Any Progress on Android Driver?


New member
Oct 26, 2004
I know there's another thread that touches upon the development of an Android driver but it is older and includes other driver development. That said, is there an aproximate time frame when an Android driver might come out?

I ask because I finally made the switch from WinMo to android with the Motorola Droid.
Sadly I can't give any solid news yet other than we've been working on it consistently for some time. We have made a lot of progress and we're getting very close but the beta release is still contingent on a few things and it's a bit too early to tell which phones we'll be able to support. At CES in January we'll be showing the progress. I'll try to post a video around that time.
Good question - and I'd like to know the answer - and get on the beta trials. I abandoned Windows Mobile a little while ago. Now my wife and I are e three phone family - iPhone, Nokia N97 and an Android Behold II. Drivers for any of these would be sweet ;-)

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