Anyone else find call volume too low?

Look what I found. Take a pin and make small holes from up to down to the earphone hole. There aren't any electronics in that hole. You need to penetrate the fabric and thats it.:excited:

Can u give us the image of that portion that u have penetrated! I just want to see how IT will look.
OP, do you still find the phone quality an upgrade over the 4s? I am a 4s now and am looking to switch, my iPhone is a nice PC device but a horrible cell phone. I constantly am asking callers to repeat themselves because everyone sounds muffled. Also, I miss calls frequently due to the weak vibrate (I haven't used a ringtone in 10+ years).
Also Lumia 925 is incredibly low wolume during phone call. I think that making holes is strange solution, perhaps it should be some software fix for this :-(
Call volume on Nokia Lumia 1020 is ridiculously low. Nokia and Microsoft please fix. Can barely hear in normal situations.

I have tried several different devices and same issue.

If anyone has a solution, please advise.
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Agreed.. Making holes is not a solution... Call volume in 925 is low and so is the vibration when you get a call... When I am on my bike driving can't here or feel the vibrations at all....😞
no solution yet? did someone returned from DP to wp8?
I am on stock WP8 and still the volume is too low *********!!! I had a L920 couple of months ago and during GSM calls i had to turn the volume down cause it was too loud. Now i've jumped to L1020 three days ago and total dissapointment 😠
I'm on stock WP8 and still no luck with volume while making GSM calls. At 10/10 volume setting it feels like it's at 3/10 setting.
Guys the thing with call volume is not dependent on software. The phone hardware is responsible for this. Lumia phones have a sweet spot if you don't keep your ears on it you probably have low volume. I guess this is the case with all Lumia devices.
Nitesh there is no sweet spot, this is worldwide problem buddy. We are not holding it wrong!
And we are not deaf FYI.

And if you continue to claim that there is a sweet spot pls show this ignorant masses how to hold the phone properly LOOL
Very annoyed by the fact we are all scammed. The phone is not capable of doing its main function. Most annoying thing is manufacturers don't respect customers. Why do they need feedback then? Since you disappoint people with a model that brought you interest and not take responsibility for that... what other thing than losing do you expect ?
Yes, it is low! I knew it wasn't only me going crazy. 920's was louder, very clear.
My 1020 is definitely quieter than my previous 925 and my newer 1520... its the only thing that I dont like about that phone!
Sent it to service because of this low call volume. When a phone fails at the most important function..
Did you try to use the toothbrush and sim card tray pin to clean the ear speaker and blow some air inside? It worked for me.
Yes, I did. It's bs, anyway. I have a 3 years old 4s which works perfect, and the hole for the speaker is much bigger, never needed to clean it. The phone is still in service, I am really curious if they will actually do something. If not, the phone is insured. I will drop it in the toilet and exchange it for an iPhone.
Sorry to hear it. As i've said before it has done miracles for me. Call volume is excellent now and i have to turn it down now.
Additional Information:

I had a lumia 1020. Volume was way too low even at 10/10.

My company actually bought me a new 1020. I was able to compare volume between the two, and it was night and day difference. The new phone was plenty loud at 10/10. In fact, I even turned it down to about 6/10, and it was still louder than my previous 1020.

Here's the thing. Over time, the new phone is now too low.

Either the ear-piece slowly degrades and the volume become too low


1 of the many software updates have nerfed the volume.

This is highly frustrating. If I'm not in a totally quite room, I am unable to hear ANY call. I either have to borrow someone else's phone, or use a bluetooth headset.

I haven't had a chance to factory reload my phone. I was wondering, anyone else has explored this area to see if the volume levels were impacted by this. If so, is there a way to restore them?

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