A review of the 2013 Lumia 1020, in end-2015

Re: Lumia 1020 still worth it?

Sure, the seller is "genuine_parts_uk" on eBay. I was looking for a good deal for the better part of the year. These things hold price LOL Well worth the wait and even the price, even though I hoped for a better deal, but whatever, couldn't wait any longer, so it made a perfect Christmas gift. Good luck!
Re: Lumia 1020 still worth it?

I would pay 400 for a new one tomorrow. I love the 1020. Specs wise is not the best, but overall it is fast, capable, a great size, with an out of this world camera.
Re: Lumia 1020 still worth it?

I can't suggest anything better ...... and that really annoys people who don't have one :-)
Re: Lumia 1020 still worth it?

Yeah exactly. Its not the latest phone, but sometimes the latest is not the best. I hope my screen get here soon, I'm hating Android and its buggy leggy mess of an os.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Re: Lumia 1020 still worth it?

The only problem with the 1020 is the specifications outside of the camera. I've had 920, 930, and now have a 950. It is essentially a 920 with extra RAM and a phenomenal camera (though all high end Lumia cameras are great IMO). For me it wouldn't be worth it for the lag elsewhere. But YMMV.
Re: Lumia 1020 still worth it?

I wouldn't buy it at that price, I would sooner get a Lumia 930 - all the 1020 really has over it is the high megapixel count, but I'd get the 930 which is superior is most every other regard and probably costs around that price. Now if the 1020 was around $100-150 USD I'd think its more worth it.

@Kaaleth : I am quoting xandros9, as I like his suggestion of going for the 930. I would also suggest to go for the 930, as it has better specs that 1020 (with the exception of camera, but takes some stunning pictures). It is also officially recognized by Microsoft as upgradable to Windows Mobile 10.
Re: Lumia 1020 still worth it?

the 1020 is also recognised as well. I don't have any lag in my 1020s.
Re: Lumia 1020 still worth it?

the 1020 is also recognised as well. I don't have any lag in my 1020s.

Yes, most of us will not have lag on our 1020's running WM10, but, when the phone was released, it was not planned to upgrade to the next version of Windows. Only 3 phones were actually planned to upgrade. However, Microsoft is better than other companies, as they are providing OS upgrade for all older phones.
Anyone else disappointed MS did not continue 41MP camera?

Hi all. I did have the Lumia1020 albeit for a month only. The battery life was so bad I could not live with it. I predicted that when MS bought Nokia, they would not continue the 41MP camera. Anyone else disappointed?

I have moved onto Android and currently have a Galaxy S5. Outdoors, this takes photos equal to the 1020. You can crop significantly before resolution suffers. But the 41MP camera module was a fascinating concept and such a shame it didn't live on.

The 1020 suffered from having a single relatively low end processor running the phone and the camera. It was a bastardised version of the 808 which had a separate processor for the camera. And a small 2000 mah battery was the final nail.

But a crying shame MS let this go. It was such a standout concept, something to distinguish MS phones from everything else.
Re: Anyone else disappointed MS did not continue 41MP camera?

Yeah, I would love to see a 1020 replacement. I ended up getting a BlackBerry Q10 at the time 1020 was available.

The factors that turned me off from the 1020 were the sealed in battery, and non expandable 32gb storage. These two have to be the must in my phones. If the 1020 had these features, it would make an awesome point and shoot camera. But now, these phones cannot do much with the worn out battery.

Having said that, I think people are accepting terms with the Iphone and Galaxy type of camera quality. Not as good as the 1020 but good enough for most situations.

Posted via the Windows Central App for BlackBerry 10
Re: Anyone else disappointed MS did not continue 41MP camera?

Having said that, I think people are accepting terms with the Iphone and Galaxy type of camera quality. Not as good as the 1020 but good enough for most situations.

Posted via the Windows Central App for BlackBerry 10

I can tell you that 16MP Galaxy cameras are absolutely fantastic outdoors. You would not believe how much you can pinch zoom before you lose resolution. If the 1020 does better, it would only be by the slightest of margins. In fact when I transfer photos via Wi-Fi to my tablet, outdoors photos are more detailed than with my dedicated Sony compact camera. A lot better in fact. Where the Sony excels is in zoom and low light photography.

As far as low light imaging, I received a software update that did wonders when shooting with night mode. The difference before and after the update is unbelievable. I can shoot in low light with very little noise. The night mode however is only suitable for still imaging. You cannot use it indoors shooting for e.g., a kids birthday party.

The only poor imaging is in low light when not using night mode where your subjects are not still. Lots of noise and grain if you are not using the flash because the area is too large. This is where the Sony compact runs rings around it.

But in good lighting, my Galaxy and other phones can beat compact cameras.
Re: Anyone else disappointed MS did not continue 41MP camera?

you have to remember that high mp camera was never ms priority
it was nokia idea
41MP camera is not that impressive if you compare it with cameras in latest iphone/samsung flagship
ok 1020 still win in low light but that's it
Re: Anyone else disappointed MS did not continue 41MP camera?

sounds like sour grapes, 1020 camera rocks, instead of pandering to images online, try printing them out, nothing quite like 1020.
I hear blah, blah blah, but most are viewing on a screen, edit them, them print them out ..........
Nothing worse than taking the "perfect" picture and it prints out like crap.
So many don't use the high res picture for comparisons, they use the 5MP (shared version), often forgetting there is a high res picture to play with (and compare)
I completely agree! This phone is still boss! I just bought another one and activated it today. In a world where everyone always feels like they need the newest hardware, the most ppi, biggest, badest, fastest, this device still shines as a solid smartphone. I don't get any hiccups in the OS, no lag or stutter. Sure it probably loads 1 second slower than others, but 1 second slower for a 41mp camera and a much cheaper price point? I will take that deal. It's not always about the updates. If the device works well on the version of software it has, why keep complaining? Now I understand if our favorite apps stop working because the developer doesn't support them anymore, that is frustrating. But so far, I loaded up all the apps I had on mine two years ago when I first got this phone, they are running like a dream.

It really feels like coming home again, this device is my all time favorite device!
I love my 1020 as well. The 950xl has been tickling my fancy since it was released and I need a dual sim for home/work. I am hoping the xl/normal buy one get one free deal is extened. That way my wife can get a new one as well.
I recently switched back to the 1020 after significant time on a BlackBerry Q10 & Passport, as I preferred using the BB10 operating system. One of the main reasons for the shift back to the 1020 was the lack for app support on BB10, namely Whatsapp, as I needed it for work communication. I basically have not used WP8 for over 2 years. I never did like using Android as a daily driver - I just found it too clumsy. Going back to WP8 after so long was actually quite refreshing. The smaller form factor of the 1020 is actually quite welcome, compared to the 5.5" sized Androids and iPhones today. I really like the build quality of the 1020, and am now very happy using it again. The camera, although old by today's standards, still takes some great shots.
The Camera is only slow by today standards, not old. 41 Megapixel, Xenon-Flash, 1/1,5 Image Sensor. There is still no other Camera today with that specs!

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