Any new news on Visual Voice Mail for AT&T?


Nov 9, 2011
Coming from an iphone I never realized how much I liked this feature. It's like taking a step back in time using the wp. It's been almost 2 months since AT&T said they were working on it. Any new news?
Total BS. I did not even know that ATT was in charge of that. Really sucks that they only have it for iphone. Who's idea is that? If thats apple's doing then its illegal in the USA under antitrust policies. Would not put it past them though.
Nothing yet they have said that its coming they are working on it it and will enable it when ready. I have been assuming that its going to come with a firmware update thats supposed to be imminebt as well
That's crazy since my HD7 has had VVM since Mango dropped

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
It just takes them a while to get it on new phones. It has nothing to do with the iPhone. All phones have (or should have) VVM. New Blackberry's dont have it yet either.
Yeah, so its not that new phones take time to get it. Its that ATT is giving Apple preferential treatment for some reason. If its due to apple "asking" for it, then its against USA antitrust laws for a company to use its leverage to unbalance the market in its favor.
My understanding is that Apple does VVM a little different than everyone else. Its the carriers that have to build the compatability for it on the backend. Now the VVM that Windows Phone Mango supports is based on the OMTP specs, which isn't what AT&T VVM is (its a variant of that, not sure to what extent). Therefore, AT&T has to add support on the backend before it will work with Mango.

Carriers like T-Mobile on the other hand do have OMTP support, which is what VVM in Mango works on T-Mobile.

The Rumor a while back was that AT&T should have VMM support soon. I'm not holding my breath, though.
It is in the works for sure. In the mean time check out an app called magicmail or go to! It works very well.
Yeah, so its not that new phones take time to get it. Its that ATT is giving Apple preferential treatment for some reason. If its due to apple "asking" for it, then its against USA antitrust laws for a company to use its leverage to unbalance the market in its favor.

So will keep you from getting the titan which you can get for a penny tomorrow?
I seem to remember reading that Apple insisted AT&T had to have it on the iPhone, back when AT&T was the only carrier with the iPhone.

In any case, I agree they need to get it on WP soon. That's the only thing I miss about the iPhone, and I don't take kindly to anyone making me miss anything about the iPhone. lol

I tried using Magikmail, but it just wasn't the same. :(
I am currently waiting for my Titan on at&t coming from a Pre Plus on Verizon and I had a similar frustration over there. My solution was to use the Google Voice voicemail feature with a no answer forwarding setup on my Verizon line. It worked well and Google Voice transcribed and emailed me or sent me a text and a link to hear the message.

I also used an app to get the more "visual" feel.
@Mazenga it has been a long while since I used visual voice mail on an iPhone. Can you tell me why features it has that magikmail doesn't provide?

Sent from my Something Somwhere
Yeah, so its not that new phones take time to get it. Its that ATT is giving Apple preferential treatment for some reason. If its due to apple "asking" for it, then its against USA antitrust laws for a company to use its leverage to unbalance the market in its favor.

I find your concept of anti-trust laws to be very flawed.

Oh, IAAL, btw.
With the most WP7 phones you would think AT&T would have the most features unlocked.

T-Mobile (my Radar) has VV. Too bad the carrier has to approve for you AT&T people.
Carriers approve everything that uses their services or network. Tmobile gives away visual voicemail, so no approval was really necessary there. They have their own apps for other platforms. Microsoft just saved them money and development time :-)

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Carriers approve everything that uses their services or network. Tmobile gives away visual voicemail, so no approval was really necessary there. They have their own apps for other platforms. Microsoft just saved them money and development time :-)

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk

Why should there be? It works flawlessly. All AT&T has to do is press a button to allow it on their networks. I don't understand why it takes them so long especially since they tout themselves as the flagship carrier for WP7.
I originally accepted the original explanation of AT&T's Visual Voicemail being designed for the nonspec iPhone, and the "official" VVM spec was being implemented. However, what that doesn't excuse, is why the AT&T HTC Vivid, an Android phone, has Visual Voicemail and works it perfectly fine.

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