About time we got Skype?

SKYPE is on every other platform. Why cant they get it made into an app for wp7? Dont need deep integration immediately just get it on the damn platform already. Should have been done ages ago. I have had it on my iphone for over 2 years and do not even have a FFC.
It's taking longer than anticipated due to technical issues. Can't find the article now but I read it yesterday.
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SKYPE is on every other platform. Why cant they get it made into an app for wp7? Dont need deep integration immediately just get it on the damn platform already. Should have been done ages ago. I have had it on my iphone for over 2 years and do not even have a FFC.

MS still needs to go through a few things
1. Rebranding I think they are changing the name to MS skype
2. Legal issues since they own it now I bet they are going to have to fight through some legal issues with the carriers especially if they want to integrate it
3. Merger with Live are they going to merge Skype credit with your live account
4. More merger with live are they going to sync both messengers together
5. Best integration possible I hope MS ensured that the Skype experience on a WP is far greater than the iOS and Android counterpart so they are probably working on this like crazy

I heard 4 - 8 weeks but personally I rather have it integrated rather than a application.
Actually the Skype acquisition only very recently completed after the nod from the relevant bodies such as the US and Europe to name but two. So it is not really that suprising that nothing has popped up yet.

I am actually looking forward to Lync mobile which we do know is imminent having seen it on the Nokia devices during the recent launch and some softies events recently.
Not sure how there are technical difficulties on WP. Skype uses wifi and the internet to make a call between skype members. You upload a video stream and your partner downloads it. It works between mac computers and PC computers and linux computers. As long as you can access the internet and have a web cam you can video chat. What makes a mobile device that much more difficult. More so, what makes a windows mobile device that much more difficult. It is on every other platform.

Does not have to be branded before the app is created. Skype has not been pulled from the internet because it does not have MS in the name. It does not need to be, and should not be, an all or nothing situation. Skype is already used on every carrier network on the other platforms, not sure how big of a legal issue there can be now that it is owned by MS.

I dont like corporate excuses for delays. They are almost always complete and total BS.
As I have pointed out and others you cannot really foot the blame on Microsoft doors just yet. It is pretty obvious that Skype previously like many others had not considered it a priority hence no app, now with the aquisition complete we can be assured that this priority will change.

That is good news just be patient my little grasshopper.
Skype is on webOS which has less market than WP and has a skype app. I need a video phone app that works across platforms.

I have very little patience. :D
Not sure how there are technical difficulties on WP. Skype uses wifi and the internet to make a call between skype members. You upload a video stream and your partner downloads it. It works between mac computers and PC computers and linux computers. As long as you can access the internet and have a web cam you can video chat. What makes a mobile device that much more difficult. More so, what makes a windows mobile device that much more difficult. It is on every other platform.

Does not have to be branded before the app is created. Skype has not been pulled from the internet because it does not have MS in the name. It does not need to be, and should not be, an all or nothing situation. Skype is already used on every carrier network on the other platforms, not sure how big of a legal issue there can be now that it is owned by MS.

I dont like corporate excuses for delays. They are almost always complete and total BS.

1. True it doesn't have to be rebranded
2. MS needs to ensure how do they implement Skype not only into their WP platform but into Win8 and Xbox. There are more things to do that just simply put an APP on the phone things that have to be considered
- how is the app going to connect to the people feed
- how are messages going to work
- how much resources are calls going to take
- will older handsets be compatible
- how is skype credit going to work

I am just making all of that sh*t up but if I was to deploy Skype after buying it I would ensure its implemented perfectly rather than heres Skype go and make video calls then next thing you know it fails or its slow or its not compatible with your phone then your cameras dont work etc

Also they have to go through legal issues I bet phone carriers are going to give them a hard time.

Things to consider
Skype is on every other platform. It does not have to be perfectly integrated to be useful. Skype and facetime work on the iphone 4 and it has similar, or even lower specs than any windows phone. Put it on the platform and let the users comment on how they would like it to be integrated in the future. They had better not wait till they get all the cross device issues determined before releasing to WP.
Again, carriers already allow skype. Just because MS owns them now, nothing has really changed for the carriers.
Skype already works fine on all other platforms, WP can not be that monumental of an undertaking to get working right. Cameras do not even have to be used for skype. VOIP is not video, its voice over internet protocol. That was the original intent of skype. Phone calls without long distance charges.

I do understand the complications that could come up but it all looks like PR BS when you realize that its the only platform that does not have the app. If anything I think waiting makes it look worse for WP7. Does not look like they are taking their time, it looks more like they are having serious issues getting it to work meaning that the OS is flawed in someway that no other OS is.

**** call it a beta app. Even apple has been able to brush off Siri criticism with that moniker attached to it.
1. Carriers might not like the fact that if a user has a skype number and Skype is deeply integrated into the phone calling via Wifi might cost them money. If its an Application thats fine but MS is a big player int he game no other OS has a VoIP app which can call landlines via Wifi or network connection.

2. Cameras dont need to be used but in todays day-n-age if Skype doesn't have camera its useless alot of people use Skype for video chatting I personally use it just for VoIP but you need the full feature set with the best functionality or else its a bad look on MS part

3. Waiting for Skype makes MS look bad I kind of agree but if Skype comes out half assed it will make MS and WP look really bad. MS would prefer to look bad rather than really bad

WP OS is just different take a look at other applications the interface, general usage, live tiles its a completely different thought process developing for this platform it isn't as easy as Android and iOS which are pretty similar.
considering how much ATT, Verizon, Tmobile charge for data, I don't think they are concerned. Even their "unlimited," is not unlimited in practice, :p

Though if Skype is integrated as deeply as WLM is.... AWESOME!
1. Wifi does not affect carriers in the least bit. Apple has facetime for apple to apple video chat and it only works on wifi. Even though att has hspa+ which is faster than my home wired DSL service at times.

