Any word on 7740 update?

yeah im still waiting on it as well , i dont think ANY CANADIEN model/carrier got 7740 yet :`(

im starting to think my next WP is gona be unbranded. getting tired of waiting after carriers.

Do they allow tethering in Canada as part of your data package, or do you have to pay an additional fee for it?
Do they allow tethering in Canada as part of your data package, or do you have to pay an additional fee for it?

its including in ALL DATA plans/options ( been like that for last 3 years)

100% supported , think we even did it before the REST of the world..

we gotTethering when the FIRST gen Iphone came out ( 2005-2006? ). ( had special plans back then but w/e)
got the update!!!! WOOOT!


oh wait no .. ITS DONE BABY! WOOT!!

Canada --> Rogers --> Focus V1.3
Vodafone Germany puahing out the Update to lumia 800. Installed already.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Board Express
I am updating to 7740 as we speak. Bell Canada HTC HD7 :) First time I get to not force an update to my phone, kind of exciting.
Finally got mine today. But no wifi sharing yet

Sent from my HD7 T9292 using Board Express
Just got the update @ 4:38am this morning. Omnia 7, AT&T, in Louisiana,USA. Finished the update, no difference or internet sharing for me
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Mine came through this morning (UK, Lumia 800, unlocked). No tethering love for Nokia as yet though.

Still, didn't reinstall all the Nokia-bundled apps (British Airways, Tripadvisor) either!
I don't know about anyone else (or if it's just me), but my handset seems to be running ultra smooth and fast.
7740 Update for HTC Titan

Just recieved notification for 7740 update this morning. Recieved HTC Update last week & all went smoothly. Happy Days!

O2 Network UK
I tried 3 times this morning to force on ATT focus rev 1.3 still no love! Oh well It will get here eventually not currently using exchange but thinking about jumping into office 365. Tethering would be nice to have!
My girlfriend today got this update (7740) on her unbranded Optimus 7 LG ....
still no internet sharing ...
I don't understand when the tethering will be released for everybody ... I know some users got tethering on Optimus 7 ... I just don't undertand the policy for providing it ...

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