A week with the Surface Pro 2

People who buy the SP2 primarily for tablet use will be disappointed. I've had the pro 2 for 1 week and don't think I've used it much as a tablet. Majority of the time, it's out with the kickstand on my desk. If you want a tablet, get a surface, not the pro.

I wouldn't say its disappointing as a tablet , but I also use it more in desktop than anything. I like having the option myself of using it whichever way I want/need.
I agree with the OP, if you had already spent ?1000 or whatever on a brand new ultrabook and spent the same amount of the SP2.. really no point at all. You'd be better of getting just the SP2 :P as you get a two for one device. Me personally having evaluated my needs, right now an Tablet running RT suits my needs currently at the moment I am split between the Surface 2 and L2520. I was curious if I was to get a Surface Pro 2, how that would stack up as a) replacement for my probook 4730s and b) as a tablet. So on that note how useable are x86 apps with a touch screen?
I wouldn't say its disappointing as a tablet , but I also use it more in desktop than anything. I like having the option myself of using it whichever way I want/need.

Disappointed was a little strong. I believe the majority of pro owners use it more like a laptop/desktop. I agree with you that you have a choice to use it as a laptop/desktop/tablet. That's what I love about my pro 2.
So on that note how useable are x86 apps with a touch screen?

You mean 'old school' desktop apps?
I would evaluate the usability as 'Ok, but needs work'.
It's not a fantastic environment to work in TBH. And the scratch pad on the TypeCover makes it worse IMHO.
You mean 'old school' desktop apps?
I would evaluate the usability as 'Ok, but needs work'.
It's not a fantastic environment to work in TBH. And the scratch pad on the TypeCover makes it worse IMHO.

is this based on programs that were built with touch screen integration? I find all the x86 programs im using (some as old as 2005) work very good considering touch screen wasn't in the picture back then. Also, I love the type cover 2....i dont have any issues at all with it, maybe the mouse pad is a little small but I can look past it. I am constantly smiling as I use my pro 2 :)
I've had laptops that weigh less

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]Surface Pro 2[/TD]
[TD]Surface Pro 2 + Type Cover 2[/TD]
[TD]MacBook Air 11"[/TD]
You're either splitting hairs or mistaken. That said, I do hope they reduce size & weight on next year's model so it's more competitive with ordinary tablets.
[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]Surface Pro 2[/TD]
[TD]Surface Pro 2 + Type Cover 2[/TD]
[TD]MacBook Air 11"[/TD]
You're either splitting hairs or mistaken. That said, I do hope they reduce size & weight on next year's model so it's more competitive with ordinary tablets.

I was mildly exaggerating to make a point TBH.
I never really understood the weight complaints either. Do people really expect a full x86 laptop/tablet hybrid to weight the same as an iPad? The closest competing device from Apple is the MacBook Air 11", which weighs almost .5lbs more than the Surface Pro 2, and every reviewer considers its weight "amazing". The Sony VAIO Tap 11 is slightly thinner/lighter, but it's also made of creaky plastic.

As far as heat, it did get warm when playing Diablo 3 for 45 minutes, but not scorching hot like my Dell XPS 17.

My first week with my SP2 has been great, but I understand that my use case doesn't match everyone else's. Basically, I wanted a smaller device that could sit comfortably in my camera bag without adding much weight, could handle photo editing with a stylus, and play the occasional game. For those purposes, it's a phenomenal device.

I agree with you. I do not understand the complaint about the weight. I respect the OP's point of view. And, the point about not being able to hold the SP2 in one hand for any extended period is an interesting one. I own the 3rd generation iPad. When I read the original post I reflected back on how I hold my iPad when I am using it. I can honestly say that I never hold it in one hand. If I am at home, then I typically sit it on my lap. If I am at work or a coffee house, then is typically fold the Smart Cover over and sit it on a desk or table. Again, I just am not in situations where I would have to hold my iPad in one hand for use. Thinking that maybe I deviate from the norm, I went to a Starbucks to do some work. I observed others using their iPads, but no one was holding them in one hand while using them. If my standard use for my iPad does not consist of holding it in one hand, then why would I have expectations that I would be holding my SP2 in one hand while using it? Why is this comparison always being made? I can only compare it to how I use my iPad, and for my purposes, the weight of the SP2 is fine (as a tablet and as a laptop).
People have been engrained that they need to be able to hold it with one hand. I agree with you that majority of people use it with both hands, on their laps, or table.
I have a MacBook Pro 15" and bought SP1 when it came out to replace my iPad. After a brief honeymoon period I returned it for 3 reasons - battery life, heat/noise under even lighter loads, and very poor Kindle app. SP2 fixes all three, and while I wish the battery was better still, it's more than usable. I use my SP2 primarily as a tablet, and the weight doesn't bother me enough, but Touch Cover makes a great screen cover :)
I believe i made this point already, you can argue that its heavier all you want, but if it was .50 lb to 3lb doesnt matter the weight nobody holds anything in one hand except their phone because after about 20 min it is not comfortable no matter the weight, that being said anything under 2.5lbs for a tablet that does everything is fine, if it didnt do everything like the ipad then i would expect it to be lighter, but this weight does not take away from its use as a tablet at all. And anybody not buying one based off that is missing out like i said. just look around nobody holds their ipad/macbook air up in the air while using it. My wife uses her ipad ALL day and never once do i catch her holding it up with one hand or holding it period. Sits in her lap or shes uses the cover/stand. Thats it. And shes a huge apple lover. Ipads arent that light to begin with. And since ipads set the standard....SP2 literally kills everything else at .3 lbs heavier, yeah it feels heavier, does it make it hard to use ? Not in the slightest, i use it as a tablet all day, and i find it easier to use than my 1.3lb thinkpad 2 because my thinkpad 2 doesnt have the stand built in, which believe me, use a thinkpad 2 all day one of the lightest tablets of its size and you want a stand after awhile cause you dont wanna hold your arms up all day. Its natural. MSFT took this into account thats why they arent pushing to get the weight down below 2 lbs. Because in real world not on paper it doesnt matter. All the spec geeks will say its heavy. I replaced my alienware laptop with it. This thing does everything and i also replaced my tablet. I no longer need a desktop or laptop or tablet just one device. And it pretty much works perfect for all. If you prefer a real mouse you can connect a wireless bluetooth for your desktop needs or get a dock. I wouldnt discourage anybody that wants a tablet that does more from it at all. If all you do is read e-books, then yeah why buy an expensive all in one unit. If you want to replace your laptop with something smaller this will do it easily.

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