Album art showing up in photo app?


New member
Oct 30, 2012
Since I upgraded to Windows 10 Mobile. suddenly all the album art from my music folder on one drive is showing up in the "photo" app. is this normal and if not is there a fix. I tried searching forums, but couldn't find anything on it.
But isn't the point why is W10M confusing album art with photographs, how did they get in the same folder, shouldn't they be managed separately? I want to see my OneDrive photos on my phone, without having them all stored there.

I am having a similar problem with podcasts showing up in my music collection in Groove. It shouldn't happen. The Podcasts folder is by default stored in the Music folder. If that's how it will be done, then the Groove app has to somehow know to NOT read from that folder. Or better yet, give us the ability to define where to look for the podcast and music folder. (Dare I say it, like we could with ZUNE.)

Not sure if it is the same problem with album art. I also somehow had some album art in my OneDrive pictures folder. I manually deleted it. Maybe it was a bug in a previous version.
Not sure why your album art shows up since I don't have any. I find the management of OneDrive and photos confusing as well.
I'm not sure either. It is supposed to just pull from the pictures folder and all the album art is in music. I don't want to turn one drive sync off all together, but having hundreds of non photos makes searching real pics a pain.

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