Anyone AmazonWireless?

First post here. Good forums and great site.

I'm in the same boat as all of you. Placed my order on Nov. 22 and still waiting. First shipping date was Dec. 5-6, but on Dec. 3 received the email stating a delay with a ship date of Dec. 8-15, then this morning received another email wanting me to confirm the date.

I confirmed and looks like I'll be waiting it out with others here. :) No local stores have it and neither did the local Best Buy this past weekend.

It's killin me! :) I too have the original Droid and am chomping at the bit to get my Titan!
Just saw this posted:

Hopefully they'll ship some to Amazon so they can fulfill their orders as well.
Yep, seems that way. Quite annoying. If you do not respond they cancel, miss a notice and your hosed. This is ridiculous.
I know that I don't really have a lot to bargain with since I'm only paying 1 penny for the phone, but a deal is a deal. I'm thinking about pulling the "I'm an idiot average consumer who wants my idroid with the new blackberry system" card and sending them an angry email. I mean it's been 2 weeks. Every other retailer sold out AFTER Amazon and has already gotten theirs shipped out.
Got the email this morning as well. I went ahead and cancelled the order. Pending financial commitments played a part in the decision, since I'd be paying $20+ more per month with AT&T than I am currently paying with Sprint. Every day the order was delayed was a day for me to re-think my decision, and in the end I decided to stick with my Arrive and Sprint's unlimited 0.2Mbps data speeds for the time being.

Who knows: Sprint just announced that their first LTE handsets would be launching in the second half of 2012, sometime during late summer. Maybe there will be an LTE WP7 device launched alongside the Evo LTE.
I recevied yet another email this morning as well.

The delay, in addition to the bugs related to the Titan being reported in another thread here, inspired me to capitalize on the delay and go ahead with the Focus S. Ordered via AT&T and hopefully will arrive in 2 days. Every phone will have its bugs, but the ones mentioned in that thread are enough to be a dealbreaker for me.

For those who may be interested, the Titan bugs thread I was referring to is here.

We'll see how life with the Focus S goes. :)
Another email for me as well. I did call them after 'approving' the shipping delay, and was able to speak with an AW CSR who was pretty candid that while they were expecting more Titans shortly, he could not guarantee exactly when they'd arrive (as usual...)

Interesting that one aspect he mentioned was that Amazon isn't yet a BIG player in the mobile phone arena, so other retailers doing higher volumes have more pull, thus they are often able to source their inventory before Amazon. He even asked me about the Titan and 'what it was' about it that has people so interested.

That said, hopefully HTC has ramped up Titan production so everyone can restock. He did upgrade me to free overnight shipping...I'm still willing to wait.:mellow:
I have a "shipping soon" now with a more definitive date of Dec 12-dec 13 for shipping. That's something I guess.
Mine updated to 'shipping soon' as well - let's hope they can beat those date estimates and get them out to us ASAP! Cheers! :)
Wow. Glad I went ahead w/ Best Buy and canceled Amazon. BestBuy seems to have done better than at&t and Amazon. Hope you either receive shipment soon or appreciate opportunity to watch &learn & reconsider.
I now have a shipping date of Dec 12-13 too, and I now have one-day shipping. I hope this is the real deal.

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Mine has shipped. Expected delivery is tomorrow, but since it shipped so late I'm not expecting it to be here til Saturday. This is great news.
Just received Email confirmation that mine have shipped today, due to be delivered here tomorrow. Can't wait to get them set up and check them out.

This will be my wife's 1st smartphone, so I'm hoping she finds WP easy to learn. She's been using an old LG Env2 and been out of contract on VZW for nearly 18 months!

I'm sure anyone still waiting for an AW order will get theirs shortly!
First post here. Good forums and great site.

I'm in the same boat as all of you. Placed my order on Nov. 22 and still waiting. First shipping date was Dec. 5-6, but on Dec. 3 received the email stating a delay with a ship date of Dec. 8-15, then this morning received another email wanting me to confirm the date.

I confirmed and looks like I'll be waiting it out with others here. :) No local stores have it and neither did the local Best Buy this past weekend.

It's killin me! :) I too have the original Droid and am chomping at the bit to get my Titan!
I bough two HD7s on craiglist and I liked them. Where I live do not have T-mobile service. After using HD7 for about 20 days using a local carrier, I sold them on ebay and bought two titans from Amazon wireless on 11/26. On 12/5, got an e-mail informing me that the order was canceled because I did not contant amazon wireless. I called and told them that the email sent to me never had a subject telling me to call (never read) e-mail. I was allowed to order again for $0.01 per phone. Still waiting and there is no sign they are shipping. Good news is that Titan is no longer backordered at ATT. Bad news is that Samsung Focus S is backordered at amazon wireless.
Mine changed to shipping soon shipping the 9th delivery the 12th

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