Anybody here this rumor


New member
May 29, 2011
Was wondering if anyone heard this rumor?
well that fukkin sucks. only 16 GB of storage? out of the entire "spec sheet" THAT was the deal breaker for me. I wouldn't even mind moving back to Verizon or AT&T for it, but only 16 gigs man wtf a BIG wtf to that... seriously.
Nokia reps have said that we'll be seeing the most awesomeness when phones made for Apollo come out. So maybe that's when there will be true high end devices. And hopefully they'll have 32-64 GB of storage.
If it is real and really has LTE and is on Verizon then it could be a platform saver for Windows Phone. They would finally have a relatively high end phone.
The specs are disappointing all around, the storage is just icing on the cake. At least it looks good. Another 4.3" phone, though. I'm looking to downgrade back down to 4" and it's qHD or No Go for me.
When I'm eligible to upgrade I'm hoping for a premium Nokia phone with LTE and a front-facing camera. I'm enjoying my trophy, but the poor voice and data reception it gets really aggravates me sometimes.
I am buying the next Verizon Windows Phone as long as it doesn't have:

- regular LCD screen
- <=8GB
- <5mp camera
- 2G speeds

That is how low my qualifications are for a VzW WP.
The specs are disappointing all around, the storage is just icing on the cake. At least it looks good. Another 4.3" phone, though. I'm looking to downgrade back down to 4" and it's qHD or No Go for me.

well you might be fine with the 4" screen but if you're gonna wait for a qHD display you'll be waiting at least another year because as far as I know I don't think there have been any mentions on adding a 16:9 resolution option to the OS, right now all we have is 5:3 and the most feasible 5:3 res screens are the 800x480.
well you might be fine with the 4" screen but if you're gonna wait for a qHD display you'll be waiting at least another year because as far as I know I don't think there have been any mentions on adding a 16:9 resolution option to the OS, right now all we have is 5:3 and the most feasible 5:3 res screens are the 800x480.
True, but taking 80 piexls off the bottom of a standard 1280x720 16:9 display leaves 1200x720, which would be a clean 50% scaling for existing apps. At that dot pitch (300 dpi at 4.7"; 380 dpi at 4.0"), any scaling artifacts wouldn't be too noticable. That 80-pixels at the bottom could be used for a soft button bar (Back, Windows, Search), but it would be only about 1/4" tall. I guss that MS could make the touch senstive part extend beyond the end of the key legend.
Well there we have it! A device that can compete in America! lol I wonder what kind of chip its got.
- same polycarbonate unibody as 800
- 4.3" clear black amoled
- front facing camera
- better main camera
- 32 GB version & 16GB version available
- AT&T confirmed, Verizon pushing to be launch partner (supposedly)

Rumor: Some new info about Lumia 900 |

Claimed hands-on with the Nokia 900 rumours 4.7 inch AMOLED screen (Update: Actually 4.3 inch screen) | WMPoweruser

well, if this one doesn't end up on t-mobile too (and i'm not betting on it) then these specs would be enough to get me to make the jump over to to the death star (for the 32 GB version), might possibly even be willing to go back to big red for this one.
well you might be fine with the 4" screen but if you're gonna wait for a qHD display you'll be waiting at least another year because as far as I know I don't think there have been any mentions on adding a 16:9 resolution option to the OS, right now all we have is 5:3 and the most feasible 5:3 res screens are the 800x480.

I'm aware of that, and I'm awarebit narrows my choices of platform down by one... Their loss.

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