AMD vs Intel - or - How I got my first build (+little what's what on PC parts)

First thing I would check is thermal paste. I did a burn in test and my CPU hit 100c after I reapplied thermal it was better.
First thing I would check is thermal paste. I did a burn in test and my CPU hit 100c after I reapplied thermal it was better.

Already have a Noctua NT-H1 but I need to buy some alcohol to clean the old thermal paste off. A new cooler is ordered as well (Cooler Master Hyper TX3 Evo, it has the same mounting mechanism as the stock cooler, so I don't have to uninstall the whole mobo to mount a backplate,...).

Don't ask me how but I managed to get the temps while installing some games between 45-57?C. Nothing compared to my i3-4130 but still better than before. I will replace the thermal paste and cooler anyway.
Most people suggest 99% alcohol to clean off thermal paste but did you know there is a thermal paste cleaner made specifically for thermal paste. That's what i use. It smells like orange cleaner.
Most people suggest 99% alcohol to clean off thermal paste but did you know there is a thermal paste cleaner made specifically for thermal paste. That's what i use. It smells like orange cleaner.

Do you mean those Arctic Silver ArctiClean 1&2 sets? Those are only 30ml for ~8€. So, I rather buy some isopropyl at the next pharmacy (I hope they have som 99% alcohol, the less watered down, the better).
My dad likes to use a razor blade, haha. Cut himself because he's a moron (scraping towards himself) when I was younger once. Had to get stitches and everything.

My dad likes to use a razor blade, haha. Cut himself because he's a moron (scraping towards himself) when I was younger once. Had to get stitches and everything.


A few weeks ago I read an article in a PC hardware magazine about seperating the CPU and renewing the TIM on the DIE. All this effort just to get a few degrees off....and risking to destroy your CPU -_-

Seems that I can't post the YouTube comment would be seen as "spam" by the stupid forum post thing -_-
People do it all the time with Ivy and Haswell stuff, delidding the processor. It can make or break your CPU for a high overclock, which is why they do it. Some will pop the lid (not hard to do, from what I've read), put a new TIM on, then place the lid on and clamp it (force of the cooler holds the lid on). Others will do a bare-die delid, where they just put the TIM on the die and put the cooler directly onto it, which gives a better drop in temps than putting the lid on.

There are two schools of thought as to why delidding even works:

1. Crap TIM from Intel
2. The cavity in the lid is a bit too much, so the die and lid don't quite touch, meaning the heat doesn't transfer as well to the die and cooler. (more-accepted of late)
I guess you lose all warranty by doing this procedure.

Is this procedure really worth voiding your warranty for a few degrees?

Kinda scary that a company like Intel doesn't get this right.
I did hear about one guy who got his fried CPU replaced after delidding, though it's definitely not something to bank on. I mean, overclocking voids warranties as well, but this is a procedure done by the enthusiast crowd, those willing to take the risk. I'm certainly not going to do it as I don't need to OC my CPU to hellish temps and delid to make up for it. I'm just on the Internet, wasting time.
So, if overclocking voids your warranty, why are AMD and Intel selling CPUs that are supposed and especially made for overclocking? O.o
IDK if it's against AMD's policy. Intel sells a $25 OC warranty though.

That's just ridiculous xD What's next? Smartphone manufacturers selling warranties for when you want to use a 3rd party app?

Damn, I should get back on writing again on the first page *bad conscience*

Edit: Got myself some nice 40ml Isopropyl. Now just waiting for the new CPU cooler for the AMD APU to get shipped.
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I know I'm way behind on updating this thread (first post). I have a Word doc that I'm updating from time to time but as long as I haven't finished it you can look at this thread from by the member Windspeed36. It's a very detailed and simple do-it-yourself guide. I really recommend that one.
DIY PC - General Discussion - Linus Tech Tips

If you want videos that show how to put the parts together you can search YouTube for videos from Austin Evans (he also has a few build lists/videos from low budget to mid-range, all for gaming purpose, LinusTechTips (more on the expensive side, but one or two value builds too or others like TimmyTechTV, iamApropos or TekSyndicate.

If you're not sure if the parts will fit together, has a feature that only lists parts that are compatible (if you pick an i3 Haswell CPU it will only show you motherboards with LGA1150 sockets that fit, etc.). They might not show you all available components, but the most common ones.

I hope that I can finish the guide before university start again, hence the lack of time then.

If you still have questions feel free to send me a message or post your question in .

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