Another defect :(


New member
Nov 10, 2011
Ok, so the first 2 Titans that I got had dead pixels - I'm on #3 now and the screen is perfect. However... in the bottom right corner, there is a small gap (about .5 mm) between the glass and the plastic piping that runs along the outer screen. The glass is not flush to the edge. It's hard to notice in daylight, but in a dim or dark room, there is light leak coming from this gap and its pretty annoying. Already some dust starting to collect in there too. So back to the store for phone #4.... Grrrrr. :/

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
Yeah I bought from the MS store, wondering if their particular batch had problems or what.
Ive read about people getting bad ones from ms store, only thing i notice with mine is the win logo is lite up a lil off like the bottom of the flag is brighter , not sure if that normal but still off :)
Ive read about people getting bad ones from ms store, only thing i notice with mine is the win logo is lite up a lil off like the bottom of the flag is brighter , not sure if that normal but still off :)

I just noticed the same thing on mine today! Maybe it's normal?
I bought my Titan at the Atlanta Microsoft Store on Saturday. It is absolutely perfect and I find the build quality more impressive than any HTC device I have ever used. No imperfections at all with mine.
aimfire, mine has that gap on the top and dist collects there. I think screen is more important than those little things, and I'd consider asking to see the one you open before the return is made.

and yea bottom of windows sign being more lit is normal from every youtube review ive seen. (and mine has it too)
Went back to MS store, and they were kind of being a pain about letting me exchange for another. But it looks like this might just be a small design flaw... The salesgirl showed me her phone and I also looked at the floor demo, and both had that same little gap in the bottom right corner. :/ You have to look for it, but when compared to the bottom left corner, it's more obvious. Just seems that's the way the plastic is molded for some reason. I really only notice it at night, and but there is a thin line of light that reaches up almost to the camera button.

So, whatever.... Not a dealbreaker, but kinda sloppy on HTC's part. Maybe I'll take a look at the Lumia 900 next year.
I have a dead pixel on mine. But since I won mine at a WP7 event I had to call HTC about replacing it. They said its not a fully supported phone so they would have to get back to me in 2 weeks.

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express
Bought two Titans on Friday from ms store in MOA. One was ok and the other had a dead pixel. Went today and got it exchanged. So far so good.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I have a little light leakage under the Windows and back buttons. It doesn't bother me much, actually looks kinda cool. :D

Overall the build quality looks very good. Just need to buy a better case and a screen protector.
Yea build quality isnt 100 but its not too far off. And otherwise the phone is gorgeous. What irks me most is listening to zune player music i added to the phone always makes a static noise between every track. Can others please verifyif its prob a software issue or if yours does the same?

I read about the static in another phone forum once but cant find it now.
Without a doubt the Titan is the best built HTC device hands down. The build quality and form factor is top notch. Mine is 100% perfect.
Yea build quality isnt 100 but its not too far off. And otherwise the phone is gorgeous. What irks me most is listening to zune player music i added to the phone always makes a static noise between every track. Can others please verifyif its prob a software issue or if yours does the same?

I read about the static in another phone forum once but cant find it now.

Have you verified this with different headphones or speakers? I had this issue with the Focus S, which is why I returned it. I have not had this issue with the Titan.
Oh man, *prays* I really, really, really need a win. I have had such ****ty luck with my Surround and THREE Focuses (Focii?) that it would just be really nice to get one defect-free phone. Just one.
Yea build quality isnt 100 but its not too far off. And otherwise the phone is gorgeous. What irks me most is listening to zune player music i added to the phone always makes a static noise between every track. Can others please verifyif its prob a software issue or if yours does the same?

I read about the static in another phone forum once but cant find it now.

I get the same noise. Not the worst thing in the world. Also, I wish the power button was on the side. But boy, it's hard to stay mad when I look at that huge, beautiful screen. Screen seems pretty resistant to smudges too. Or at least better than my Focus.
mine has the same gap at the bottom, and the same off-center lighting on the windows logo; purchased from at at&t store

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