Add Me On The Sims FreePlay Friend List !

I also would like to be added. I've only been playing for a couple of months, so I have a lot of the buildings but I don't yet have a dedicated space for hobbies/etc. Like others, I'm not sure how to add neighbors.

EDIT: I've decided not to continue past the adulthood quest, so I'm not finishing the ghost hunting quest and those after that, since I have no interest right now in the death quest. So, I won't have all the fancy buildings on the island, nor will I have any ghost hunting objects in my town. It's probably best, then, that folks don't add me, since I won't have all the things they'll need to complete social quests.
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I'm on the Windows Phone/Xbox version of Sims Freeplay. I have tons of stuff in my town more or less central in a kind of activity centre. All hobby & career stuff you can find there. Next to that several houses (haunted stuff as well). Kitten & pup in the day-care centre etc. If you need anything, drop a message on XBL.

Level 20 now, so not all of the special buildings, but these will follow for sure ;) Just add me on XBL with your account, I will accept back when I'm online. If you require something special that I do not have yet, send me a message.

To those that have a fashion centre as well, please let me know as I still need to finish that Social assignment ;) Thx!

What's your gamer tag? You can add me, I'm Hilonet84
Looking for someone with an easel outside so I can paint in a neighbor's town. I have just about everything for a friend to borrow in my town. I'm ginpeaches on Xbox.

EDITED TO ADD: I'm out of space to add new friends. Scroll down for others to play with. Happy gamng!
I got a easel in my town
Hi, I can't seem to add any neighbors on Party Boat. I keep adding friends on Xbox live, I see that they add me too, be they do not appear on Party Boat. Has anyone had this issues with Windows 10? Please add me: LiuseMuse
I'm stuck on the quest where I have to use a neighbours auction podium. Can someone who has one please add me? I've tried adding people but it doesn't seem to work properly and I don't know why 😔
My gamer tag is CURRENTATOM8396
I have all the hobby/career development items, most of the workplaces and shop, the island, all I need right now is a neighbour with an auction podium so I can pass that task!

Anyone can add me, so long as I have space to add people, my gamertag is Zozzie321
Please add me my gamerTag is Finermermaid856.
I really need help to add neighbours so I can complete these social tasks, please help a girl out.😊

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