Anyone get the Flash?

Glad you like the Flash!

I picked up the Flash yesterday. I had originally intended on buying the Focus S, but found the Flash more attractive. I am coming from a Galaxy S II. I also have an HD7s and I had the original Focus the day it came out. Believe it or not, I prefer the look and feel of the flash over all the other WP7 devices I have touched or owned. The form factor is just about perfect. The screen could have been a bit larger without detracting anything from the form factor though. Nevertheless, I am happy so far. Granted, it has only been one day.

The Pentile issue isn't nearly as noticable as it was on the Focus. I can overlook that as it is relatively minor most of the time. I wish it would have had the SuperAMOLED Plus display but it is not a deal breaker for me. I also think the Focus S (and Galaxy S II) screen size is on the outside edge of what I feel comfortable with on a cell phone. Anything larger is almost like using a shoe to make phone calls. For me, the Flash is a better size overall.

The camera is a non issue because, well, it has one. My camera needs are relatively simple. I have discovered that the pics come out less blurry using the touch screen vs the physical shutter button. Other than that, no real complaints from me.

The only potential issue is the limit of 8GB of storage. I can live with this, but would have preferred a 16GB option. I also have a 32GB Xoom tablet so not a big deal really.

All in all, I think this is truly an outstanding little device. It's size is mostly a pro in my book. If my goal was to spend a ton of time watching movies or other media, I would just get a tablet (which I already have).

I agree on all fronts. The one thing that concerns me about the S is being in my back pocket when I ride my bike (road and mountain). That's a big piece of expensive fun to have in my jersey. The smaller Flash is definitely more appealing especially since I can use the original Focus as my media player in terms of storage.

I'll have to see how the S feels in the jersey pocket before I make the call on keeping it or going with the Flash. Which, IMHO, definitely has a more appealing form factor.
I picked up the Flash yesterday. I had originally intended on buying the Focus S, but found the Flash more attractive. I am coming from a Galaxy S II. I also have an HD7s and I had the original Focus the day it came out. Believe it or not, I prefer the look and feel of the flash over all the other WP7 devices I have touched or owned. The form factor is just about perfect. The screen could have been a bit larger without detracting anything from the form factor though. Nevertheless, I am happy so far. Granted, it has only been one day.

The Pentile issue isn't nearly as noticable as it was on the Focus. I can overlook that as it is relatively minor most of the time. I wish it would have had the SuperAMOLED Plus display but it is not a deal breaker for me. I also think the Focus S (and Galaxy S II) screen size is on the outside edge of what I feel comfortable with on a cell phone. Anything larger is almost like using a shoe to make phone calls. For me, the Flash is a better size overall.

The camera is a non issue because, well, it has one. My camera needs are relatively simple. I have discovered that the pics come out less blurry using the touch screen vs the physical shutter button. Other than that, no real complaints from me.

The only potential issue is the limit of 8GB of storage. I can live with this, but would have preferred a 16GB option. I also have a 32GB Xoom tablet so not a big deal really.

All in all, I think this is truly an outstanding little device. It's size is mostly a pro in my book. If my goal was to spend a ton of time watching movies or other media, I would just get a tablet (which I already have).

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That's a good brief summary of the phone billfraley, sounds like you find it almost pefect for your needs.

Just goes to show, size isn't everything.

Welcome along to WPC, and I hope in the coming days you enjoy your new WP even more. :)

WeeBear, is the Omnia 7 essentially the Flash with 16gb and a 4" screen? That looks like the perfect WP!! I would buy that in a heart beat if came out in the States.
WeeBear, is the Omnia 7 essentially the Flash with 16gb and a 4" screen? That looks like the perfect WP!! I would buy that in a heart beat if came out in the States.

The Omnia 7 is basically a Focus with 8GB and a uSD card slot. [EDIT: Wrong :(]

Omnia W, iirc, is the Focus Flash in everywhere but the USA.
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Omnia 7 has expandable memory???? Hmmmm, that might change things.

I actually don't know that for sure. I just know the Omnia 7 was always considered the counterpart to the original Focus.

EDIT: I'm really sorry for the misinformation, there is no SD card slot on the Omnia 7, not even internal.
Yes the Omnia 7 is just the same as the Focus (not focus flash) except it's in an all metal square sexy case, no plastic at all. :)

I chose it because of it's square design, and I still think it's once of the nicest looking WP's, only being matched by the new Nokia Lumia 800. :)
I always liked the look of the Omnia7. I find it much more appealing than the other 1st Gen WP7 devices.

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Ended up swapping for the titan today with the 1 cent sale. I loved the flash, but decided it was a bit on the small side for me, and that I wanted a better camera. Other than those two things, it was great, but I'm loving my new Titan too :)
Yes the Omnia 7 is just the same as the Focus (not focus flash) except it's in an all metal square sexy case, no plastic at all. :)

I chose it because of it's square design, and I still think it's once of the nicest looking WP's, only being matched by the new Nokia Lumia 800. :)

WeeBear....couldn't have said it better myself. I also think the Omnia 7 is one of the best looking 1st gen WP phones. I actually read somewhere that AT&T was given first choice of design for the Focus and they declined on the "sexy boxey metal" design and went with the plasticy SGS design instead. I really wished they had gone the former verison instead of the latter. I have the Omina 7 in my arsenal of phones and by far prefer it to the Focus in terms of asthetics.

For 2nd gen WP phones thus far....the Lumia takes first place IMHO......VERY SEXY :)
Yes have to agree juggalonation75, the new sexy Omnia 7, is definately the Lumia 800, nothing comes close. :)
Just asked my Sales rep (work account) to swoop my HTC vivid for the focus flash. I sick of android and heard how good windows phone 7 is and how great performance and battery life is.

So Hi All.
I'm picking this phone up pretty soon.
One reason.
Its the cheapest, newer end, WP7 phone on the market.
I should have it in a week or so.
Just asked my Sales rep (work account) to swoop my HTC vivid for the focus flash. I sick of android and heard how good windows phone 7 is and how great performance and battery life is.

So Hi All.
Congrats Nitro, you will love the WP side of the fence. I've had the Droid Incredible, and Droid didn't. Better than iOS too.
I should have mine tomorrow. I picked the flash mainly because of price. I bought an iPhone 4 when they first came out as my first smartphone. I then sold it and used the money to buy a Motorolla Atrix off contract. I am now selling that and using it to buy the flash. I should end up with very little money out of pocket for the phone. I used the original Focus for awhile when I had to send my Atrix to get fixed. I loved using WP7, but needed wifi hotspot and thus switched back to the Atrix. Since the gen 2 WP7 have the wifi hotspot, I decided to switch back. I know I probably could have gotten the hotspot to work on the original focus through some methods on XDA, but the phone just bothers me from a design standpoint. Anyways, I will post my opinions of the flash once I have it.
That's how I felt too. Just something about the Focus I didn't like. Ive got the omnia 7 now, and it s lot better than the focus.

Love the design and physical home button.

Sent from my Samsung Omnia 7, the official WP of WeeBears everywhere, using Board Express
I just got my Focus Flash. It was suppose to get in Saturday...but I just got it. I have just started playing with it, but so far I have to say it is amazing. It feels a good bit snappier than the original Focus.
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Very nice, enjoy!

Sent from my Samsung Omnia 7, the official WP of WeeBears everywhere, using Board Express
I have had the phone for a few days now. I think it is absolutely amazing. I thought the screen might be too small before I bought it, but I find the screen a nice size. The phone has just been great so far.

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