Any best way to sync music with Windows Phone 8.1 and Mac?

Jacky Singh

New member
Jan 21, 2013
Hi all,

I am using Lumia 930 and i have Macbook pro with Yosemite. I use this as my main machine for work besides my windows 8.1 pc. I had install windows phone app in mac but the sync is very buggy. And also i cannot drag drop songs directly to the music folder. It would convert into wma file which in process lost the album art detail. Tried with bluetooth... same things happen. Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance.
That would require bandwidth to upload and download my song collection... And also it will require internet.
Not sure that there is many more ways to do this. essentially the only options you have are
  • sync using the app
  • connect the phone via USB and copy it over
  • Bluetooth
  • One Drive
I used the desktop app but moved to Windows Media Player to sync music for 1 reason: Automatically downconverting my music to 128 kbps (or whatever you'd like to set it at).

I export my iTunes playlists to a folder which I tell WMP to sync from. And I when I want to update them, I have to reexport from iTunes.

I plug in my phone and go away for awhile. It has to be connected for awhile (10 minutes?) before the sync will work which is irritating. But eventually it works. It's not easy to figure out but eventually I got it working and now I can fit more music on my phone.

If you're not worried about space, I found the Desktop App syncing with iTunes playlists the easiest!

There's really just one way to get this done: iTunes synchronization through the Windows Phone App for Mac OS X.
I've been doing it this way for six months now and never encountered any problems. You're saying that the sync is buggy - what exactly is your problem?

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