Anyone get the Flash?

I have it!!! It's an amazing unassuming phone. I've been showing it off to people and the screen is usually locked when I do it, as soon as I unlock it and hit the home screen their eyes pop open O.O. Even with a 3.7inch screen, the colors on this phone seem so vibrant and alive. The phone also feels very good to the touch and fits comfortably in any pocket.

Today at work I plan to show off it's voice command features.
So why the Flash instead of S? Maybe its the size reminding me of the iPhone, but I am very tempted to get it. I've got a 16gb nano I can use for music, and will have my Focus with a 16gb card so id be covered from the media player perspective.

Mangos taste better than apples!
I picked it up yesterday after it was clear that at&t isn't going to release the titan any time soon. I'm liking it thus far, but even though I've been using a Nokia x3-02 (smaller than the flash) this phone seems small. Not that it's really a bad thing, this form factor is good for a lot of people; but even with my smallish hands, typing right now in landscape mode seems cramped. I just picked it up yesterday, though, we'll see how i feel before this month is up. If the titan gets a release date soon, I may return this and make the jump.

Overall, it's a solid device. Feels far less flimsy than the Focus S, and was plenty cheaper. It's a fingerprint magnet though, but that's pretty much expected. I'm liking the physical home button, but definitely am having issues getting used to the capacitive buttons being hit accidentally a little too often. Luckily the multitasking is spot on, had no problems getting right back into a program.
And being new to Windows Phone, I'm even more impressed with the experience than I thought I was going to be.
Let me know if you've got any specific questions, I'll check the thread again in a few hours.
I didn't get either the S or the Flash yet, as I haven't been able to make up my mind, but I did spend a while in the store with both.

The smaller form factor of the Flash is exactly what I want, but next to the S, the pentile screen looks terrible. Even though the advertised density should be quite a bit higher due to the same resolution in a smaller space, the Flash appears very pixelated to me. The fewer subpixels is very apparent.

If the Flash had SAMOLED+, I would pay double for it, but as it stands, I think I might have to settle for the unpocketable S.
I'm considering getting one for my wife, the S for myself, but I have yet to find a store that has one of either in stock. My local AT&T store is staffed by idiots that tried to tell me that the release of the phones was delayed until December, and told me I must have bad information when I told them it was released Sunday. The same idiots told me the same thing about the Blackberry 9900 which I wanted to see as well.

The only good thing I could say about those reps is that they didn't try to push me to iphone or android and didn't speak negatively about WP
I have the Focus Flash and I upgraded from a 3GS. I chose the Flash instead of the S because I didn't feel that the S gave me $150 worth of upgrades. The only real difference is the display size and cameras, however I actually like the smaller sized phone and I can read everything on the display. The nokia will also be using the 3.7" display, but without a front facing camera. That is one of the reasons why I chose the flash now instead of waiting for the nokia.
Well you can get it on Amazon for $339 with no sales tax, which is pretty close to what you'd pay if it were $300 + Tax.
long time lurker, first time poster... Bought the Focus Flash Monday morning and loving it! My smartphone history = Samsung Blackjack II, original iPhone, iPhone 3G, Sony Xperia (android 2.1), HTC Surround and now Samsung Focus Flash.

I'm loving the flash. it's similar in size to my surround but lighter (not too light). My wife has had a Samsung Focus for some time now, and I could never put my finger on it, but there was something about that phone's screen and form factor I didn't like. But I definitely enjoy the screen on my Focus Flash. It's bright and crisp; much brighter than my HTC Surround was. The colors really seem to pop.

I was concerned that not having the dedicated speakers that the surround has would be a downer, but the sound on this phone is pretty good. The speaker phone is much stronger than expected and the mids and highs are decent (no bass whatsoever, which is to be expected for a phone).

The camera is definitely an improvement over my HTC surround, and the additional settings available are a plus (EV adjustments, white balance options, ect). As a photography manager at a VERY large resort destination, it's nice to see Samsung put a little bit of effort into offering some great options for a phone camera. The matrix metering (multi-point metering) is decent for a phone too, but I find the center-weighted metering to be a bit inconsistent, but passable.

Anyway, overall I really enjoy the phone and consider it to be a step up from my HTC Surround, even though it's a "budget" phone. I was going to buy the Focus S, but after getting my hands on both it and the Flash, I really enjoyed the Flash.

Now, I will be taking a look at the Titan when it comes out and may trade up, but we'll see come the 20th...
Oh boy, another pro Flash over S person. I love the smaller size, feels better in the hand, and I really like the home button. Oh why not, for $35 from Amazon (family plans can't get it for $.01 for some reason) why not? My iPhone 3gs is up on ebay at $50 already, so I'm coming out $15 ahead.

