Anyone NOT having battery issues?


New member
Nov 20, 2011
I just pre-ordered a Lumia despite all the reports of battery life. At least I have until they ship it to change my mind...

I'm just curious as to how widespread this problem is. Obviously more people with a problem is gonna post something than people that are perfectly happy.

So anyone got a Lumia and is happy with the battery?
Question for you guys I bought the Lumia 800 and im in Canada will I get these updates? These updates are sent via carrier right?
I honestly have no battery complaints so far - it's holding up as well as I'd expect it to, and if the updates improve it further still so much the better.
My battery has been fine, really good actually. I may have been one of the lucky ones. I've been using the white background (which is supposed to use the battery faster) and pretty heavy use and easily getting full days. My wife's has been good also, and she has been gaming.
Question for you guys I bought the Lumia 800 and im in Canada will I get these updates? These updates are sent via carrier right?

Oh good, someone if Canada that actually has it, which carrier are you on? I'm on Bell, and I'm trying to get my gf's dad to bring it over...

I hope I don't have to pay early termination fee and switch carriers :(
Question for you guys I bought the Lumia 800 and im in Canada will I get these updates? These updates are sent via carrier right?
All updates come through Microsoft. But if your phone is carrier locked, the update goes from the OEM (Nokia) to the carrier for testing before being released. If your phone is carrier unlocked, the update will pass from Nokia, to Microsoft, who will deliver it to you via Zune.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
Question for you guys I bought the Lumia 800 and im in Canada will I get these updates? These updates are sent via carrier right?

I don't know how it goes on WP side, but thinking 800 is sold unlocked, it would be silly for it not to get updates.
Carriers slow the process as they need t approve it, while unlocked phones get the updates first. That's how it usually goes.
Wow, mine doesn't have a good battery life like that. Wonder if it's a batch thing.

Which carrier are you on?

Mine's with 3 UK.

But getting it replaced tomorrow due to issues with screen... So I'll still be on same network, and might get one from a bad batch again. Battery max charge is 1327 mAh and drains like mad.
Wow, mine doesn't have a good battery life like that. Wonder if it's a batch thing.

Which carrier are you on?

Mine's with 3 UK.

But getting it replaced tomorrow due to issues with screen... So I'll still be on same network, and might get one from a bad batch again. Battery max charge is 1327 mAh and drains like mad.

As mentioned in another thread, for some reason, the battery charge has been limited by software means and will be increased to 1450 mAh with the second update.
Thanks guys! My Lumia will ship tomorrow (just got the confirmation e-mail), so I guess we'll see... Hopefully it doesn't have any issues!:)
I guess I am one of those in-between guys. Its neither good.. nor bad.. only just.. I am just about able to get through the day. It might also be because the signal isnt good at my workplace
Battery Life

I don't have any problems with my battery. I have the Lumia 800 completely unlocked. Its running on O2 UK.

Current Battery Status..

Voltage : 4.1
Current. 181 mA (Discharging)
Full Charge Capacity: 1506 mAh
Remaining Charge Capacity: 1295 mAh

I took the phone off charge just after 6 am and its now 09.12 am.

I have had no problems at all. Love this phone :)

Hope this helps.
I bought one on Friday, and returned it on Saturday after it gave me 2 hours battery life!!!

The store swapped it straight out for me, and the battery on this is very good. I have 7 email accounts checked, weather app, xbox live, facebook, twitter, all running on the live-tiles. Along with Nokia maps, local scout, calendar, zune, and I'm getting a good 14 hours out of it.

The battery will get better after a few recharges anyway.

So I'm happy.

I came from Blackberry. Started messing about with this phone in the shop and was totally blown away by the OS.

Very very impressed.

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