3. Make it a beta, you will not look very bad if its not perfect. But it will get it onto people's phones and make them happy.

Other apps are available across all platforms so it can not be impossible to utilize WP OS for skype.
1. Wifi does not affect carriers in the least bit. Apple has facetime for apple to apple video chat and it only works on wifi. Even though att has hspa+ which is faster than my home wired DSL service at times.

3. Make it a beta, you will not look very bad if its not perfect. But it will get it onto people's phones and make them happy.

Other apps are available across all platforms so it can not be impossible to utilize WP OS for skype.

1. It could carriers wont be able to charge roaming plans or long distance plans if this happens. Apple has facetime video to video so does tango but Skype has actual Skype credit and you can buy an actual Skype number for people to contact you at and you can also call landlines. Can Apple facetime call landlines can Tango do that?

I dont think Carriers care if its phone to phone via data or Wifi but when it can potentially become VoiP to Landline carriers will start to take notice and look at how they price their roaming and long distance calling they can take a hit on that.

2. Beta sure its out on peoples phones but what if the beta and the app consinstantly crashes or isn't great on some headsets or another. People dont care if its beta or alpha they just know its the finished product. A few bad experiences can lead up to a big bad experience and might direct them to another VoIP platform and could potentially tarnish the WP name. Oh SKYP is horrible on WP but great on iPhone and Android goes to show that MS sucks (something like that).

To get more marketshare the WP experience must be awesome and unique the more bad news spread the less and less the 99% will care about this platform.
Yes, skype is the only version that can call land lines that I know of. Again, skype is already available on every other platform of mobile device. Allowing it on MS devices is not going to hurt anything. WP has less than 8% total market share.

You can pull the PR card and claim that its better to wait till something is perfect, but that can also be a bad thing. I for one will not be waiting. Will be a very very tough choice for me to pick WP if I will not have skype for another year. MS has a month and a half to announce when skype will hit WP. If there is no word by then, I may take back my titan and get a 4S.

The Microsoft Skype acquisition is old news and one would think that they would release the app for WP7 soon with all the new FF camera's on the newer devices. But all seems quiet on that front.

I have to say, I loved the placement of the camera on my Backflip. Companies could save money by placing the camera like on the backflip and allowing you to flip out the keyboard, where the camera then faces you, close the keyboard and the camera faces what you want to take a picture of. Granted, the size of the cameras, they can't cost that much.... As far as Skype on the cell phone, I really haven't found the point. In fact, Everyone expects all their friends to run their favorite instant messanger, to the point that most folks end up running so many different messangers their computer ends up getting bogged down, and spammers start spamming you with messages all day.... There's that service that combines all into one, it's o.k. but why not force everyone else to stick with your more standardized messanger.... Let them use Google Voice or Skype to send an SMS Message to you if they want to chat.... ;-)
Yes, skype is the only version that can call land lines that I know of. Again, skype is already available on every other platform of mobile device. Allowing it on MS devices is not going to hurt anything. WP has less than 8% total market share.

You can pull the PR card and claim that its better to wait till something is perfect, but that can also be a bad thing. I for one will not be waiting. Will be a very very tough choice for me to pick WP if I will not have skype for another year. MS has a month and a half to announce when skype will hit WP. If there is no word by then, I may take back my titan and get a 4S.

Yeah its unfortunate its taking so slow but i heard 4 - 8 weeks I say if its not out or announced by the end of the year go back to the 4S. I would do the same thing if I really need it
Yeah its unfortunate its taking so slow but i heard 4 - 8 weeks I say if its not out or announced by the end of the year go back to the 4S. I would do the same thing if I really need it

yahoo and Google Voice supports calling and sms, Google voice is free. Maybe neither can do it in their mobile app, but I find that a little dumb needing to make a call in an app on a cell phone, especially on todays plans...
As others have said, a little patience is needed - for one thing Microsoft will be busy integrating the business side of things in the background.

It's likely (and this would be my hope) that Skype will be integrated into the WP experience. So, rather than a Skype app that is seperate from the main phone feature of WP, they'll be integrated together, so when you place a call you'll be able to make it using your cellular connection, or place the call via Skype.

Skype also has IM-style capabilities, and it remains to be seen whether this (and the other Skype features) will be kept seperate from, or integrated with Windows Live Messenger over time.

The idea of having Skype's features integrated with Windows Phone is exciting for the platform, and will offer a better experience than what an app could acheive alone. From day one WP has been about more than just apps, so it shouldn't surprise anyone if Microsoft's strategy with Skype when it comes to WP is to do some deep integration.

Looked at from another angle though, doing deep integration with Skype is something that most likely would be part of a future WP update - but, where does that fit into the schedule? The Tango update is set to be a minor one, and the next major update is rumoured to be Apollo, which is most probably going to drop 2H 2012. We know little of what end-user functionality might be included here. Skype could be a part of it - but that means it could be a long way off before we see Skype for WP7.

It's always possible a Skype app might get released as a stopgap measure, and even without a WP update, some basic integration could still be done via the online parts of Windows Live, which act as a gateway of sorts for the other online services you use. Time will tell - patience is a virtue!

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