Plus, I can use my wife's upgrade (she has 3GS and loves it) to get this, and if Nokia has anything stateside in March when I'm due, I can pull the trigger again!
So are you going to take this back now that AT&T has said when they're releasing the Titan?

i very well might actually. i'm not sure i like the battery on this phone very much. and i've had a few small glitchy type issues; not anything damning, but just 'that shouldn't happen' sorts of things. it may be a software issue as i'm new to WP, but it feels more like hardware inconsistencies in my first few days of use. i'm definitely gonna be at my local at&t store on the 20th to spend at least a few minutes with a Titan, and see how that feels to me. i have every intention of keeping whichever phone for the full 2 years of the contract if possible, so if i have to pay a bit more now to get a phone that i'm truly happy with and feels will last for 2 years of use, i'll put down the extra $185 (price difference/restocking) and get the Titan .i was REALLY hoping they'd offer the Titan at $99 or $150, but i should've known that was a pipe dream. haha!
My flash is shipping to me right now(: chose the flash over the s because of the windows key, i just like the design of the phone better than the s. And coming from an hp veer(im a webos refugee looking for a new home) i dont think i could have that huge phone in my hands lol
I picked the Flash over the S. I wasn't paying so price wasn't an issue. I took the Flash because I prefer the smaller form factor, the heft was nicer, the metal back was more appealing, and despite over a decade of carrying around phones with cameras I have never once snapped a picture using one so that advantage was moot.

But wait. It's going back in exchange for the S. The Super AMOLED screen sucks, and I mean it sucks hard. The colors are great. The brightness is great. But that's it. Text renders terribly; especially black font on white background -- which is, of course, the vast majority of what you'll be reading. And it's not just text. On a plain white or gray background, you can see the individual pixels plain as day from 2 feet back. If I've been doing even just 5-10 minutes of web-browsing on the thing, when I look up, the whole world is pixelated until my eyes can clear the noise with a few blinks.

I'll be sad about the exchange. The Flash otherwise has everything I wanted in a phone. It's a damn shame, but I can't live with the pentile.

edit: Oh, and the sound quality is pretty meh. I dunno what the S has to offer in that department, but I've had to ask several people to speak up or more clearly since getting the Flash.
My flash is shipping to me right now(: chose the flash over the s because of the windows key, i just like the design of the phone better than the s. And coming from an hp veer(im a webos refugee looking for a new home) i dont think i could have that huge phone in my hands lol

Congratulations! :D I hope you enjoy your new phone.
My flash arrived this morning. Thought it was time to give Windows Phone a try and the flash seemed like the perfect place to start.

I'm currently using the Infuse. The 4.5 inch screen is nice, but it's not really conducive to one handed use.

Can't wait for the phone to finish charging so I can start playing with it.

Sent from my HTC Flyer P512 using Tapatalk
My flash arrived this morning. Thought it was time to give Windows Phone a try and the flash seemed like the perfect place to start.

I'm currently using the Infuse. The 4.5 inch screen is nice, but it's not really conducive to one handed use.

Can't wait for the phone to finish charging so I can start playing with it.

Sent from my HTC Flyer P512 using Tapatalk

hope you're enjoying it thus far! make sure you go look at microsoft's marketplace extras page, it has staff picks and the best of the best, basically. doesn't cover everything, naturally, but it's a good place to get started, i found a few i liked there.
I picked up the Flash yesterday. I had originally intended on buying the Focus S, but found the Flash more attractive. I am coming from a Galaxy S II. I also have an HD7s and I had the original Focus the day it came out. Believe it or not, I prefer the look and feel of the flash over all the other WP7 devices I have touched or owned. The form factor is just about perfect. The screen could have been a bit larger without detracting anything from the form factor though. Nevertheless, I am happy so far. Granted, it has only been one day.

The Pentile issue isn't nearly as noticable as it was on the Focus. I can overlook that as it is relatively minor most of the time. I wish it would have had the SuperAMOLED Plus display but it is not a deal breaker for me. I also think the Focus S (and Galaxy S II) screen size is on the outside edge of what I feel comfortable with on a cell phone. Anything larger is almost like using a shoe to make phone calls. For me, the Flash is a better size overall.

The camera is a non issue because, well, it has one. My camera needs are relatively simple. I have discovered that the pics come out less blurry using the touch screen vs the physical shutter button. Other than that, no real complaints from me.

The only potential issue is the limit of 8GB of storage. I can live with this, but would have preferred a 16GB option. I also have a 32GB Xoom tablet so not a big deal really.

All in all, I think this is truly an outstanding little device. It's size is mostly a pro in my book. If my goal was to spend a ton of time watching movies or other media, I would just get a tablet (which I already have).

That's a good brief summary of the phone billfraley, sounds like you find it almost pefect for your needs.

Just goes to show, size isn't everything.

Welcome along to WPC, and I hope in the coming days you enjoy your new WP even more. :)

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