no guarantee that the setting will be there on other phones or whether the options will be the same. My phone ie set up to to wake up with the power button only, but sliding the keyboard out or removing the stylus also wakes it up. This suits my needs just fine so I'll be leaving it as-is.


I can live with the screen going out while on calls ....

I hate that. At first, I thought I was doing something wrong (have only had the Fuze for a week).

It's totally annoying and I wish they'd fix that or at least have it dim.

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