Administrator Rights on a Windows 8 Tablet


New member
Oct 5, 2011
I have a Dell Latitude 10 ste with Windows 8 installed. I have noticed that when I go into the control panel/device manager, there are a lot of options which are grayed out and that I can't select. For example, the "analyse" button for defrag, the check box for "Copy the recovery partition from the PC to the recovery drive" or even "Delete the recovery partition"

I have checked and I am the Administrator for my tablet, but there seem to be far too many little check boxes and options that I cannot access, case in point, I tried to access my windows app folder and was told that I don't have access to this folder.

What am I doing wrong or overlooking?
Thanks Laura, I had a look and did some more searching over there, but that didn't help much. A lot of those answers are designed for laptops/pcs (imo) and also when i tried the soft reboot, I got an error message saying that I am missing some components, etc. My next option is to try a hard reboot...but I think i can live with this for a while, nothing else is affected so let me not tempt the Fates.

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