Anyone know of free software to convert MKV files to MP4? To play on the surface

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MKV, MP4, M4V, AVI and WMV are all containers for underlying video and audio formats, with MKV being the most versatile and allowing the most A/V codecs to be held within it.
Comparison of container formats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People like to use MKV because it is open source and can incorporate more standards in the same container
Which is also it's downfall, IMHO. MKV has been the cause of CODEC "heck", and malware infestation (from people trying to download the proper codecs, but getting malware instead). Even the "professional" pirate guys have decided to drop MKV's and DIVIX and go to MP4, which is a good thing.
Good point, although MP4/M4V supports a significant number of codecs as well so you can run into the same problems if the video isn't encoded in a OS default codec.

I came across a great program, think it was MediaInfo, that will tell you what codecs each stream in a container is encoded with if you ever have playback issues. Suggest everyone downloads it, will double check on the name when I get to my computer
I would recommend a free software called "Format Factory", this software can convert all known media formats to any other formats as you want.

Still, I'm looking forward to a free media player app that supports MKV file playback, it takes time to convert MKV files to MP4 format......
Handbrake wins hands down.. Theres also a mod of it called Vidcoder which has some options no longer in Handbrake like coding to aim for a specific output filesize..
Xmedia Recode is my preferred method, I just set it to copy it will take just a minute or two, no encoding..
May I ask what are all these MKV videos, that everyone is spending time converting to mp4 and why?

Are they purchased movies that you convert to mp4 before you watch them on your computer/tablet? If movies, what about DRM? If not movies, then what?

Sorry for my ignorance on the topic, but I can tell from all the software solutions, that something big must be going on. Without me.

Best wishes, No worries.
Bit torrent......there is a lot of stuff available. Movies, books, and software file sharing it is not politically correct. I guess it is really hot now down under because their media distribution is not that great. Game of thrones is their # 1 pirated download. Zdnet did an article in the past week about the Australian Gov. and this problem.

This stuff goes in cycles. I think it will get a lot tougher soon. Do a bing search for "torrent crazy" and "torrentz" or "yify". There is almost anything available but what the heck there is enough stuff on youtube to last the rest of your life. Once in a while I go on PBS kick and watch hours of documentaries with basically no ads.

I dropped cable and then DishNetwork and got Netflix for a year or so. I have just dropped Netflix and tried Amazon prime "free trial" dropped that to. I am down to OTA HDTV basically for PBS because I can't stand the adds on regular TV.
Re: calfee20,
Thank you for explaining.
I didn't think anyone was going to respond. It got quiet so suddenly. Maybe the topic was covered.

Best Wishes, No Worries.
I prefer PLEX for watching all my 1080p HD blu ray mkv movies (or any other video/format files) on my Surface 2 (RT). It plays everything! Ever since I started using PLEX about a year ago, I've never had to worry about converting or what video/file format a movie is in again! It doesn't matter... PLEX will convert and transcode on the fly if it cant already play it natively.

I have hundreds of movies in several folders, and I can access them all and stream them instantly to my Surface 2 in full 1080p HD!

First, download and install the free PLEX media server desktop application on your PC (I have two servers running; one on a desktop PC, and the other on a laptop) and create an account. Then, set it up by telling it which folders contain all your movie/video files. That's it! Leave everything else at default settings...

Next, get the PLEX client app(s) for $4.99 ea. (the best $4.99 you'll ever spend! I bought it for both my Surface 2 (RT) and my Nokia 1020)

Start the PLEX app, log into your account, and enjoy playing all your movies without having to worry about file formats or converting files!
All the ratings complain about audio problems.

Works fine for me; perhaps those people have corrupt files or simply have no idea that the app doesn't support MPEG and DTS audio (or even what these terms mean and what their MKVs contain). Best to use the trial period to comprehensively test with your own media library before purchasing. I'll admit though it's not as good as the app mentioned below (despite the latter's price gouging and $5 increase from an already pricey $9.99 to $14.99).

If you just want to play existing MKV files on the RT, use PowerDVD Mobile. No conversion (time consuming and eats storage) required.
Why not try Avidemux? There is no need to convert the file.
Mkv is a container; it contains a video- and an audio stream. Avidemux simply strips them out of the container and puts them in a container of your choosing, like MP4 or whatever you want. It can also convert the tracks to pretty much any format you like… and it’s free!
Avidemux web site
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Faasoft Video Converter is a widely used way to convert MKV to MP4 on Mac and Windows. Maybe you should give it a try.
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