Any news on a verizon wp 7.5?


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Sep 26, 2011
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I am hoping that there will be something also. I am very doubtful though so I am looking at buying a trophy off of ebay and then using my upgrade to get one of the newer phones when they arrive next year I'm guessing.

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Dec 15, 2007
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verizon is still silent on specifics of gen 2 devices I suspect that they are woking with MS on an LTE model. or two. Given that ATT has indicated that LTE devices are coming in 3 to 6 months that or sooner might be VZN's timetable.

Peter McCain

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Mar 16, 2011
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after reading TIMN, I'm hoping there is a secret Nokia phone coming to Verizon. It would make sense.
HTC and Samsung are making enough phones for AT&T. T-mobile has one. Maybe Nokia, will take the next big customer base, Verizon. and there could be a cheap one for t-mobile or sprint. Hopefully there is a world phone.
maybe, too much hoping this, hoping that... Very excited about Nokia announcement. We will see.


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Oct 18, 2011
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I am waiting to see what Nokia has for WP7.5. I want a large phone with a fast dual core processor, super amoled hi res screen (at least 4.3" or better), good camera and a front camera and able to use a bluetooth keyboard. If there is nothing next week, I'll get the Motorola Bionic or the Samsung Nexus. I'd wait a month or 2 but not 6 months.


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Jul 25, 2009
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Verizon seems to be emphasizing the Droid Bionic and their new LTE network. Maybe once a WP7 phone comes out with LTE they will add one.


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Dec 15, 2007
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It may be capable but its not LTE right now. As far as VZN they did have a team at Nokia World so it a possibility and Nokia signalled willingness desire to do CDMA LTE Maybe the ACE will be a combo release for CDMA LTE and LTE for GSM as well That could be a sweet deal!


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Jul 19, 2011
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No, the Titan doesn't support LTE. It supports HSPA+ which is why it is labeled as "4G" on AT&T. I am also hoping for a Verizon (LTE plz?) WP soonish.

Umm Yeah

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Jun 11, 2011
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From everything I've read, LTE support won't be available until the Apollo update. I suppose that their could be some LTE capable handsets out before Apollo that will just become true LTE phones AFTER Apollo, but I highly doubt it.

To be honest, I'd prefer to have 3G and WiFi and save the $100 surcharge that VZW seems to tack on to all of it's LTE devices. 95% of the time, I'm within WiFi range and it's typically faster than the 4G connection speeds. All that said, I'd REALLY just like to have a second generation WP7.5 option at VZW.


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Jul 4, 2011
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There have been several rumors of a Nokia 800 LTE for AT&T, and Nokia and Verizon have been buddy/buddy since Nokia world.

I know high res Screens and Dual Core are slated to be supported by Apollo, but there is no reason in the world a single core WP couldn't support LTE with the hardware standards Microsoft has in place for Mango. All 1st gen LTE on Verizon were single core. Q2 LTE for Windows makes sense.


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Aug 11, 2011
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From everything I've read, LTE support won't be available until the Apollo update. I suppose that their could be some LTE capable handsets out before Apollo that will just become true LTE phones AFTER Apollo, but I highly doubt it.

To be honest, I'd prefer to have 3G and WiFi and save the $100 surcharge that VZW seems to tack on to all of it's LTE devices. 95% of the time, I'm within WiFi range and it's typically faster than the 4G connection speeds. All that said, I'd REALLY just like to have a second generation WP7.5 option at VZW.

The only thing is verizon seems to be going away from 3g phones and wanting everyone to move to lte phones and starting to offer less and less choices. I think the prices will start decreasing since at&t is starting to roll out their own lte and phones are much cheaper. Competition is a good thing=)

Umm Yeah

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Jun 11, 2011
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The only thing is verizon seems to be going away from 3g phones and wanting everyone to move to lte phones and starting to offer less and less choices. I think the prices will start decreasing since at&t is starting to roll out their own lte and phones are much cheaper. Competition is a good thing=)

Except that AT&T's LTE network isn't compatible with Verizon's. So as long as Verizon feels their network is better than AT&T's (which, for better or worse, it is in most places), they will not feel like they are competing. They will see having access to their LTE network as a premium that deserves a premium price for phones that can access it. Verizon wants everyone to move to LTE because it puts less strain on their 3G networks so that iPhone users (who typically consume more data than other smartphone users) won't feel bandwidth constraints.

Trust me, Verizon is using the transition to LTE as a way to move beyond the $199 price point psychological barrier so they can charge more for phones going forward. Until the US begins to operate like they do in many European countries where the purchase of the phone doesn't have to occur at the carrier's stores, competition will be limited artificially by these vertically integrated "mini-monopolies".


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Aug 11, 2011
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Except that AT&T's LTE network isn't compatible with Verizon's. So as long as Verizon feels their network is better than AT&T's (which, for better or worse, it is in most places), they will not feel like they are competing. They will see having access to their LTE network as a premium that deserves a premium price for phones that can access it. Verizon wants everyone to move to LTE because it puts less strain on their 3G networks so that iPhone users (who typically consume more data than other smartphone users) won't feel bandwidth constraints.

Trust me, Verizon is using the transition to LTE as a way to move beyond the $199 price point psychological barrier so they can charge more for phones going forward. Until the US begins to operate like they do in many European countries where the purchase of the phone doesn't have to occur at the carrier's stores, competition will be limited artificially by these vertically integrated "mini-monopolies".

I never said the two were compatible. What I said is they are no longer the only provider with an lte network in the US which is still the case. People are going to look and see at&t lte phones being cheaper and ask why is this cheaper when they are the same type of networks and both will be just as fast. Plus you are wrong the iphone uses less data than android, been proven various times and on various sites. Android Smartphones Consume More Data. Here’s Why. — Tech News and Analysis


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Dec 30, 2010
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No freakin way VZW can test and release a phone that to this point is non-existant by Q1 2012... I'm just say'n.

1. VZW is arrogant
2. VZW hates MS
3. VZW is SLOW w/horrible testing
4 . VZW has no reason to change from Android (cheap phone crappy OS but they dont care its about selling expensive data plans)
5. see #1

Screw VZW.

Have no use for VZW... only going to get worse with charges and price of phones... see item #1

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