Am I transfering photos to my SD card properly?

Peter Beech

New member
Nov 25, 2012
Problem transferring photos to larger SD card

I've just got a larger 64GB SD card for my Lumia 830 to replace my previous 32GB. I thought it would be a fairly painless and simple job to transfer the photos from the old SD card to the new one, and then have them all show up in the Photos app. But no matter what I do, I can't get it to see all the photos, nor to generate/rebuild the thumbnail library.

I have about 9GB of photos - I first tried transferring direct to the SD card via Explorer (bypassing the phone altogether). When I put this in the phone, and went into the Photos app, it started saying 'updating...', which looked promising. But then about half were missing, and there were blank placeholders or duplicate photo thumbnails for the rest. I ended up looking at the SD card again, direct via a laptop - and the file-system was corrupted. The half that were missing were orphaned files (a repair brought back a bunch of 'found' files).

So, I formatted the card (via the Phone), and tried again - this time, transferring the photos while the SD card was in the phone, and connected by USB and just copying to the SD card entry under the Windows Phone node in Explorer.

This took 3 hours, but pretty much the same effect - perhaps a few more photos seen, and less duplicated thumbnails.. but again, the file system was corrupt when checking it raw.

So I tried just copying a months worth, again while connected by USB. Same outcome.

Should this not be something that is easily possible to do? I.e. just transfer some photos to an SD card, and have them just show up in the Photos app? Do you have to leave it some time to build the library before daring to open the Photos app or something?

If someone can tell me they've successfully done something like this, I can then check whether I have a faulty SD card - which could be the case.

Re: Problem transferring photos to larger SD card

Thanks for the reply - yes, I can see them fine when just transferring and looking at them in Windows. But once the card has been in the phone, the photos folder seems to get corrupted. (The music and documents which I've also transferred all appear to be fine - all the music gets picked up by Xbox music, etc).

I don't think it's fake - it's a Samsung, bought direct from Amazon - but I'll try to check.

So, do you think in general this is a scenario that should just work, or are there known issues with the Photos app when doing something like this? I've seen the stuff about duplicates, but nothing that seemed as bad as what I'm seeing..
Re: Problem transferring photos to larger SD card

So, do you think in general this is a scenario that should just work, or are there known issues with the Photos app when doing something like this? I've seen the stuff about duplicates, but nothing that seemed as bad as what I'm seeing..
I'm not sure. I've never had a Windows Phone with a microSD card slot. Hopefully someone else will know that answer.
Re: Problem transferring photos to larger SD card

What class if card is it? Should be at least a 6.
Re: Problem transferring photos to larger SD card

Which app you use for taking picture's
If Nokia (Lumia) Camera please open app go to the 3 dots ... then to settings and then on the bottom of that page :
Find photos and videos shot with lumia camera.
May that solves the "orphanes"
What class if card is it? Should be at least a 6.

it's a class 10 Samsung microSDHC UHS-I Card 64GB. I don't think it's the type of card in general that's a problem, but could be a faulty one of course. I have another identical card I will try, to try to rule out the specific card.

I'm still not sure if anyone's ever tried doing this kind of 'import/transfer', and I do suspect the thumbnail rebuild process more than the card at this stage.

Which app you use for taking picture's
If Nokia (Lumia) Camera please open app go to the 3 dots ... then to settings and then on the bottom of that page :
Find photos and videos shot with lumia camera.
May that solves the "orphanes"

I use the standard camera app - but in this case the photos are being transferred from another SD card, so I'm not sure the camera app could help, it seems to me to be more to do with the Photos app. But I might try that. I wonder if this is a Lumia 830 Denim problem - as far as I understand it, the 8.1 update 1 is an earlier build than the one being rolled out, though I'm not sure. Or could be a problem with Denim - I wouldn't think it would affect the thumbnail/library update process, but perhaps it can affect how SD cards are treated.

check out the following app
Windows phone app for desktop

I've only tried transferring both directly onto the SD card, or via the Windows Phone Explorer integration. I didn't use the modern Phone app on Windows 8.1 as it won't let me select any folder on the disk to transfer from. The desktop one might be worth a try, but I suspect all of these apart from going direct onto the card will transfer in exactly the same way.
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All my photos are on OneDrive. That includes ones from PC and SD card. I can see all photos without using up the MicroSd card. As I take pictures it automatically syncs with OneDrive as least that is what I gather cause I look on PC and photos from phone are already there. I did a format on card and restored phone back to factory settings and all my photos were there. I had all my apps and addresses due to Microsoft log in saved my data and OneDrive saved all my pictures.

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